We need the game to work and we need gang gang and good comms to get dev wiped for good
ОтветитьWatching you tame that Bracchi reminded me of something that's baffled me for a while. What's the deal with herbivores needing WAAAY more kibble to tame than their nearest carnivore counterpart? For example, a vanilla 150 bronto, on official rates, requires about 54 exceptional kibble to tame, whereas a 150 giga only needs 19....nearly 1/3 of the amount. What's the justification?
ОтветитьAlways tamed xiphactinus by bringing it to shore. Thought that was the way it had to be done lol. Me and my friends call it the floppy fish from flopping on land.
ОтветитьTBH sometimes I like to see you struggle Raas. It's a bit comforting for me, even people with 10k+ hours are struggling. But this X-fish nonsense was too much... I would have rage quit at least 3 times.... Maybe next time a less stressful challenge? How about fishing? Jk.
ОтветитьYour not sensitive! This new chat just sucks! ❤ you Bruhh and all you do Raas!