Full Natural Lashes - How Mascara Ads are Made!

Full Natural Lashes - How Mascara Ads are Made!

Erin Parsons Makeup

1 год назад

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@RealTopiaIg - 24.01.2025 04:31

Waterproof = PFAS

@paulasmith7803 - 24.01.2025 07:57

I love lash discovery too! It has been my friend for my now later years. It shows my lashes without being vavavoom!

@Madanmohini77 - 25.01.2025 12:49

If I ever use mascara which is very rare I will use clear mascara. I have thick long curly eyelashes so I don't need to worry.

@peeps5102 - 26.01.2025 04:07

You have a very pleasant face to observe while you speak

@marianzarai7977 - 26.01.2025 06:56

Woman im in love❤

@marialuizacardoso2225 - 26.01.2025 07:12

You are so, SO beautiful, you remind me of the young Joan Crawford!

@shellyhyde1328 - 27.01.2025 07:00

Erin~ You mentioned that primer makes the waterproof mascara easier to remove. That’s very interesting. I wonder if using primer is the reason waterproof formulas still transfer and move around on my hooded eyes sometimes. [Lash Stiletto is my OG!!]

@RandomChicky147 - 30.01.2025 18:49

Covergirl Clump Crusher is my favorite mascara ever! ❤ It's the best for perfectly individually covered lashes and gives me a flase eyelashes effect.

@babyyoda7417 - 31.01.2025 05:02

Help, this trick only worked for my lashes on my right eye, my left eyelashes still lost their curl, what can I do to revive the curl?

@swanvegalove - 02.02.2025 09:03

I'm ready for everyone to throw away their brown lipliner.

@glyndyl - 03.02.2025 18:25

My dog has such wonderfully long , dark, curled lashes, it’s like he’s dressed for a carnival float. Using these techniques, mine still can’t compare, but look pretty darn good.

@ericaosborne5241 - 04.02.2025 13:52

I love how she can make any topic fascinating. Will I ever use these tips? Probably not. (Mascara drives me absolutely insane. No matter what kind I try, it always eventually makes me feel like I have sand in my eye. I also rub my eyes way too much.) But did I watch this from beginning to end? You bet. Lol. She is so knowledgeable and presents things in an interesting, easy to learn way.

@LauraDelcea - 05.02.2025 03:13

You are stunning and your style is impeccable 🫶🏼😊

@QueenofMarine - 07.02.2025 11:58

Thank you so much for the tip about the S-curler from Shu Uemura! I have a hell of a time getting the last few lashes in my far outer corner into the regular curler. They're always a bit droopy, and it drives me nuts! Problem solved! ❤

@lindabelcher974 - 08.02.2025 06:12

I’m so thankful I have naturally curly lashes because eye lash curlers scare me so freaking bad

@jade8568_VR - 08.02.2025 22:18

I have the same straight short lashes as you. I'm now 56, & have been using the same method as you since I was 18. This method is just for your everyday/going to work look, which is more of a natural, but sexy look. Waterproof mascara definitely is key! I've tried every store brand out there. Maybeline has been the only one that works. Ultra Lash used to be the best, but of course they eventually it was discontinued Now I use Maybelline Colossal Cat Eyes. Its fantastic! I first use an eyelash curler, but only at the base, don't pump it, just hold for about 20 seconds. Using that waterproof mascara, my lashes never fall, and I never need a 2nd coat. ... and YES, I Love Fiber mascara, but dont really ever need it. The key to me making my eyes look bigger, is using a thin black or dark gray eye liner pencil (waterproof) not inside the waterline (which makes your eyes look smaller), but right at the base of both the upper and lower, getting a little thicker towards the outer corners. Its a MUST. When this generation uses only top liner, it drives me crazy, and it just looks like you didn't finish your makeup. Please TRUST ME! When you use the liner on the bottom along with mascara, your eyes will look so sexy, and NATURAL! Not overdone (unless your going out at night somewhere) I've never strayed from this method. I've been getting compliments on my eyes for 40 YEARS! and STILL get compliments! When I show younger women how to do it, they all flip out and say they cant believe it & will never go back to only doing top thick winged liner. Most times my top liner is just a very thin line, started from the outer corner going inward only about 1/3 of the way in, & blend it (don't blend the outer corner) make the outer corner meet the lower corner, not in a thick cat eye, but definitely get a little thicker towards the outer corner..& it will connect with the bottom liner like this > Trust me it will look beautiful.
I have a 28yr old daughter who was born with a some birth defects on her face & skull, making her eyes very small, with droopy eye lids to the point where her lashes actually poke into her eyeballs. I taught her this method, and it always blows people away! She hardly ever wears makeup, but when she does, its crazy how much it opens up her eyes & how great it looks!
To remove waterproof, I just use baby oil. Its cheap & moisturizing & removes it all. I have 2 dedicated black washclothes for removing eye makeup. I use very warm water to dampen a corner of the cloth using 1 finger, then about 5 drops of oil. Works like a charm. THEN I discovered miscellar water! Game changer how fast it works! Its cheaper than baby oil! ❤

@EquineLover83 - 09.02.2025 07:57

Y’all i decide to try a different brand other than maybelline and LET ME TELL U… it’s non waterproof, lengthens and lifts my lashes which are FLAT, I hate waterproof mascara cause everything I’ve tried it hard to wash off but this stuff comes off so clean, it’s Panorama Volumizing All Night Black GET IT!!

@RubyTwilite - 09.02.2025 08:42

Erin who makes a deep subtle Navy like Definicils used to have? It was so nice on brown eyes.

@teresa6776 - 10.02.2025 17:18

Thank you for the VALUABLE help, as a 48yr old menopausal woman, im struggling like hell with a changing body, and TOO MUCH CHOICE and no content to help me. You end up feeling very low and overwhelmed when it comes to literally starting your make up bag again to work with what you have aged into, and I struggle like crazy with cruddy short straight lashes, so thanks for giving this some thought....also well done on showing the removal too, I use Body Shop make up remover oil, and it seems to be doing the job ok, and I am doing the same as you for removal, so feel happy with this. Maybe you could do a few tutorials for older skin, to help us women going through scary menopausal changes when we need someone to hold our hand and guide us without forever feeling like all people want is your money!! Keep these going Erin, your stunningly beautiful and so helpful for ALL ladies x

@tabbycatchroniclesmoggymys193 - 10.02.2025 21:31

Omg didn't expect my holy grail mascara to make an appearance!

@6ambrea6 - 14.02.2025 07:11

Dont laugh but i use a spoon. It works.

@margiebrown554 - 15.02.2025 01:42

I love that Clinic high impact mascara too! I have tried every mascara there is and that's my favorite. My second is the Lancome definicils. Those are the two best for my lashes.

I learn so much from your videos. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise and tips! So, informative. ❤❤❤

@missbonimeduridesidns1793 - 15.02.2025 03:31

Believe it or not I love Lassie it has a little ball at the end and it works so well to get those outer and inner corners. And I also use a primer. I have really long eyelashes though

@dianelee2594 - 15.02.2025 05:08

I love Erin, I would love for her to do my makeup ❤

@LizzyDel - 16.02.2025 03:32

Live your videos so much. Incredible technique and so informational. Thank you for being an approachable, kind teacher. 💗

@AleasiaRomero-d3x - 19.02.2025 00:17

God lord your so pretty ❤❤❤❤

@azrasirbegovic9044 - 22.02.2025 02:21

I watched YT makeup videos since like forever and I am so happy to find you bcs you are such an amazing breath of fresh air in all those same stuff girls do and film. Keep up the good work. I LOVE IT ❤

@roya615 - 22.02.2025 03:03

For some reason, this video is so comforting. Like a hug. :)

@kaltheartist - 22.02.2025 03:44

I use coconut oil to remove my waterproof mascara.

@alyciaholloway2151 - 23.02.2025 11:09

Very very good video, as always! Xo❤

@marieline23 - 23.02.2025 12:41

This hair color is the one I prefer on you

@RedViper77 - 24.02.2025 05:51

Truly enjoyed this video, as always! I love Lancome Monsieur Waterproof. It truly looks like I'm wearing falsies! ❤

@elsagrace3893 - 24.02.2025 06:59

I use a spoon to curl my lashes.

@grey3871 - 24.02.2025 09:03

But there are new lash curlers. They have heated ones. My lash curler looks like a plastic mascara wand

@Nikkifrom1989 - 24.02.2025 10:30

I see the Clinique high impact water proof mascara on Amazon right now. It has a green colored tube though.

@nolagirl2458 - 25.02.2025 00:14

Your lashes are beautiful!!!! Your entire face is beautiful ❤❤

@Tangarinetabby - 26.02.2025 07:28

Have you tried the Clinique take the day off makeup removers. The balm is amazing as is the dry oil.

@weirauchohneh2846 - 27.02.2025 03:48

I liked the Maybelline Mascara - Mega Plush Volume Expess a lot....it has a really nice brush to get every lash!

@luciaayaso2260 - 27.02.2025 11:21

I have no boobs but have lashes for days with super hooded eyes so you know im all about that curl in my lash. Of course i had to fall on love with Marc Jacobs Noir and theres a layering mascara he came out with to go with it and the lengthening primer is also amazing but Marc Jacobs beauty discontinued and im really wondeering what ill do when my stash is gone. Thanks for sharing your tips. I already do most of them but always learn something from you. Youre a big book of beauty knowledge. Thank you ❤❤❤

@couberry4513 - 27.02.2025 19:25

I used to use benefit's "They're real". But they stopped carrying it in brown... 😭 I will absolutely need to try one of the small brush mascaras you showed!

@vickyginn7264 - 28.02.2025 00:20

I Can’t wear waterproof mascara. My eyes burn and the lashes feel dried out. I can’t use a balm or anything greasy on my eyes to remove make up or mascara either. The best mascara I used was the Mally mascara from about 15 years ago. It went on well and stayed on without flaking. I think the formula is changed now but boy could I get results with it!

@mgichndz - 28.02.2025 03:09

One eye lash curlers scare me, not gonna lie, and I’m old and used them when I was younger! They did exactly what you said they would do, either rip my eyelash right out or break them off lol. I’m scurrr’d lol

@mgichndz - 28.02.2025 03:09

Great video though!

@Boyhowdy875 - 02.03.2025 01:21

You are dropdead gorgeous and a genius yet still so down to earth! You might be the most stylish person I've ever seen in my life!

@MooGuRooKnits-1948 - 02.03.2025 01:48

So so long ago, but I love your academic and scientific approach to your art. I also understand that your face is your canvas and your walking embodiment of your portfolio. You are so stunningly beautiful, however, I’m loving the minimal makeup look you’ve chosen to show off these lashes x

@kathyhenderson8902 - 02.03.2025 02:39

I love the fact that you incorporate the history of makeup in your videos.
I use Maybelline Full and soft, but I don't use the waterproof only because I'm putting it on false lashes. I used to use Illegal lengths by Maybelline until they discontinued it. It was my absolute favorite!

@berchyzgb4423 - 02.03.2025 19:39

How do you remove waterproof mascara? I don't wear makeup usually, but if I do, it's mascara, but then I'm torturing my eyes to remove it. The only way I can get it off is with coconut oil, but my eyes get foggy because of it 😣

@healthywealthyandwize - 03.03.2025 07:13

What would you recommend to prevent mascara from smudging onto your under eye area? It seems like I end up with raccoon eyes when I do the bottom lashes so I normally don’t do mascara on the bottom lashes at all.

@fleurnarcotiquee - 03.03.2025 13:02

love u erin ❤️❤️❤️

@mizstunna2266 - 03.03.2025 17:05

I think the less uniform more unruly eye is the prettiest! I feel like America has taken this really sterile uniform approach to everything post 90s and instead of focusing on natural beauty like they did back in the 80s and 90s we're sort of dealing with a generation that wears TONS of product and they feel they have to be perfect, but I just so badly miss when women just collectively accepted their natural beauty and went out with little to no makeup and their hair barely brushed. I just want us all to feel free like that again! ❤
