Why Are Millionaires Moving Abroad? + The Biggest Deals in Podcasting | Prof G Markets

Why Are Millionaires Moving Abroad? + The Biggest Deals in Podcasting | Prof G Markets

The Prof G Show – Scott Galloway

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@Voltaire80 - 12.09.2024 21:53

Tech and tech bros are exactly like the GOP.: On the one hand, capable of making a mountain out of a molehill, while also and in the end, just empty noise and hyperbole. Why today Tech is such a huge donor and supporter of the GOP is a natural consequence we continue to feel its suprising. I mean... . Irony is wasted on the .....

@ttbalog - 12.09.2024 19:09

Ed likes to live in a free world but with a dictatorial mindset. Why can't countries compete for the rich?

@trinimusa4069 - 12.09.2024 18:37

A well to do European is complaining about the ability to move from one country to another freely. He is also upset that people who live in a country, pays rent, buys food, supports the local economy but earns their revenue outside of the UK doesn't pay taxes. I'm confused

@TheMasterpulha - 12.09.2024 17:59

Well, let me tell you on the other side of the coin regarding Golden Visas in Portugal. Me and wife, both have way above average Portuguese salaries. Since the Golden Visa it's impossible for us to buy a house in my own city. We cant compete with the income of individuals coming from abroad. Golden Visas in a poor country destroy the economic power and the expectation of ever been able to buy a home to the natives of the country. Coming from a person who preaches to be so worried about young people not been able to buy a house, Scot had a terrible take on this.

@kevdaag2523 - 12.09.2024 17:37

Scott: we have aircraft carriers off their Coast to defend Japan.
Me: Maybe that threat is a reason to keep steel production here at home?

If there is xenophobia here, maybe it's xenophobia about China and not xenophobia about Japan. I guess I'm saying maybe it's similar to the chips act, which was basically a recognition that a critical industry is very much under direct threat of Chinese hegemony

@kromekicks - 12.09.2024 16:30

Liberals are ruining the country, though.

@nonexistent5030 - 12.09.2024 08:34

So you're telling me raising taxes on capital drives capital to other sovereign jurisdictions? Crazy. Makes it sound like competition exists even at the federal level.... nahhhh no wayyyy.

@contracthit9839 - 12.09.2024 01:46

American men are going overseas because they dont want to date American women who are recognized as highly undesired throughout the world.. Overweight unfriendly and masculine..

@chrisnuk - 12.09.2024 01:38

I had my son in a private school in London. I put him in a state school - partly because of the extra 20% VAT. The best decision I made the school is good, walkable, and I'm getting something for the taxes I pay.

@G-Man3OH3 - 12.09.2024 00:37

Love this show! Thank you guys so much!!

@stevemana1749 - 11.09.2024 22:58

In retirement we took a golden visa in S America, cost of living among the reasons. But we get so much more, culture, language, and affordable medical care.

Also, We were in Miami South Beach recently, the summer days are swampy unbearably HOT and humid... love the place for visits and the culture rocks, but a full summer living in it, no thanks. Not to mention books being dangerous in FL😮. And of course, don't forget the hurricane season 😜

@briancase6180 - 11.09.2024 08:47

It is pretty amazing to hear how "everybody is fleeing San Francisco, it's s hell hole" and then slowly they move back. I've been here a while--40 years, and the city just keeps going. San Francisco has problems, for sure. The political situation needs improvement, and it will improve. And then San Francisco will have all the beauty and aesthetics along with a forward-thinking culture. Maga will want to vacation here, like the old days

@bvanderford - 11.09.2024 04:28

How would you compare the experience of being a man versus being a woman in the Middle East?

@jorgecorsi3015 - 11.09.2024 03:00

US Steel was founded by Andrew Carnegie and was acquired by JP Morgan

@jorgecorsi3015 - 11.09.2024 02:57

This thing with MSFT basically is a old practice .. if you guys remember there's a Thae Simpsons episode where Bil Gates comes in and buy a Company only to destroy it

@brianmccullough4578 - 11.09.2024 01:19

Well that’s do the math, an ounce of coke is like $1250 for good shit. But like the more you buy, the more you save so it gets cheaper and cheaper by the gram, how big of a swimming pool are we talking about?

@scottanderson9656 - 11.09.2024 00:56

One of the reasons why Silicon Valley is what it is is that there is the money there to buy out or fund small companies. Also, the people needed to start companies are in the Bay Area. I believe idea of just cutting taxes will create jobs was properly gutted in "What's wrong with Kansas". Florida seems more interested in culture wars than anything else; the place seems like an anger fest.

@Sean-sw8oy - 10.09.2024 20:51

Great episode

@DonutMaster001 - 10.09.2024 19:56

In my experience in the corporate world, there really are no "Mergers". Some Acquisitions masquerade as "Mergers", but sooner (usually) or later the real agenda emerges.

@DanielTyson1 - 10.09.2024 19:44

Scott’s humour is so wild 😂😂😂 must be fun to work with him

@majohns2nc - 10.09.2024 19:32

Exactly right. This is a signal of the end of "integrated steel," relative to "mini-mills and micro mills" for steel. Market cap for Nucor is $33B. Market cap for Steel Dynamics is $17B. Market cap for US Steel is $7B. That neither Nucor not Steel Dynamics seem to have tried to acquire US Steel should be a market signal. "X" should buy US Steel, just for the rights to the stock ticker.

@TempaHull - 10.09.2024 18:48

You mention that more people are willing to endure ads, and that may be true, but not for me, and I subscribe to many podcasts. I grew up in the 80s, and I can't stand commercials. I still remember when we didn't have a remote, and I couldn't even mute them. Subscription streaming is the way to go for me. The only reason why I listen to podcasts is because I can fast forward through the ads. I still can't stand them, and if I couldn't skip through them, I wouldn't listen to nearly as many episodes as I currently do. Eventually, I realize this feature will be taken away from me, so I'm enjoying it now while I can.

@voicification - 10.09.2024 17:54

Couldn’t agree more with Galloway and his co host. Florida never stood a chance and it was all to save on taxes.

@JaneDoe-rn4tm - 10.09.2024 17:24

can we get an episode of Scott shitting on Trudeau and the absolute tragedy the Canadian economy and housing market is

@hudooguru2 - 10.09.2024 17:14

good am laughs with the staff. gracias.

@natalie8NB - 10.09.2024 15:53

AI is a NATO scale business issue not Main or Wall St.

@Mike-fb9mg - 10.09.2024 15:40

Re - tax havens

Ed, you dont get it, when you (and you will - I believe in you) have a massive tax bill, you will consider moving.

@dragoaus - 10.09.2024 14:47

Did the just say that people are going to Dubai because they want human rights? Has he ever been in Dubai?

@Jfromes1 - 10.09.2024 14:43

I'm right of center but always find myself defending California to my similar minded friends. The weather, the people and the fact so many top tier technology and entertainment companies call the state home make it incredibly attractive to smart, driven young people.

@sidharthpattabhiram - 10.09.2024 14:30

Ed, u definitely need to go to Dubai! It's a great place for upper middle class and bordering rich also.

@valetudo1569 - 10.09.2024 12:30

"US taxes will follow you all your life" in terms of where you live... I've heard this so many times, including from my finance professor in college. It only applies to those making over 100k USD... I live in China and I've filed every year and paid zero US taxes. I understand why Scott and others would say this though as they are high income earners

@edwardkelly345 - 10.09.2024 12:14

Doha is in Qatar, not UAE, but yes that airport is amazing. The free computer lounge is equipped with all top of the line Macs with like 55 inch monitors or something (maybe 43 or 46 or something, I forget, but huge). Qatar's airline is also really great.

@tr-vh3ec - 10.09.2024 11:32

I think the US steel deal is also about national defence policy. It's important to keep certain industries in house even if the buyer is a 'close ally'.

@kangamagic1206 - 10.09.2024 10:39

Why the hate for Maine? It's like if something isn't filled with money and scantily clad women and alcohol, Scott thinks that it's pedestrian and ugly. I don't understand how a professor can have such a lack of respect and desire for goods that don't directly satiate bodily desires.

@marcialabrahantes3369 - 10.09.2024 10:19

All countries should implement the lifetime citizenship tax policies as the US, so long as there's generous double taxation limits (I believe it's 120k if a US Citizen gets an European job).

Your citizenship is basically rent, no way around it.

Maybe then stateless-ness would be viewed more favorably.

@gsmarin1 - 10.09.2024 09:16

I went to Florida once, it was flat, full of bugs, and tons of creepy Right Wing Assholes. So I'm thriving in San Francisco ,. so come to town this winter, we can surf in the morning, snowboard in the afternoon..

@adamthekiwione - 10.09.2024 08:59

How come all the top money guys managed to move away from California and avoid the state tax, but the rank and file were all forced to pony up? (The expensive advice I've always gotten was there was no way to avoid CA RSU taxes)

@tyc00n - 10.09.2024 08:53

did you use Pi? it would just call you "ist"s like ists I never even heard of before

@ShakthiDhasan-e8h - 10.09.2024 08:13

Trump cuffed first, next musk

@robertetin1156 - 10.09.2024 08:00

In the long term, millionaires leaving is a good thing for a country or state. And the more the better. It may cost the treasury some money, but it will also lower property values and reduce inequality. In a democracy this will make housing more affordable for the less wealthy and elected government more responsive to middle class concerns.

@iamjustguy - 10.09.2024 07:08

Can’t tell if I listened to a hastens ad read or not

@alexmacgregor - 10.09.2024 06:58

Agree. Long time Emirates customer. It rocks!

@stephenharwood4345 - 10.09.2024 06:53

u gotta get that lift...

@xuover - 10.09.2024 06:51

1m08s Who are these others?!?!?

@bnwo - 10.09.2024 06:31

I skip the ads on the Prof G Show every time.

@kkots - 10.09.2024 04:58

Americans still have to report income to the IRS no matter where they live in the world. Expat income is taxed differently but it still happens. Unlike other citizens of other countries who generally get to keep what they earn outside their home country and do not owe taxes to home country.

@waynelondon9776 - 10.09.2024 03:46

I love streaming my favourite content from different podcasters that I am specifically interested in. Some that are longer format podcasts I pay subscription price to avoid the advertising and on shorter content I live with it. I would pay to spare myself the advertising on Prof G markets. Keep it coming.
