I Finally Completed This Boss...

I Finally Completed This Boss...


3 месяца назад

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@wiebebolhuis9441 - 28.07.2024 20:16

Good to see you back from that shithole called dmm

@BulletBillWow - 28.07.2024 20:41

i always protect trees...always worth it -ironbullet

@rayleetaka635 - 28.07.2024 22:14

nice boots Smithy!

@ally4131 - 28.07.2024 22:18

just cannon your wildy slayer tasks, or get venator bow and do them

@idontwannakilly - 28.07.2024 22:54

He is back ! 7th comment

@hadskihad1075 - 29.07.2024 01:06

Go to the elder chaos druids for a few hours kill the new pirates they drop a tonne of ice sacks = free runes for burst tasks

@madshansen8223 - 29.07.2024 03:41

how the fuck is your block list entirely empty, surely it's efficient getting some of the bad tasks blocked so you gotta skip less

@Sicaughtik - 29.07.2024 05:42

He's here to get prims and crush quims and his feet are already lookin' mighty red.

@DarkSpaceRS - 29.07.2024 07:00

Great vid as always! Just a heads up, you easily have the stats for Falador Elite Diary, get it done and the fally tree patch will never die! I always save that free protect for Magic or Yew trees, then plant the rest with maple (or yew if i have an excessive amount). No reason to waste good xp there! (I also rarely pay to protect for the record). Also, thgose block slots hurt, but are also hilarious. Only fire giants blocked gave me a good laugh! Congrats on the new jordans, hope you put them to good use!

@bzar1155 - 30.07.2024 07:51

Are you using expeditious bracelets for wildy slayer?

@nostalgic7821 - 30.07.2024 13:48

I protect every tree f that

@abaum1 - 30.07.2024 20:22

By the way Smithy, you dont have to stack mobs on a corner, you can run side to side or up and down between two tiles with 1 tile in the middle and they will all stack up just like they do on the corner.

When an entity is on a tile (player or npc) that tile is occupied with a limit of 1 entity. If a player moves through that tile it increases the limit of that tile to 2 until both entities leave that tile. Since the player is just passing through that tile, the limit remains 2 so another entity can move onto that tile. Now with 2 entities the player can pass through that tile again to increase the limit to 3 and so on.

By this same logic, a player standing on a tile will block any npc from walking onto that tile unless another player passes through that tile and increases the limit so the npc can move onto it. Note that requires the second player to move through the tile but not stay on it, if a second player comes and stands on the same tile as you, the limit is increased to 2, but since there ARE 2 players on the tile, it still blocks npcs.

@Balastoid - 30.07.2024 21:15

"finally" are you having a laugh m8
