Willing Vessels: Answering God’s Call | Isaiah 6:1-8 | Tony Clark

Willing Vessels: Answering God’s Call | Isaiah 6:1-8 | Tony Clark

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In this powerful message, Pastor Tony Clark of Calvary Chapel Newport News in Virginia explores Isaiah 6:1-8 and the transformative encounter Isaiah had with God. This sermon reveals what it takes for believers to genuinely say “Here am I, send me” and be used effectively by God in today's world.

Key Points:
1. The significance of Isaiah's vision “in the year King Uzziah died” and what keeps us from seeing God clearly
2. Identifying the “Uzziahs” in our lives - good things that might be blocking our spiritual vision
3. The importance of laying aside both sins AND weights that hinder our spiritual walk
4. How a genuine encounter with God's holiness always leads to personal conviction rather than judgment of others
5. The specific area of uncleanness Isaiah identified in his own life - his speech - and why this matters for believers today
6. The process of purification that prepares us for God's calling
7. Why Christians must have God's heart of compassion rather than anger toward a broken world
8. Practical application for being spiritually positioned to respond to God's call

This message challenges believers to examine what might be keeping them from seeing God clearly, to confess areas of uncleanness, and to receive God's cleansing so they can be effectively sent into a world that desperately needs the Gospel.

Pastor Tony Clark delivers biblical truth with his characteristic warmth, humor, and straightforward application that will inspire viewers to move beyond judgment to compassionate service.

We pray that you are blessed by the message!

0:00 God searches for loyal hearts (2 Chronicles 16:9)
0:49 Isaiah’s vision begins (Isaiah 6:1)
1:41 King Uzziah - A good king, but a barrier for Isaiah (2 Chronicles 26:1-3, 5)
3:21 Lay aside weights and sins - What’s your Uzziah? (Hebrews 12:1; Ephesians 4:25; James 1:21; 1 Peter 2:1)
5:41 Paul’s daily death to self - Could self be your Uzziah? (1 Corinthians 15:31)
8:45 Heaven revealed - Seraphim worship the Holy God (Isaiah 6:2-4)
10:08 Seraphim’s humility and God’s consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29; 1 Timothy 6:16)
12:09 God manifests in smoke and clouds (Exodus 19:18, Matthew 17:5)
12:53 Isaiah’s confession - Seeing our sinfulness in God’s presence (Isaiah 6:5)
13:55 Examples of encountering God - Daniel (Daniel 9:5), Peter (Luke 5:8), John (Revelation 1:17)
16:32 Jesus’ compassion for the weary - Prayer reveals God’s heart (Matthew 9:36; Matthew 14:14)
18:15 God so loved the world - A reminder to love, not curse, the lost (John 3:16)
20:20 The area Isaiah was undone (Isaiah 6:5b)
21:44 The tongue’s power - Blessing and cursing (James 3:9-10; Matthew 12:34; Ephesians 3:17)
25:32 Cleansing by fire - The coal touches Isaiah’s lips (Isaiah 6:6-7)
27:16 God’s call: “Whom shall I send?” - Isaiah’s response: “Here am I, send me” (Isaiah 6:8; Genesis 1:26; Revelation 3:20)
33:26 Three steps to say “Send me” - Let Uzziah die, encounter God, be cleansed
36:04 Closing prayer

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CCLI Streaming License: CSPL061246

Teacher: Tony Clark
Series: Special Guest Speaker


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