Soaring Society of Boulder - Soaring Camps 1980

Soaring Society of Boulder - Soaring Camps 1980

John Bryan

54 года назад

384 Просмотров

This vintage 8 mm film was made in the summer of 1980. It features the Soaring Society of Boulder camps held at Scottsbluff, Nebraska (May 24th and 25th) and another at Kremmling, Colorado (June 14th and 15th). There is also some film from the club's home port in Boulder.

At Scottsbluff, the first day was too windy to fly with winds at 30 knots and tornado watches. By the 2nd day the winds had subsided; our local host, Don Singer and Greg Storms both received their silver distance. Judy Chastain made a flight to Torrington, Wyoming resulting in both silver distance and silver altitude. Dick Sierzant declined to finish his bowl of soup at lunch when he won the first afternoon position on the flight list and was rewarded by gaining his silver altitude. Dave "Downwind Dash" Dooley fell just inches short of his silver distance because he had not yet feasted on the now famous Dooley's Downwind Dash Beans - recipe below.

Covering the Kremmling camp in the newsletter, Terri Carroll writes that it was a roaring success: "Mike Carroll and Ackley Smith flew over the divide to start things off. Ron McKie, the everything airport man greeted us along with Jack Culley." "The wind blew again (as in Scottsbluff) but not quite as hard. Nonetheless, hunger soon overtook the pilots and lunch was now the subject of the hour. Everyone took off to the Hoof and Horn." "Saturday night, Mike Carroll hosted a bar-b-que in the town park. It was a smashing success and all joined in on a huge volleyball game until dark. Later that night, everyone did just what they wanted, some went back to the Hoof and Horn, while others joined in on a bonfire at the camp. All in all a marvelous weekend..."

Recipe for Dooley's Downwind Dash Beans
1 53 oz. can Van Kamp's Pork n Beans
2 28 oz. cans B&M Brick Oven Baked Beans
Salt and pepper
Dash of brown sugar

Stir together and heat in microwave oven for 30 minutes. Carry in car, spill half. Remainder serves 12.


#Soaring_Society_of_Boulder #Soaring #Gliding #Soaring_Camp #Flying #Nebraska_(US_State) #Kremmling_(City/Town/Village) #Scottsbluff_(City/Town/Village) #Colorado #Super_8_Film_(Film_Format)
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