European Day of Languages (September 2020)

European Day of Languages (September 2020)

255 Просмотров

Transylvania College is the only school in Romania to offer a complete educational track, from nursery through high school, on two lines of study. The school earned BSO status in 2013 and it was most recently inspected in February 2019 (third successful inspection). It is also a COBIS Accredited Member, a Global Member of Round Square and G30 Schools. The school’s educational philosophy delivers a progressive 21st-century education by focusing on four main strands: Academics, Leadership, Wellbeing and Global Awareness. We feel that students learn best when they feel part of the process, when they take responsibility for their progress and development.

Aleea Baisoara nr. 2A
Cluj-Napoca 400445, Romania
t. +40 264 418 990, f. +40 264 418 991
e-mail: [email protected]

Anca Rusu
Director of Admissions
[email protected]
t. +40 724 047 566


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