Gut Health Options | Dr Pal

Gut Health Options | Dr Pal

Dr Pal

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@manishabang4853 - 04.02.2025 18:35

How u make kangee ,from rice

@IBS-remedies - 04.02.2025 18:57

🖐️Some1 says ferming process is rotting to have that sourness, am CON-Fused

@hemachandran0908 - 04.02.2025 20:20

Buffet owners will be happy to have Dr Pal.

@nirmalan1424 - 04.02.2025 21:17

Dory to say this dr pal, don’t think cogee’s got any probiotic. Because this could be made by cooking the rice in lots of water.

@Maan-b1b - 04.02.2025 21:27

Which oil they used?

@kiranjeetish - 04.02.2025 21:33

Doctor please let me know how it goes can consult you ? I m from india

@sridevi-rt7ek - 04.02.2025 22:58

Doc ate the amount of food for breakfast that I eat in a day🥲

@ravit6223 - 05.02.2025 02:53

Wow that plate looks so healthy 👌💪gr8 choice dr pal 👍

@KranthiKakarla-l1c - 05.02.2025 03:03

Can we have yogurt and milk in a single meal??

@chitrapriya1351 - 05.02.2025 03:52

Dr please do the videos on wrong food combination

@Hongkong.viseshalu - 05.02.2025 04:00

Hello Dr. We are staying in hk... please come to my home, which is in kowloon😊..

@shyamalamogan6728 - 05.02.2025 05:17

When on holiday in HK, I always have carbohydrates like rice varieties for breakfast, it's filling and fulfilling. I usually skip lunch. Vegs may seem healthy but it's light n I do include them as well but congee with side dishes, yum.

@leninvenu3105 - 05.02.2025 06:51

Good. Make your presentation wholesome. Include the portion of carbohydrate, minerals, vitamins and fat. I understand you are a gut doctor. Viewers eat to take care of body, mind and soul! You can't afford to leave other parts as choice in answering a question paper in the examination!

@vidyakarthikeyan8019 - 05.02.2025 06:53

Very helpful sir ❤God bless your family with always happiness ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

@KarthikKumar-um2gm - 05.02.2025 07:55

Dr Pal pls make a review on palani panchamirtham and its benefits and flaws

@KSMuralidhar - 05.02.2025 09:08

Thank you dr. Pal. We are planning a small trip next week and I don't want my wife to break her healthy. I'll send this video to her so that there are no excuses. 🎉

@abeygal6174 - 05.02.2025 09:18

Dr why dont you eat ur food in order fiber-protein-fat-carbs?

@practicalpriya - 05.02.2025 10:27

By consistently emphasizing targets like "20 grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber" you reinforce these goals in our mind and it helps our subconscious mind to adopt these targets and makes it easier to follow them without thinking too much. Thank you so much Dr. Pal for making changes in everyone's lifestyle each day in your amazingly awesome way.

@dizzlingstar1010 - 05.02.2025 11:45

Dr pal please do a reel on sourdough and it's effects on gut

@kanyabae - 05.02.2025 12:01

Dr please make a video on gut friendly foods for 6 month babies.

@harshavardhini7034 - 05.02.2025 13:32

Sir, what is your opnion about vegetable soap or organic soap?
Is it really helpful for our skin or marketing strategy?please make a vieeo about it

@navinyakamble7882 - 05.02.2025 14:35

is it healthy to eat fruit after meal won't it cause discomfort?

@ratnamurlidharan9885 - 05.02.2025 15:24

A vegetarian like me would starve here😂

@vijayaeiou - 05.02.2025 16:37

Hi sir , can you do a video on food combinations. Like ayurveda says don't mix your fruits with other goods and needs yo be eaten 1 hr before . Can you please do a detailed video on this . Also, on vegetarian options - can you do a video how we can get 100 gms protein

@preranasharma1631 - 05.02.2025 18:21

What is the correct order of eating all these varieties of food ?
Is it fruits 1st and then rest or proteins 1st, next curd rice or yogurt and then fruits at last ?

@tdarkconscious9411 - 05.02.2025 19:33

Whatever you do for your gut no use, its gonna impact 1% of your health, ignoring your mental health and just trying to mitigate it using your fiber food and only believing the research papers is just simply surviving and your not thriving. good luck I wish you the best to find the truth. I have taken good things from you I eat fiber rich food first before my meal but other things whatever you say is just misleading because its just only gut and not the mind

@prathyushapaidipeddigari1151 - 06.02.2025 10:49

Sir .pls make a video on healthy weight gain ..age 28 weight 39 woman ..pls sir

@sriyamini5896 - 06.02.2025 13:51

All ur videos r very very useful message..plz make diet chart for allergy bronchitis patients and how to reverse it?..most important organ is can we keep lungs very strong n healthy without any mucus or phlegm? How to reduce ige level in blood?..

U make videos abt is very useful to us..plz make this videos also kindly consider 🙏

@Ddidhvb9929 - 06.02.2025 15:49

Thank you Dr Pal.. please do more of such videos as this gives us an idea of what to choose and how much 😊

@TejaswiPatruni - 06.02.2025 20:12

Hai Dr.paul thanku so much Im big fan of you and i started eating after sunrise and before sunset and started diet and started eating millets also but i have doubt so many telling not eat millets if you have thyroid is it true ...? Pls clear my doubt i want to eat millets but i have thyroid what can i do plsss help me

@MeetPatel-vs6du - 07.02.2025 08:30

One podcast make on thyroid disorder (hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism) please dr pal.

@Mayu33243 - 07.02.2025 09:39

Ur edit work is nice...😂

@rvkamath3951 - 07.02.2025 11:06

Hi dr pal, recently i have tried a new recipe for making biscuits. But I don't know how much I can eat moderately. I tell you ingredients please give a portion size.

Wheat flour 1.5 cups
Oats 1/3 cups
Dried fruits( includes cranberry, apricot, grapes, dates) 1 cup
Dried nuts 1/2 cup
Butter 100 grams
Brown sugar 1/4 cup
Egg 1
Peanut butter unsweetened 1/2 cup.
The above mixture might be 500grams approx. Each cookie i have made is a size 1 table spoon quantity. I have made 6 pieces of it and rest in the freezer for further use. I am really concerned about portion size for the family.

@ArunJoseph510 - 08.02.2025 11:41

I also like these Chinese buns and steamed bun but I avoid it since they always put shrimp paste and tastes a little fishy but Chicken Bao is also my favorite

@sujagoodys - 08.02.2025 13:51

Air fryer cooking is ok ? Can you give a detail video about it.

@angeloveangel5070 - 09.02.2025 19:05

@drpal please recommend salad for thyroid patients

@bhagyalakshmanamurthy4408 - 10.02.2025 22:58

Dr Pal, when are you coming to UK?

@Anonymity680 - 11.02.2025 06:20

That’s how my spread looks when I am traveling and always feel people will judge me for having such a big spread. However since it’s mainly fruit it doesn’t really fill you up too much. Glad to see Dr Pal also gets a big spread 😄

@VivekGhose - 11.02.2025 17:49

Thanks for your guidance to good GUT Health, Dr PAL.

@ChangingFrames - 12.02.2025 05:14

Dr Pal - are you sure the hot congee you had is fermented? As far as I know, the congee you had is not fermented, but rather made fresh -- liked mashed up rice with some flavoring via some meat. Thoughts?

@1waysoldout - 15.02.2025 20:59

What about all the nasty oil that cook it in. Should you ask for it to be cooked in olive oil

@ayrinrefana2422 - 20.02.2025 03:26

Dr Pal, very glad to follow you. Just to let you know Chinese congee are not fermented. They just cook the rice for a longer time till the rice is over cooked and becomes mushy.
From Singapore 😊

@nithunsaia.n5243 - 21.02.2025 09:36

Can we have yogurt and milk tea together 😮 will it not upset our stomach?

@NityasriNakka - 21.02.2025 15:13

Hi Dr.Pal, Can please say how to overcome mild autism at home with food . Please share the information. Waiting for response or a video on it.🙏

@latifanasreen7661 - 25.02.2025 11:06

Hi Dr can u plz make a viedio for what should be d balanced diet for breakfast lunch and dinner as should we take protiens fruits veggies and carbs in breakfast and how much plz reply

@lakshmimeda7732 - 07.03.2025 03:58

There are no videos on H pilori
