Our Magical Insurrection

Our Magical Insurrection

Thomas Sheridan

10 месяцев назад

13,148 Просмотров

Pagan Anarchist Thomas Sheridan is an Author, Artist, Film Maker, and Satirist who has spent a life from Wall Street to the Jungles of South Asia attempting to discover the emerging—often elusive—mythology of modern humans within the present technology-saturated era. Heavily inspired by the work of Carl Jung, Bruno Bettelheim, and Joseph Campbell, Thomas Sheridan has developed ‘Monomythic’ tool kits—which draw upon all the mythologies of the world. So as to demonstrate that on a personal and collective level; these legends and stories contain within them a subconscious lexicon of wisdom and symbols that can help all of us overcome the personal and greater challenges we encounter in everyday life. By not giving birth and nurturing these timeless archetypes within us all, modern humans are at a loss when it comes to achieving personal and social Individuation. Or a rounding out of one’s purpose in life. Their dharma. Their Monomyth. Inside all of us resides a wizard, a warrior, a bard, and a knight and by tapping into the power of these archetypes one can have a more fulfilling and creative life. Every challenge a quest. Every situation a saga. Every moment is an adventure.




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@gretarobinson1142 - 10.12.2023 02:16

Im glad i went to Ireland in 2015 before the rot set in.

@gerrysonofmick8834 - 10.12.2023 02:25

Ironically part of the agenda is to de- industrialize

@vincentsubmarinismo774 - 10.12.2023 03:59

I agree, living in England the collapse is inevitable, lets bring it on.

@Eternalsgate - 10.12.2023 04:00

People have forgotten how to come to together. If it’s what it takes for that to happen someday then so be it.

@david-jr5fn - 10.12.2023 04:34

I said years ago when I knew what the Irish government was up to that every Irish person needs to claim every scrap of benefits they are entitled to. If every Irish person did this it would drain the benefit pool so the government won't be able to use this fund to basically declare war on the Irish people. Also when you go to church don't fill that collection basket, you must acknowledge that the church will use any money you give them on leftists policy and the non Irish, none of it is used to help the Irish so give them nothing or the smallest coin in you're pocket. Lastly I don't agree that magic can only be used against someone who has come after you personally. Is someone drops an atom bomb on a city that person hasn't came after you personally but what difference does that make to you. What they are doing is personally affecting you and the future tribe so that is all that matters.

@RadicleMichelle - 10.12.2023 04:44

Well there goes the big Irish road trip I planned for next year & my supply of Wild Atlantic Way Kelp. As an Australian with Irish & Scots ancestry, I’m happy to help Eiru rise again. ❤

@ShaneOconnor-k4z - 10.12.2023 05:58

Support and Love for the Irish Folk From a Gal Gael Son of the South .
Love from Australia. 🤘
You’re not called the Fightin Irish for nothin .

@hector-sauvage - 10.12.2023 08:35

An economic reckoning is coming soon, early indicators all point to this. That "near 0% unemployment" figure the government and media love touting is complete BS. Hundreds of thousands are on useless government schemes of some sort and are taken off the live unemployment register, thereby artificially reducing the unemployment figures and making the government look like they are doing well on employment and "job creation". Count everyone on these schemes and you'll get a truer picture instead of the smoke and mirrors.

@ryan0557 - 10.12.2023 08:39


@ADRIANOdesalle - 10.12.2023 12:51

Justice by the Gael

Care not do we what sayeth thee
That Irish people are racist
Eire will be rid of globalists
For the light of our childrens faces

When each man decide that woe be tide
The scumbags in the dail
Ireland will be free once more
For Paddy, not for all

Lieing, scorning to the point their tongues all caked in faeces
The Marxists are the very worst
And weakest of our species

The smell of lies hast woke us up
Self evidently stinking
Drink not now Gael from poisoned cup
It would control your thinking

Catalysed, beseeched by blood
Wrath is calling forth
Justice be thy name now Gael
From South, east, west and north


-Rob De Salle

@iandallman6306 - 10.12.2023 12:59

Merry Christmas Thomas

@ralphwinter6421 - 10.12.2023 13:32

Nice one Thomas, gud vid...

@bannerman3553 - 10.12.2023 15:18

Sacrifice ourselves because the zionists destroyed the West and they will still have all the power! Forget all his bull, the economy will grow as the culture dies,, the JQ is all that matters worldwide..

@Default-b1y - 10.12.2023 15:48

Crashing the economy unfortunately would facilitate the introduction of U.B.I. which a desperate population would embrace ...And thus further enable the introduction of C.B.D.C which ironically is next on "Their" list to make us dependent on our government for our very survival...
What actual contingencies are you referring to Mr. Sheridan...?

@ruddyn0ra - 10.12.2023 18:51

Get the whole country to down tools for 30days

@silversnake8358 - 10.12.2023 18:57

Helping to destroy your country's economy means unintended consequence for millions of innocent people. If you're making a sacrifice, let it be something that just affects you personally - not your fellow humans.

That said, I think Western economies are going down the tubes anyway. Forging links with our neighbours and developing barter networks will help mitigate things, but things are going to be really bad for a few years.

@silentman-ze3gu - 10.12.2023 19:05

How you described Ireland is exactly like Singapore. In Singapore There’s no export and no industry, only banking and fintech. The other industries are just to keep the locals alive with cheap toxic food and skyrocketing public housing and milk the life out of everyone. Singapore is a sh!+hole

@swinderby - 10.12.2023 19:39

I agree with a lot of this guy's opinion of the dumbed down Irish people but I really don't understand his hatred of the poor Palestinian people who are right now living in a holocaust. He talks about Jewish refugees in WW2 returning home to find their homes taken over, or squatted. Oh the irony, can't he see the same thing has happened to the Palestinians.

@bertibear1300 - 10.12.2023 20:02

Gavin Bo by has a channel that talks about the very thing that Thomas is.

@AndyOKelly-xz5ky - 10.12.2023 21:59

There's a few keeping a close 👁 on da pair of u. X

@AndyOKelly-xz5ky - 10.12.2023 22:09


Masters Of The Puniverse...
Masters? They can't even begin to Master themsELVES.

The Salt of This Earth Will Not Be Ruled By The Scum Of The Earth That Much Longer.

The Temporal Clock Tick Tocks For 'Them' Not 'We'

The Truly Divine's Patience Is Finite.

@jamesoneill2933 - 10.12.2023 22:41

The union jack waving descendants of Reivers are currently indulging in watersports and using a prostrate Eriu as a spittoon in the north, but we'll ignore that fact as they're white and not catholic.

@tartanmctwisted0218 - 11.12.2023 10:19

People who vote are the problem, self opinionated and don't have a clue about the political classes
TV Politics are for the children
Voting will never solve this problem

@johndonohoe6764 - 11.12.2023 13:39

Infrastructure development has stopped dead in Ireland. Eamon Ryan has said climate change means we cannot build any more infrastructure.

@andyfowlds5738 - 12.12.2023 00:17

Hi Thomas, you are a leader, so continue to be so, it doesn't help when you talk about the holocaust in WW2 (no evidence) and more recently the Manchester Loud Bang through the speakers concert (2017) as real events...(throw in the Moon Landings too) you're great we are counting on you Doubting Thomas!! 🎉

@______638 - 12.12.2023 07:10

tom still going to insult people like keith woods who are speaking out against the weaponize "refugee" influx?

@Victoria-le8zb - 12.12.2023 11:56

Under Irish Hate Speech laws, Shane MacGowans Fairytale of New York would not be "permitted". Further, the art of the crafted insult, balancing humour and wisdom, e.g. Oscar Wilde, is part of our DNA. Great video Thomas, and time to stand together to preserve and dignify our inherent nature and culture.

@lynnamasshardy5224 - 12.12.2023 12:15

I feel that the government aim is to break down patriotic solidarity and culture so that a land full of mixed up races are not going to group together to fight for their rights

@fullyawakeloyah8844 - 12.12.2023 14:46

The English WW2 historian David Irving

@porkchoppeaches - 12.12.2023 15:22

Isn’t the economic meltdown the method to pave the way for the digital money system ? I don’t think we want a total collapse because the answer will be the new digital enslavement. Money creation in America hasn’t been tied to anything real for decades. We just print it. The actual money in circulation has no ties to reality. It’s a bubble about to burst. But that’s apart of the plan. I’m not an expert on it but the catastrophe will just be used to convince normies to accept a phone app to buy food.

@laoisemeehan - 13.12.2023 08:00

Is it ever right to hex someone ? I was recently deceived but I just use the sentence you said in another video 'may you get what's coming to you'.

@arthurrobey4945 - 13.12.2023 10:10

Isn't it a Celtic tradition to auger the runes in the entrails of a failed chief?

@theyroar873 - 13.12.2023 14:22

What about the parallel society?

@smitentertainment - 13.12.2023 19:31

It's similar in The Netherlands. The refugees are given priority and the Dutch are left to fend for themselves. The Minister of Health during the needleworks went on to become the Minister of Housing.
I'm currently looking for a new place since I needed to sell my apartment. Scammers are putting up websites to 'help' find a new home. I've already concluded that it will take magic to find a new place. I have 2 months to fix this.

@DecMc - 13.12.2023 21:43

That's Interesting,
I have been away from my YT feed for a week. I come back and look at a Tribe video. Hmm? OK. I am in!
How can a 2nd generation Irish in Birmingham, England, contribute?
Ireland is small enough to make a difference.
The beating of a butterflies wings, in a book I once read on Chaos Theory, a long time ago, suggested from the micro to the macro, can make all the difference?
Sign me up. (but FECK!, as my old aunties/uncles would say).
Do I have to give up Kerry Gold Butter too?
Please Horned Gods, No!
Gulp. Comments welcome!

@TheFERGALISIOUS - 14.12.2023 00:21

I'm an Irish man living in Canada for 10 years, I was wanting to move home again, and being a chancer by nature and knowing how Ireland is I looked into what I could get for myself from the government upon moving home and there was indeed welfare available for me and the family for at least a year , I'm definitely better off money wise than most Irish people, but moving home after paying no tax in Ireland for 10 years , I would make out like a bandit.

@______638 - 14.12.2023 05:29

more absurd ineffectual defeatist impotent "resistance" from tom - same nonsense about magic and not actually fighting back like he peddled during covid. paganism has clouded his reason.

@johnthorpe8341 - 15.12.2023 08:35


@AndyOKelly-xz5ky - 16.12.2023 02:12

You're sooooo out of your league too!
I'm talking FATHOMless OCEANS X

@138abob - 16.12.2023 17:31

Thomas have you heard the new Swans record? I'd be curious to hear your opinion. Actually I think it would be cool if you talked more about music.. I think you have excellent taste in music, of course I'm biased haha!

@Calveydassillygoose - 18.12.2023 08:59

A time for there place like home when there is no home. Thank you Thomas lol same joke ive been stating

@Neil-f6d - 19.12.2023 18:55

How about also removing or breaking hexes/spells that the globalists have put on us? I can think of plenty of them that are in place here in Ireland and having a profound effect. How difficult is it to do this?

@stevensamas - 21.12.2023 23:43

So Happy you're as ok as can be.

Alls well that ends well, the ahow must go on, so what show shall that be, right, i almost miss you, crazy right.

Stay Strong Tribe And Know, If We Leave There Is Alway Someone That Shall Be A Continuation.

And Remember..

Feck Em If They Kent Take A Joke..

That Sounds Welsh.


@AlwaysALittleFurther - 24.12.2023 16:22

RESPECT TO THE WHOLE TRIBE 💯 Season Blessins n all that Jazz .

@hara3435 - 27.12.2023 20:30

An observation durung
shorona whilst living abroad;
Immigrants from all over are
not comfortable when they
dont see a European pales
pale skin about them.
60% of incomings and
adherants of the cult
of pieces are on
bennys fits and stay on them
for decades, those sheckles
and resources are there bc
the natives puts them there.
we either pay for our own
demise or we dont.
That at least will be the most
effective damage done to
their warr plans.

We have a duty to
resist Tyranby and literal
We are the worm in the wood.
Honoured to be Alive ❤

@creativelady882 - 01.01.2024 01:10

Just found you after seeing a comment about you on Richard Vobes channel. I’m glad I have discovered you, my mother was irish and sadly passed away last month 😢. She was very intuitive and an amazing woman and mother , I was blessed.

@the_midas_touch0. - 19.02.2024 20:38

Your impressions are hilarious 😂

@malicant123 - 09.12.2023 13:51

The Hate Speech bill is not just to protect politicians. It's there to keep Irish people and other native Europeans from calling out mass immigration, weird fetishes and whatever else the state does. Immigrants, whilst often perfectly fine people, are here in insane numbers, and often they have cultural and religious backgrounds that make them incompatible with Ireland.

No disrespect to Thomas here, but we have to be clear what's going on. He's also incorrect about immigrants leaving. If the economy tanks, they try to take their gibs.
