Should You Sell Your Investment Property Before or After Retirement?

Should You Sell Your Investment Property Before or After Retirement?


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@CorysRonalds - 06.02.2025 10:34

I'm 54 and my wife and I are VERY worried about our future, gas and food prices rising daily. We have had our savings dwindle with the cost of living into the stratosphere, and we are finding it impossible to replace them. We can get by, but can't seem to get ahead. My condolences to anyone retiring in this crisis, 30 years nonstop just for a crooked system to take all you worked for.

@marklewis8932 - 29.01.2025 10:30

Hi if I can ask a question? I'm retiring from full-time work next week. I have approx 10 weeks annual leave and 8 weeks long service leave to be paid. Is there anything I can do to reduce the tax I will pay on that last pay . I'm 60 years old

@GerardHammond - 10.01.2025 11:38

Very good info here. Thank you.

@RaulDiaz-n9t - 08.01.2025 01:05

I used to think it was just about buying stocks, but I didn’t realize there are strategies for managing risk and actually making a profit. Now I feel kind of stuck since I’m not seeing any profits in my portfolio. Do you have any recommendations on what I should consider? I’d really appreciate it

@dundadunda552 - 06.01.2025 00:34

Can you pay down other property debt with the proceeds and gain any tax advantage?

@petercoburn2362 - 05.01.2025 22:42

Our investment property was in Melbourne and in joint names. We sold the property 2 years into retirement, as we had planned, and the capital gain was the only form of taxable income in that year so the tax payable was quite small. Now with land tax and rule changes giving tenants more rights than the landlord in Victoria we’re very happy we sold it in 2020. Less stressful. We couldn’t get any of the funds from this sale into superannuation as we’d already reached our non-concessional bring forward contribution caps prior to retiring. Thank you for your advice in the form of this video but everyone’s scenario is different and unique.

@hugojay56 - 05.01.2025 08:27

We sold our commercial IP 2 weeks ago which was 5 years into retirement.
We will both use our 5 year catch up concessional contributions to help reduce the CGT and we also have a partial tax exemption due to the small business retirement exemption. (Secured a favourable ATO private ruling before pulling the trigger)
We also won't be renting our other IP this financial year to reduce our income.
Short story. Our tax obligation on the property sale for 24-25 FYwill be around $35K on a $1.42 million sale. Not a bad result.

@bornufree - 05.01.2025 08:13

It seems in Australia, the Government has limited our choices, navigating large proceeds through the caps and balance limits could be frustrating

@Woodland26 - 05.01.2025 06:38

I put this very question with ChatGPT, and compare receiving rent vs selling, pay CGT and invest into blue chip shares, with my set of data. It ran through many what if and gave me insightful comparison.

@ME-qq2dc - 05.01.2025 05:08

Does the same apply to other assets that are subject to CGT or just an investment property? Thanks.
