Teach every child about food | Jamie Oliver

Teach every child about food | Jamie Oliver


14 лет назад

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@Truth15freedom - 16.07.2022 15:10

That seen with the wheelbarrow would have had more impact (and accurate) if he'd used High Fructose Corn Syrup instead, IMHO. Where did he find all those sugar cubes? I haven't seen them since I was a kid.

@zoezen6898 - 26.07.2022 03:43

The time IS now!

@zoezen6898 - 26.07.2022 03:44

IT is time!

@zoezen6898 - 26.07.2022 03:48

AIn't noMULL

@sarahsnowe - 01.08.2022 21:53

The U.S. is so besotted by--and so propagandized by--corporate capitalism that its politicians will do NOTHING to rein in the toxic advertising and overwhelming ubiquity of Big Food in its society. The drip-feed of right-wing balderdash of media like Fox News (Flocks News for the lambs bleating off to slaughter) hypes the horrors of "government interference" in consumer "choices," apparently having no problem with the government interfering by periodically drafting young men to be murdered in foreign adventurism or even by funding the police forces that protect their gated communities, etc. No, warning the lemming populace against eating garbage is "socialism," as is universal health care, which Murkins have been duped into believing has horns and a tail and a whiff of sulphur. (A great many Murkins also believe that evolution is a hoax and the earth was created 6000 years ago.) No wonder the likes of Trump "love the poorly educated." Works for him! But the government might want to get a little nervous about the fact that its military is finding it harder and harder to find and recruit young people who aren't obese and sick . . . .

@jaysontatum1735 - 02.10.2022 15:49

Mr Chilijam

@eduardorodriguez8745 - 18.10.2022 05:17

Vale verga

@mrsamuelwatson12 - 18.10.2022 13:57

I used to hate him as a kid. Now I know why the adults know more than kids sometimes. And I owe him an apology. I’m sorry Jamie

@tauriloktev8541 - 13.01.2023 16:44

I luuuuuuuuuve milk

@justinchavez9700 - 17.01.2023 20:57

Yo Divine

@akio2016 - 17.01.2023 20:58

Yo Justin 😮

@akio2016 - 17.01.2023 20:58

I luv milk too

@justinchavez9700 - 17.01.2023 20:58


@justinchavez9700 - 17.01.2023 20:59

Yea ofc

@akio2016 - 17.01.2023 21:00


@akio2016 - 17.01.2023 21:01

This Ted ed really opened my eyes

@akio2016 - 17.01.2023 21:01


@akio2016 - 17.01.2023 21:03

This ain’t Minecraft 😮

@justinchavez9700 - 17.01.2023 21:03

Bruh 😂

@tomasalmeidaaa - 10.03.2023 08:14

Now a days this is fat shamming. You can't do this unless you want to be censured

@kc1t663 - 14.03.2023 12:45

This video was made at least 13 years ago and I don't think much has changed out there with the diets. Fast food restaurants are still bustling.

@vapid_lizard7021 - 16.03.2023 17:50

this is the most useless speech I have ever listened to

@chaarrllotte660 - 04.04.2023 04:17

Mrs obama ruined the school lunch, look at pictures of school lunches before and after she changed it.

@giverofhoots5128 - 12.04.2023 00:07

The irony of getting an ad for eggo waffles on this video.

@inokungfu68 - 02.05.2023 12:45

if you want to fact check his premise of how unhealthy we live then go to any cemetery in the UK. pick any one. walk through it. look at the ages Brits die at. THEN, let's have this discussion again.

@korban007 - 31.05.2023 20:54

Lots of missing pieces Missing in “common” education. At the very least the cafeterias could teach by having only healthly options and making them cheaper. No chiefs are there to make these calls.

When went to school some healthy options existed. Then slowly they have name brand fast food offered. Thought the kids lucky then. I didn’t know any better. Lots of eating is tied with social acceptance and rewards. That can burn into a kids mind and makes it impossible to even begin to know “healthy” we need to normalize the Whole Foods again.

The system is incentivized by food companies and pharm to continue to offer bad choices. This is what lobbing is all about and blocks the awareness of our own food.

If more of us woke up to reap food they would be out of business.

@ibrahinaline - 02.06.2023 23:57

Não consegui assistir de uma única vez, tive que pausar para parar de chorar 😢treze anos depois e infelizmente continua atual

@zidaneakhtarirzaldi5778 - 08.06.2023 03:20

Man ,, these all are by design. Food later are synthetically made. Depopulation is real.

@nithiin1724 - 18.07.2023 17:55

I came to know about Jamie Oliver was “that guy who put chilli jam in fried rice”. But now, this video changed the way I look at him. He’s a freakin’ legend. Hats off to you man.❤

@SamiSami-no4lv - 26.07.2023 16:07

Why is he keep moving on the stage...

@SamiSami-no4lv - 26.07.2023 16:19

Sugar, I love sugar. Meanwhile, I also like vegetables.

@chocochipleesy - 11.09.2023 08:34

Nothing has changed.
I just came from an abc video of the hearing where they kicked him out of the schools. Literally no comments on the video with almost 3 million views? That’s not suspicious 😅😂.
I made a comment on it 🤗 just goes to show you how corrupt the school system is.
We are worried about the food, but most these kids don’t know/like math or know how to read or write. If they’re fortunate to graduate they literally have no life or career skills until they go to a college .. or take up cooking.
They literally take what they know with hand held food and work to pay for that.
They need to put life skills into schools, cover learning/material costs, cover programs like mathnasium to help children get ahead and remove the Prussian method. For those that don’t know, our school system in the USA uses the Prussian method. A method literally put into place to dumb children down to work in factories during the war. The schools make millions per child per year, so of course they don’t want change

@Lunamonster-xj7ds - 27.09.2023 05:01

What is the fraction of people who are statistically overweight or obese today in America?

@shdz5984 - 28.10.2023 21:10

Finally, someone other than Mat Pat that knows that school food is terrible.

@TheSeanPaulDavis - 04.02.2024 05:50

Im watching this video for class but the message was so real, Americq food system is a joke!!

@urdacosta - 25.02.2024 01:56

Many years old since this video, and the things are same. Sad ..

@panda_asmr11 - 14.04.2024 02:05

uncle Roger not happy about this...

@ishashrestha8009 - 18.04.2024 17:55

and he said all this 14 years ago…

@ВалераК-с8р - 16.06.2024 20:14

БРАВО ДЖЕЙМИ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@sherlockholmes9536 - 06.09.2024 00:50

This is a circle of life😢

@Arsiicreations - 02.10.2024 21:53

I ma here watching in 2024 ❤

@jeremycaswell - 17.10.2024 15:47

He's most certainly right, but the problem is the limitations preventing his ideas from succeeding. If you have a crisp apple and a mushy apple, you'll eat the crisp apple. But even if you know you can use the mushy apple for something, you'll still take the crisp apple. And if the options are between a mushy apple and pizza, that's an obvious choice. Without good options, the knowledge will barely make a dent.

@kyeehtoo6497 - 28.10.2024 06:20

The problem is, that most of important of the audience of the TED to care for children and foods.

@Hodijo - 15.11.2024 19:33

Poor sugar is always blamed for everyone's weaknesses.

@バニラかまぼこ - 04.12.2024 05:32

ジェイミー・オリバーって今でも学校給食の改革やってるのかね? 昔見た番組では意欲的でエネルギッシュで面白かったな

@성미희-i9j - 04.12.2024 11:14

SDA, 미국의 정통 재림교회의
선지자 엘린지 화잇, 그녀의 하나님께로 부터 온 " 건강 기별" 및 천사들의 봉사는 미국에서 첫 출발이 되어 왔다.
( 서적: 절제, 음식물의 관한 권면)
용의 뱃속으로 그 빛이 삼키워졌을지라도
고래 뱃속의 선지 요나처럼 그 생명의 지식들은 보존되어 있다

등잔 밑이 어둡다고 하지 않던가?
미국의 재림교회의 역사의 출발은
단하나 밖에 없는
하나님께서 지켜온 유일한 참 빛이요, 창조주 하나님께서 선지자를 통해 나타내신 건강을 위한 경고의 기별이다.
들어야 하지 않겠는가?
창조주 보다 그대들의 건강을 지키는 방편을 더 잘 아는 분이 있겠는가?
사자 굴속에서 다니엘이 살아 남았듯
그녀의 글도 그러하다.
죽은 동물들의 사체를 먹는 것이
영양은 줄 수 있어도
생명의 생기를 주지 못할 것이다.
인간은 생기를 먹어야 생명이 지속될 수 있건만
생기를 은혜로 받는 름식들이 무엇인가 찾아 내야 할 것이다.
그것들은 그녀의 글속에 숨어 있다

천국을 향해 항해하는 자들아
저 하늘위의 하늘엔 이 땅의 그 어떤 죽음도 드리우지 않으리니
죽은 동물들의 몸을 먹고자 탐하는
욕심들은 버려야 할 것을 깨닫는가?
이 땅위의 먹는 습성들조차 저 하늘까지 가지고 갈 것이며
그것으로 최후 운명은 결정되어
죽음으로 마치게 될 것이다.

소수만이 빛을 찾아 낼 것인데
하늘의 건강 기별들이 폭우처럼 쏟아 질지라도 폭우 중에 서 있는 사람민이 비를 맞게 되는 것.

먹고자 하는 본능이 바르게 활용하는 최우선은 성경으로 돌아가는 것.

세상의 빛들이 높은 어둠의 장벽애 막혀 그대들을 도우려 행진하지 못했다면
어둠에 갇힌 자들은 하늘에서 내려 오는 빛들을 더 직접 잘 받아 마실 수 있는 것이다
빛의 그들이 다가 오길 기다리지 말라
어둠들이 제 스스로 빛을 찾아 나서야 할 때이다.

통째의 고기나
갈은 고기은 결국 하나.
무엇이 다르다는 것인가.

@boblox8483 - 06.12.2024 13:27

Why am i doing this in english class
