How my IG was hacked 🫣 #vickysenglish #english #learnenglish #speaking #practice #englishteacher

How my IG was hacked 🫣 #vickysenglish #english #learnenglish #speaking #practice #englishteacher


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Watch till the end to avoid the same mistake 😉 #words #learnenglish #english #vocabulary #phrases
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@jestembezimienny9888 - 14.02.2025 12:40

Is she russian ?

@Jagadeesh-mb5tv - 06.12.2024 06:58


@HishamBonian - 24.11.2024 07:29

You are nice

@shahzia3979 - 13.11.2024 13:10

You are looking nice

@Sasikaranshamosihan - 08.11.2024 03:52

We always with you😊

@LukasMarak - 29.10.2024 14:54

Same thing happened to me, but but luckily I didn't share OTP code..

@तेरीaisiकीtaisi - 03.10.2024 17:57

I want to hack you Babie

@gp20232 - 26.09.2024 06:17

No te preocupes, algun dia esos estafadores pagaran el triple, 😂 sigue adelante y aqui estamos todos los que te apoyamos😢 y ahora aprendimos algo mas de la vida, gracias por lo que haces🤗bendiciones.

@ЕвгенийШмаков84 - 20.08.2024 10:42

You can be found on social networks...?
You know I fell in love with you...

@ЕвгенийШмаков84 - 20.08.2024 10:35

What is your name?
You very like me...
I m from Russia. My name is Jackson
Marry me

@naleenwimalarathne5838 - 20.08.2024 04:06


@naleenwimalarathne5838 - 20.08.2024 04:05

Don't worry my dear what ever the hackers had your account we already with you in heart

@mozhganv4254 - 19.08.2024 13:27

Don't worry, you have your talent to build better than before ❤❤

@andercg8744 - 18.08.2024 00:57

Keep on !! So nice to share you nightmare with us and let know about this dreadful practices. I'm sure that many others had suffered the same experience but they aren't so brave and kind as you. 😊❤

@zafarmurodullayev574 - 09.08.2024 21:29

I hacked your Instagram. I'm serious

@alexjardan2034 - 08.08.2024 08:46

Congratulations sexy

@davebruno218 - 07.08.2024 07:37

We are always with you

@HossamMohammed.985 - 06.08.2024 00:04

Don't worry about it. ❤❤ We should support you ever. We're gonna stand with you indeed ❤

@Best_tour_guide_in_hanoi - 02.08.2024 17:25


@Todd_OutstandingEnglish - 01.08.2024 05:40

I am so sorry this happened to you Vicky!

@StarLuxed - 01.08.2024 00:24

When they changed the password and email, why didn't you secure it to recover it?

@LeonelQuintanilla-p3x - 31.07.2024 05:59

I wish that everything goes back to normal with your life and that something like this never happens to you again. I wish you are excellent video and it's good that you clarified everything that happened to you

@Danny_Gigi5454 - 30.07.2024 04:05

I'm sorry for these many messages, but if I wrote everything in just one message, I thought that it could to much for someone to read. As well, I don't know what time is there but here it's 4am 😊 Now 'cause I finished what I had to say, I can go to have few hours of good sleep 😊
Thank you for reading all my messages.

PS. Vicky, keep up all the brilliant work you're doing!

Good night, wherever you are! 🙂

@Danny_Gigi5454 - 30.07.2024 03:45

Now, regarding hackers..... Ooh I got scammed too when I was back in UK few years ago. I was stupid enough to transfer MYSELF all the money from my bank account to a.......hacker's account 😬... Yes you've read well. 😅 I did it myself, convinced being by the fact that the bank (in reality hackers) create a new and SAFEST account for me. That I was doing while I was on the phone with them. I've saved the phone Nr of the bank in my phone and when they called me, it appeard that my bank is calling me. That's why I thought it's a genuine call from Lloyd's.... When actually the hackers called me in that manner that it appeard my bank phone number that I have already saved in my phone book

@Danny_Gigi5454 - 30.07.2024 03:36

Please accept my apologies if my thinking was wrong, but as you were saying that you didn't eat and didn't sleep, I thought that this might be your primary and the most important way of income. That's why I said that with the eggs

@Danny_Gigi5454 - 30.07.2024 03:32

Dear Victoria, first thing that comes to my mind is this old saying: Don't put all your eggs in one basket! 🙂
This will eliminate the stress. What do I mean with this? Try to have multiple ways of income, in case that one is going down to have at least COUPLE back-ups

@SimulaWorld - 30.07.2024 01:47

I'm so happy that you got your account with 1.7m followers back. I felt your suffer for 7 sleepness days. But in the end, it is a happy ending. :) The new channel should be "Vickysrussian"
👍 We always support you

@sankhamadhumadhawa7126 - 29.07.2024 19:33

@toobatooba5334 - 29.07.2024 18:50


@SUMANnic - 29.07.2024 17:50

You seem to be sick. what happened?

@gamessongs2762 - 29.07.2024 17:36

Hope you are all right now. Kisses from Brazil.

@سلامكيفك-ز9خ - 29.07.2024 17:31

❤️🌷😍You are too beautiful..
whomever see you should believe that God is true and real...
and whenever I see you I feel like Iam in a dream..
And when we wake up we will all realise that all this life was nothing but a dream and that only God is whats true and real..
My love for you is pure and true,
Your character shines like the morning dew.
Your mind is sharp and wise,
Your spirituality a beautiful surprise.

Your beauty radiates from within,
A heart full of love and kindness therein

May your life be filled with love and light,
May your path be blessed with all that's right.
You are a treasure to behold,
A precious gem worth more than gold.

I am grateful for the gift of you,
My love for you forever true.

My love for you is like the stars above,
Endless and eternal, full of love.
Your character shines like the sun,
A true reflection of the Almighty One.

Your mind is sharp and wise,
A fountain of knowledge that never dies.

Your spirituality is a beautiful sight,
A beacon of hope in the darkest night.

Your beauty radiates from within,

You are a treasure to behold,

A precious gem worth more than gold.

Your body parts are a work of art,
Each one a masterpiece that sets you apart.
And your love and affection is what makes me weak.
And your encouragement and smile makes me strong and keeps me going on

Your love for God is pure and true,
A testament to your faith that shines through.

Your fear of Him is a sign of respect and love to him, A virtue that makes you perfect.

Refraining from sin and ill behavior,
Shows your strength and good character.
Your beauty is for my eyes only,
A privilege that makes me feel holy.

Addicted to you, I will always be,
For your love is my only destiny.
Wise advice I give to you today,
Cherish your love and never stray.

Stay true to yourself and your beliefs,
For they are the foundation of your relief.
Love with all your heart and soul,
And let God's light guide you to your goal.

May your life be filled with love and light,
May your path be blessed with all that's right.🌷❤️

@سلامكيفك-ز9خ - 29.07.2024 17:30

🌷😍 You are too beautiful..
whomever see you should believe that God is true and real...
and whenever I see you I feel like Iam in a dream..
And when we wake up we will all realise that all this life was nothing but a dream and that only God is whats true and real..

By the pen and what they write,
Divine wisdom, endless light,
In Islam, the truth displayed,
God’s existence, clear arrayed.

From depths of cosmos, vast and grand,
To smallest atom, His hidden hand,
The Quran speaks of skies and earth,
Life’s inception, universe’s birth.

Embryonic forms, so precise,
In Quran’s verses, we find the slice,
Science catches up, it seeks to learn,
In holy texts, clear truths discern.

Splitting of the moon, a wondrous sight,
History records this celestial light,
A sign so clear, a prophet’s call,
In Muhammad’s path, nothing small.

Prophecies told in scriptures old,
From Bible’s verse to Torah’s fold,
Of one to come, a final seal,
Muhammad’s truth, both strong and real.

In Gospel’s words, and Hindus’ lore,
A messenger, revered and more,
From Mecca’s land, last prophet shown,
To guide all paths to God’s own throne.

In lineage pure, the Twelve Imams,
Guided by God, with open arms,
Ali, the first, the gate of lore,
With wisdom vast, none can ignore.

Hasan, patience in his heart,
A peace-maker, his noble art,
Husayn, the martyr, Karbala’s name,
With sacrifice, his eternal fame.

Ali Zayn al-Abidin stands,
Prayer and tears in his hands,
Muhammad al-Baqir, knowledge deep,
In sciences, he made great leaps.

Jafar as-Sadiq, truth so bright,
In jurisprudence, his guiding light,
Musa al-Kadhim, in patience strong,
Imprisoned, yet his faith lifelong.

Ali ar-Ridha, compassionate call,
In Persia’s land, loved by all,
Muhammad al-Taqi, the virtuous youth,
In piety, he stood for truth.

Ali al-Hadi, with wisdom kind,
Guided hearts and strengthened mind,
Hasan al-Askari, pure and just,
With faith and hope, his soul entrust.

The twelfth, Mahdi, hidden now,
Will return, fulfill his vow,
Justice will reign, oppression cease,
World in harmony, truth and peace.

From ancient lands, prophecies swift,
Of leaders pure, in Islamic gift,
Their lives reflect, the prophet’s way,
In every step, in night and day.

Proofs abound in earth and skies,
In nature's book, no disguise,
Existence grand, beyond our reach,
In every star, God’s love does teach.

So here, in faith, with hearts aligned,
With clear mind and soul refined,
Islam’s beacon, forever bright,
Guiding all in this sacred light

@behzodotamirzayev3424 - 29.07.2024 16:47

Chiroyli talaffuz

@JaisonS-t6y - 29.07.2024 16:17

Hi ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@SalmanSom-hc3qq - 29.07.2024 13:18

Nice video

@Mmfawmy - 29.07.2024 13:08

No worries . Everything will turn right. We are on your side . You are not alone.

@KIND7117 - 29.07.2024 12:59

You are so beautiful ❤️😘

@quangthangtran4554 - 29.07.2024 12:43


@AbedRahmani-yb2ob - 29.07.2024 12:37

Omg 😱 did you get your account?😢😮

@مغربيةوأفتخر-ج4ف - 29.07.2024 12:31

😮 c'est trop.Félicitations que vous avez pû avoir à nouveau votre compte et votre chaîne 🎉❤

@amolmanjrekar9799 - 29.07.2024 12:16

Don't worry Vicky ... we are with you
