Social justice is the fair and equitable division of resources, opportunities and rights. periodt. The idea of the redistribution of economic fruits with the help of public agencies is only scary if you're not poor or have experienced invisible barriers all your life.
The gap between rich and poor grow as the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Social justice understands that there are groups of people throughout history who are suffering due to the systematic structures in place that make it hard for them to get out of this struggle. If it wasn't for people fighting for social justice, the civil rights for black Americans of all political ideologies would not be where it is today. It's not just about people with blue hair changing their pronouns every 3 days and hating on unborn fetuses.
I’ll need a second and third watch to fully appreciate this piece.
I’d clicked on the video because I have a keen interest in social justice so what better way to understand it if not seek out it’s true definition and meaning?
Thank you.
a member or members of a self-appointed group of citizens who undertake law enforcement in their community without legal authority, typically because the legal agencies are thought to be inadequate.
Jonah is lazy intellectualism defined
Ответить"I'm not taking pie from you. I'm giving pie to me." Penn & Teller
ОтветитьSound like communism to me. Ironically, social justice warriors are exactly the same as "useful idiots" in accordance with communist doctrine. They are the first to fall.
ОтветитьHow could he be so happy talking about such a dark topic.
ОтветитьWe don't need some new mumble jumble movement that accepts every crazy belief, or everyone that pushes their brand of insanity. There needs to be a clear line between sinful lifestyles, and good morals. Social Justice is trying to blur that line.
ОтветитьThe term "Social Justice" is redundant. The word "Justice" alone, already includes society. Another misnomer invented by the left!
ОтветитьPrager U = Trump University 2.0
ОтветитьOh political opportunism such as dog whistling right wingers to condone fascism you mean? Yea I can see that.
ОтветитьSocial Justice is vigilantism.
ОтветитьSocial justice is simply a lie
Once you place an adjective of that nature with the word justice, the word justice no longer has meaning.
It's well explained. I disagree but I admire the clarity of the presentation. Now let me say why I disagree. Who else than the state is supposed to make sure people do not starve to death due to things well outside of their control such as illness, accidents, loss of job, etc.? How would you deal with these issues in another way?
As, in whatever words we put it, how does anybody justify having a mansion with ten pools just because of sheer luck of how they were born and another person dying miserably because of a fundamentally flawed belief that being able to be ruthless when you are at the peak of your strenght and have all the resources somehow equals freedom?
Let me break it to you, nobody is free and by definition can't be because when you wake up and pour yourself a glass of water, you are already dependent on a number of people. So, my question is if it is wrong for the state to somehow influence the distribution of money, who else is going to do it?
Social justice is a fancy name for fascism. These social justice scum bags, harass people, to get what they want. They're terrorists.
ОтветитьI read a book in the 5th grade "farm town" . Think that was the name. Simplified version of social justice. Wish kids still learned it
ОтветитьSocial justice is a nonsense term made up by crybaby whiners that haven't put the work in or simply don't have the skills needed for a specific job or duty.
Ответить. Great video !
ОтветитьHave you ever noticed social justice only flows one direction
ОтветитьLieutenant Worf: [referring to Admiral Satie] I believed her. I, I helped her. I did not see what she was.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Mister Worf, villains who twirl their moustaches are easy to spot. Those who clothe themselves in good deeds are well camouflaged.
Lieutenant Worf: I think... after yesterday, people will not be so ready to trust her.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Maybe. But she, or someone like her, will always be with us, waiting for the right climate in which to flourish, spreading fear in the name of righteousness. Vigilance, Mister Worf - that is the price we have to continually pay.
(Star Trek: The Next Generation)
Goes against Samuel Adams comment rejecting the redistribution of wealth.
ОтветитьThe haves do have too much, the problem is that Social Justice f*ks those that aren't part of the problem.
ОтветитьSocial justice is when the privilege of a few become the rights of all
ОтветитьA classic straw-man argument. If you don't catch that they are defining their own terms, then they got you. People cannot define the terms "social justice." What does this mean? That there's something wrong with the concept (hint: it's abstract, not concrete).
PragerU's definition of "social justice": "anything their champions want it to mean." And, "social justice is code for good things no one needs to argue for, and no one dare be against." This is "their" definition; not those who advocate for social justice. It is this straw-man argument that gets one to believe against social justice, and liberal policies.
Who are present-day believers in an absolute truth? The conservative party.
"Compassion" = Social Justice? = When government takes "your" money and gives it to someone else? First off, compassion is not social justice. It is an individual feeling that we have that "moves" us to help a person. Mark 8:2 “I have compassion for these people; they have already been with me three days and have nothing to eat." Greed is when you want to keep [your own money]? By this definition, you're damned if you do; you're damned if you don't. By way, people who have compassion, are happier; by contrast, greedy persons are unhappy. Maybe this is why conservatives are so unhappy.
Social justice is political taxing
ОтветитьSocial Justice is a fraud perpetrated on the gullible and inexperienced. The older I get, the more I agree with my ancestor's insistence that no one is capable of self governance (adulthood) until they're at least 21-25 years old. You think I'm bad? The Bible sets that age at thirty! I can't argue at this wisdom from my ancestors either. In fact, very often in the past, newlyweds often went to the man's family home to live for the first five or six years of their marriage. Seems like a good idea to me. Neither of them are really 'grown up' yet. Yeah, there are problems with dysfunctional families. No mistake. for the most part though, it works out very well for everyone concerned. This is one reason most of this political absurdity currently being foisted on our children is so effective. We cut them off and kick them out, so to speak, whilst they are still basically children.
ОтветитьMy definition of "Social Justice" is simply "Socialism". It doesn't get simplier than that.
ОтветитьYou ruined it within 4 seconds. EVERYONE KNOWS you should NEVER talks politics at a party.
Jokes apart, how is it that you can just brush away the fact that a concept like ''Social justice'' can incorporate sub-issues? It's simpleton rhetoric. Is the fact that say, one college is advocating for ''equity in salary'' and calls it ''social justice'', make the broader concept of social justice irrelevant and a scam, because another college focuses on ''reparation for Native Americans'' or whatever else, and also calls it social justice?
It's pretty much as dumb as like saying ''economical growth'' is confused because some say it's ''more jobs'' and other say '' it's more exportations'' and other say it's ''cleanse public finance'', but we all follow when someone evoke the abracadabra phrase ''economical growth.''
Do politicians hijack and use the term ''social justice'' to push their interests? Of course they do. Just like ''economical growth'' is a magic term that makes everyone stop to care about other issues. More state? Hello no. But biased take like this one are just as bad in the other direction.
All of human affairs are concepts, and it is to whom pushes the concepts that serve them best forward and manages to make enough people to believe that this concept is the right one, whether you're left or right, liberal or conservative They either push theirs, or deconstruct the concept they are opposed to. Your take on social justice is as bias as any. It's just that instead of pushing forward your side, you work on undermining the opposite or the one you believe opposed to your personal interests.
1.4 million people actually watched this video explains why the U.S Democracy is in Shambles
ОтветитьI need the script, but the link is broken on Prager's website.
ОтветитьOnce again, PragerU forgets to cite its sources. Once again, I am left wondering if any of these quotes are real.
ОтветитьSocial justice is just communism with a post-graduate degree.
ОтветитьFrancis Schaeffer had a good grasp of this. He referred to freedom and form. An example is a soccer game. The field, the goals and the rules are the form, the players have freedom of movement within that form. Note that without the form, you don’t even have a game. If players just ran around the field anywhere they wished and kicked the ball at random, you would have anarchy. As it is, the form defines the boundaries of the game. But with just the form, you don’t have a game either.
The same is true of politics. Freedom without form is anarchy. Form without freedom is totalitarianism. Western culture for all its faults has, so far, found a better form/freedom balance than any other culture in history. But some are trying to dismantle that.
That quote about people believing in absolute truth being an enemy of social Justice blew my mind. I thought it was going in a totally different direction but holy shit how does that quote even exist.
ОтветитьAnyone arguing against social justice has a nefarious agenda of their own, IMO.
Social justice is oxygen.
Don’t let anyone take your right to breathe away from you!
Social Justice = Racism.
ОтветитьI should write a book, titled Social Justice Idealism, as form of mental disorder.
ОтветитьDuring the corona pandemic, the richest only got richer and the poor poorer. The message this video sends is that it was right just and meant to be that way. Now with wars on the rise in the "civilized west", the rich owning assets in the military industrial complex will propably continue to get even richer from the public money countries are forced to pour by the billions into manufacturing weapons. The money that could have been used to build schools, hospitals, venues for culture... is now used to build weapons... The "socialist dystopia" these PragerU videos are so much warning about never happened and will not happen in the west any time soon. It seems in 2024 that the far right from Russia AND the US (and Israel) is taking our world to wars once again to actually "redistribute wealth" between opposing economic powers... When the ash settles, the winner takes all that's left. If Trump wins and decides to veto from protecting Europe from Russia, serious events could occur... But I guess none of that matters. Far right militarism doesn't matter. Neoliberal economic trickery and avoiding taxation doesn't matter. Only seeing leftist tears and hating on your fellow humans matters in these parts of the internet.
Ответитьan occult
ОтветитьSlavery and the War on Drugs were well documented. They were not PERCEIVED social wrongs done to people by the US government.
ОтветитьI wonder what Jesus would say..about things like social justice..if there was only a interview with him about that..or a book...
ОтветитьThere are so many inaccuracies in this video.
ОтветитьThe oldest fraud is the belief that the political left the party of the poor and downtrodden.
ОтветитьSocial Justice is communism
ОтветитьTheres definitely something to it. The desire for a better society is hard to deny. The woke will wake up, the sleepers shall sleep.
Ответить"I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned." Not sure who said that first, but it's genius.
ОтветитьThis video very one-sided and distorts the term Liberal - which, if you are for individual rights, civil liberties, democracy, free enterprise (among other things), you are by definition - liberal. The person also creates a very distorted view of social justice, without acknowleging that the process of accumulating wealth has problems, such as corruption and other white collar crimes that lead to the further enrichment of some. Furthermore, this person also creates this false sense that all is well and as should be, and that the idea of social justice itself is the problem.
In reality, without social justice, women would not have the right to vote, segregation would still exist, veterans would not have benefits, people with disabilities would not have right, etc. This person does not provide a very realistic picture of social justice and apparently, lacks the education and lived experiences that would inform him of these issues.
So you propse not important what you earn 1$ or 1000000$ per year there should be one "just" tax of 1$/y for evrybody. This is agenda of this "Institute"? If you earn the last amouth it is not cause you are "smartwr and superior" and you have to pay to state service of providing you such circumstances which these days are not granted to evrybody.