4 Practical Steps to Transform FAITH into Financial Success

4 Practical Steps to Transform FAITH into Financial Success

Andrew Sember

55 лет назад

26 Просмотров

Have you ever heard that God wants to bless you so you can create wealth and be a blessing to others? That's nice, but what do we DO about it? How exactly is that supposed to work?

Learn exactly how in this video. If you're struggling financially, want a little extra income for the holidays, or want to take your business to the next level this video will show you how.

Learn the four simple steps that anyone can do immediately to create financial breakthrough in their lives. Faith is your superpower, but only if you know how to cause it to produce fruit in your life.

Have you ever wondered what the POWER to get wealth (Deutoronomy 8:18) is?

Are you tired of being stressed out and living paycheck to paycheck?

Are you ready for a change?

God has GOOD plans for you and it isn't some mystical ethereal spiritual none-sense. Our God is the God of the practical TOO!

BREAK the power of money over your life to ever say "NO" to what God calls you to do. If you want to bless someone, you should never have to ask money permission. If God calls you to do something, you shouldn't ever hold back because of debt, doubt, pain, or lack.

If we could ever break off the power of money over the Body of Christ and step into God's call on our lives NO MATTER WHAT we could reach so many people for the Gospel!!!

About Andrew:
Andrew Sember is a passionate disciple of Jesus Christ, husband, and father who God RESCUED from a tormented life of depression, self-hatred, crippling anxiety, and financial poverty. He is on a mission to set Christians free from the power of poverty over their lives so they can fulfill their God-given DREAMS! He's on a mission to help 100 Christian entrepreneurs build million-dollar companies. If you'd like to be one of them, connect on LinkedIn and send Andrew a DM that you're interested:


#financialfreedom #money #business #Entrepreneur #faith #Finances #prosperity #Bible
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