Looks like you should have been testing thermal underwear instead.
ОтветитьWe run hot water from the tap in used water bottles. Tie wire them to the target.
ОтветитьNext time, zero on paper with aluminum duct tape... and hold off, or you will blow off the tape
ОтветитьLooks good for winter, but what do you do when it's hot outside? If the temp is about 90 degrees F, what then? Looks like the super power is to extract money from your wallet.
ОтветитьThe image is actually breddy gud for thermal. The mic is absolute trash. It would almost be better without it.
ОтветитьWhere the hell would you actually be able to legally use thermals on a hunting trip
ОтветитьI think they should just drop the recording
ОтветитьI got hooked on the AGM rattler ts35 it’s incredible.
ОтветитьWould be better to see what it does in the dark. Still out of budget.
ОтветитьFor me , this is the right video at the right time. I'm currently in the market for a thermal optic.
ОтветитьBuy a pulsar!
ОтветитьNice video
I want one for coyote hunting
It would be nice to pick up the coyotes thermal image at 200 yards
As my night vision is not great past 125 yards
ОтветитьYou want me to attach a recording device to my rifle?
… this generation has no idea what’s coming.
They use this scope to record ufo videos
Ответитьalways get the lowest magnification range and the largest sensor. 2x or 2.5x is way more useful than 16x+ (particularly with digital zoom)
ОтветитьWhat would be the MOST expensive thermal scope a US citizen could order up? Like... If I wanted it. sup.
ОтветитьPro tip staple a 1 inch aluminum square on a paper target or use a frozen water bottle.
ОтветитьThe audio is pretty bad but it makes you sound like a Call of Duty operator 😂
ОтветитьThe mic quality is designed that way to make you sound like a super-operational operator.
ОтветитьDid you try the salt water ice bag technique? It’s a lot easier to confirm zero using a cold target.
ОтветитьI could be wrong but I think the mic is better for whispering. Like you usually do when you hunt. It sounds so bad like this lmao
ОтветитьSounds like an old NASA video! I was waiting to hear one small step for man one giant step for mankind!
ОтветитьAudio isn't trash... it's the half-life radio mod.
ОтветитьI can't be the only one that snickered when Jon said the box doesn't get too hot.
ОтветитьHoplopfheil did a good video on NV if anyone is interested called "Thermal Vision 101" a couple weeks ago.
ОтветитьEveryone wants predator vision for cheap.
Ответить*Switches to scope mic
That microphone makes you sound like you're invading BlackMesa to kill scientists and aliens...
ОтветитьMy gawd.. the audio from these are insanely bad lol, you guys weren't kidding.
ОтветитьChecked out mag shack. They don't have my magazines for my Dan wesson chaos elite double stack 2011 in 9mm. Pistol was discontinued in 2019. It's an out of box standard division race gun for competition. I did a video on It many years ago. I'm the only person to ever make a video about it.
Anyways, can't find those mags anywhere. I've googled for it many times and no luck. Shame
At the range test it's actually 2:52AM and still daylight. I think they must be in Alaska.
ОтветитьI'm just super pumped that we could make out the bright spot in his jeans
ОтветитьLol...the audio sounds like the nasa comms during the moon landing...back in 69 or the McDonald's drive through...
ОтветитьOh boy, be weary all you headphone users - ugh!
ОтветитьThe limitations you brought up are the reason I like clip on thermals. Yea it’s a little heavier and more expensive since you now have a scope and a thermal, but it’s overall a little better for farther shooting and ID of targets
ОтветитьVery nice
ОтветитьSolid tip for those wanting to warm their plates for thermals: when you get to the range, set up some paper targets and plink with other guns for a bit. While you’re plinking, put your steel plates in your engine compartment and close the hood. Give it 10-15 minutes and you have hot plates that are warmed all the way through and they’ll last for about half hour.
ОтветитьWhat a great video. This hobby has so little optimism and good news great job
ОтветитьYou need to check out IRTools targets to sight in those thermals and NV.
Ответить...."And when everyone's super, no one will be"
- Syndrome -
And I just am going to assume that you guys don’t know that they make thermal targets for zeroing. God bless you will get them on the next one.
ОтветитьI kinda liked the "Tactical pilot Audio" in the field shots!
I'd give ya a dollar, if you video yourself adlibbing some lines from the TOP GUN movie .... "Voodoo One... Voodoo One... this is Hog Hunter, do you copy?" (While hog hunting at night! Then smoking an oinker! 🐗)
Technology has exploded in the gun world. Great video.
ОтветитьThat audio sounds mil-spec to me.
ОтветитьI've been using the 384x35 for hog hunting since it came out. For the price point, it's hard to beat. I use a 2 inch square of aluminum foil taped to a box to sight in at 50, then move to 100 yards. It works really well. This is my 3rd thermal, and after the learning curve, I really like it. I can identify a hog at about 300 yards. I usually don't shoot over 200 anyway. I use it on 4 different rifles, and never have to rezero it. The ad mount is rock solid. I do sound like dark vador breathing in the videos!
ОтветитьWhy would you try to zero at 200 yards, instead of dialing in at 100 and put it at under or over to your likings and knowing your dope
ОтветитьAudio aounds Awesome! Black hawk down vibes
ОтветитьThe mic is very sensitive when you are hunting your not yelling at each other. If you talked softly it would work like it’s supposed to! This shows that you know nothing about hunting or these products this is why U-Tubers like your self should stay in your wheel house. It amazes me that people buy things based off someone on U-Tube reviewing something they clearly know nothing about!!
ОтветитьThe hand warmer is all you need. I’ve done it this way many times. Also if it is a sunny day use aluminum tape called fasson tape make a big X and slightly lean your target back so the sun hits it and it will show up just fine.