90s Props You’ll Never Forget!!

90s Props You’ll Never Forget!!

Scott Prop and Roll

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@marsmediapro - 10.03.2025 07:27

Luv you guys; thanks for posting!

@TattedFaceJoey - 06.03.2025 18:54

I think 20 years is OK for "spoiling" a movie. The Usual Suspects was released in 1995. "Kobayashi" or 「小林」is a Japanese surname and it means "small forest".

@hermanmunchther3082 - 28.01.2025 20:07

Edward scissorhands and tim burton are such overrated turds

@billrowan1957 - 13.12.2024 11:52

The guy with the black shirt is such a douche! Props to these guys for putting up with him.

@Folkert.Cornelius - 24.11.2024 02:03

The watch Christopher Walken holds is a military style WWI era trench watch.

@asicdathens - 20.11.2024 19:11

As a software programmer, Office space has a place in my heart. Same goes for the stapler

@Outdoors_Chesapeake - 10.11.2024 16:14

This movie just clocked me again and again and again and again and again it’s like having a bad fever dream to wake up and find out it’s only been one minute😂

@CrustyUgg - 02.11.2024 16:42

The guy in the black shirt is insufferable

@manfredfritz6068 - 02.11.2024 08:14

I hated Ground Hog Day, but wait if an actor doesn't touch an item, it's not a prop, then who's responsibility is it?

@janiprice6117 - 30.10.2024 22:05

The Jamanji game shown here is 100 times better than the one we had growing up!

@Diesel-x1x - 19.10.2024 02:52

How you seen like 17 today new uses or you will hate the state In Ohio basically they have almost everything and anything they can think of

@14ToeBeans - 12.10.2024 03:46

I actually hate the movie “Goundhog Day.”

@realmynameshiro - 04.10.2024 16:13

The Mask, Titanic, Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey, The Basketball Diaries, Saving Private Ryan, Scream, The Addams Family, Forest Gump, Back To The Future 3, etc.
I would want prop vids on those. for sure!

@shadymccoy7 - 02.10.2024 22:20

Cool. That was a fun conversation!

@MomIrregardless - 29.09.2024 17:13

i believe the 'spring bar' in a watch is called the 'Jesus Pin'....(when you drop it while trying to install, it flies into another dimension, never to be seen again, while you mutter, "Jesus!!"

@MomIrregardless - 29.09.2024 16:47

what else do you need besides the clock? i was thinking of having a garage sale for all my vintage collections, as i am pushing 70 and tired of the 'clutter'.....dont get me wrong, i love, LOVE, L O V E my stuff, but i have no one to leave it to, sooooooo

@Kudos2-someone - 27.09.2024 01:24

THAT WATER WAS NEVER TOUCHED, so technically it's *whisper whisper whisper*/ LOUD MUSIC.

Great joke. Wonder what it was.

@nyves104 - 25.09.2024 17:24


@erinmalone2669 - 23.09.2024 06:50

What about a reality competition for prop mastering a show/ movie

@caseysasmr9210 - 16.09.2024 11:37

It's like Robert England's Freddie glove in nightmare on elm Street there is only one claw glove that is real. He wore it in one of the Sequels Robert is actually peelin an apple.

@RyanConnell5150 - 13.09.2024 05:57

The glass of water was a prop. Ian Malcolm used it to demonstrate his "chaos theory"

@HenryLoenwind - 12.09.2024 18:30

There's actually a screen-visible goof with that Groundhog Day clock modification. With those flip clocks, you can see the very top of the next plate, and if you look closely, in some shots (including the one shown in this video), you can see that the plate behind "00" isn't "01" but "59"---the very tops of a 1 and a 9 are quite distinct.

@BootyTunez - 09.09.2024 14:08

This channel should be bigger!

@ToddyTornado - 06.09.2024 06:52

I LOVE these guys

@SimonCallahan - 04.09.2024 00:38

My favourite 90s prop is from the movie Kids In The Hall: Brain Candy. There's a scene where Kevin McDonald and Bruce McCullough hold this taxidermied mouse in a hamster wheel. It's literally this mouse attached to the wheel. You had to wonder who they went to see to get a prop like that made.

@RyanWinnInking - 30.08.2024 01:19

When are you getting on Corridor Crew?

@dgator7251 - 29.08.2024 15:27

But the water WAS touched. When Malcom was explaining chaos theory to Eli, he dipped his finger in it to get the drop to put on her hand 💧

@MrDrokkul - 28.08.2024 10:19

I don't have the watch, but years ago in a thrift store I found one of the ceramic kangaroos that it's hanging on in Butch's apartment. They came in slightly different colors and I lucked out and found the correct color one. Only paid $3 for it!

@Vidar93 - 28.08.2024 08:34

This may be a bit random but have you ever considered reaching out to the guys at Corridor Digital to do an episode on props with them? Their show originally was just aimed at VFX shots but has since expanded to wider areas on filmmaking and props are somewhat intertwined with how some in camera and post VFX are achieved. I think it would be really interesting to get that kind of combined take on them and how they have changed and in other ways very much stayed the same over the years.

@littleredbarncraft4101 - 28.08.2024 07:08

I thought he was really Christopher Walkin

@niecey918 - 27.08.2024 05:55

My cardiologists name is Kobayashi. So there is a real person.

@matthewuzulis5016 - 25.08.2024 05:43

This would be an excellent training challenge to newer prop guys on a slow day. Get them into thinking how to accomplish something within a time limit which runs parallel to what they do on job.
Get them to think how to solve it when they don't have the same item on hand.

@gmartinkelly - 19.08.2024 22:12

Regarding the different clock used in the promotional picture for Groundhog Day

My teacher at film school worked for a promotion company. He was assigned to meet with Bill Murray to discuss how he wanted the promotion materials to reflect. He flies to New York for one night to meet with Bill Murray. Bill Murray says the will go out and discuss at some point his views on how to promote the film. Many bars and drinks later and the night is over and they still had not discussed the idea for promotion. Before they say goodbye for the night Bill Murray says “whatever you decide is fine”. My teacher makes it back to his hotel to get about 2 hours sleep before having to head back to Los Angeles. He sets his alarm. The alarm goes off triggering a massive hangover and the image of Bill Murray staring at him with his hands up as if stuck in the alarm clock. So the idea for the poster pic was from a hangover hallucination.

@ericfullswipe937 - 17.08.2024 23:44

The gold watch looks like a trench watch, or at least inspired by one. They were used around the time of WW1 to WW2. Looking at the dial it may also have been radioactive due to radium lume used at the time.

@gerald8573 - 17.08.2024 21:57

audio seems kinda out of sync around the 24 minute mark

@PSPguy2 - 17.08.2024 10:39

Did anyone else say Speidel Twist-O-Flex outload when he tried to pronounce it?

@ZachTomlinson72 - 17.08.2024 03:35

I think one of the original shaving cream cans from the film is in a Creation Museum in Glen Rose, TX.

@hobbyhopper3143 - 16.08.2024 16:23

😊From somebody who was there 60 years ago - the pronunciation of the watch band brand name is “spy-dell”

@Lord_Baphomet_ - 15.08.2024 20:46

The 90s began with Goodfellas and ended with The Matrix… the greatest era in movie making history.

@IceTTom - 15.08.2024 20:24

Huge tip.. nix the silly music in the background. Hard to hear the dialogue and its not needed.

@SouthwestFloridaCircus - 14.08.2024 20:33

We love your content and have gotten some inspiration for props. Thank you!

@benjamint_0 - 14.08.2024 06:16

my parents had a 'flipclock' ....nostalgic 😊

@gpoop23 - 14.08.2024 04:51

Thank you for the spoiler warning on the The Usual Suspects bit. I have seen the movie, but I've had little bits of other movies revealed because I was too eager to watch another prop analysis from you guys. Now I try to skip the sections on videos for films that are on my watchlist and remember to come back after checking them off.

@JustCallMeMeghan - 13.08.2024 22:32

You guys are the peanut butter to my jelly. :)

@ScottB1775 - 13.08.2024 21:35

Hey Scott. I recently watched Liar Liar with Jim Carrey. In the movie, Carrey's character dumps a trash can on himself spilling what looked like to be a bunch of toilet paper and generic fast food cups. Do you think you could do a video covering how movies handle garbage and the like in a future video? Keep up the great work (and the puns!)

@smerk85 - 12.08.2024 18:04

In Jurassic Park, the water is totally a prop. Ian Malcolm sticks his finger directly in the cup earlier in the scenes set in the car, and drips water on Ellie Sadler's wrist to demonstrate chaos theory while flirting, making Alan Grant eye roll. So it was a prop in an earlier shot that became set dressing.
