Tim Ho Wan’s Dim Sum Is One of the Cheapest Michelin-Starred Meals in the World — Cult Following

Tim Ho Wan’s Dim Sum Is One of the Cheapest Michelin-Starred Meals in the World — Cult Following


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@thegypsyking962 - 28.09.2017 01:03

Does this dude no that was a story his mum used to tell him coz he was a baby u know if there har gow is good by counting how many ripples it has

@otogigamer - 15.10.2017 11:10

girl should watch zagat on how to eat. who uses their hand to eat chicken feet. both should be shot for using their hands for chicken feet

@AL-mm4vq - 20.10.2017 00:05

I rather eat in Hong Kong.. this place did not get the Michellin Star in New York.

@fictitiouslee - 23.10.2017 03:05

All y'all complaining about this host who is a woman can investigate your own misogyny ; )

@dimsum6677 - 26.10.2017 02:28

This place is overrated.There are old dim sum restaurants in Chinatown and flushing way better than this.Michelin my ass.

@KHobbies_cina - 30.10.2017 16:00

The host seem surprised and in question when the har gow is used to measure a dim sum shop from another, shouldn't she already researched this or even have general idea of dim sum culture.

@dotakingsurf - 04.11.2017 17:30

Is not the cheapest michelin star restaurant..the cheapest is in Singapore u can get a chicken rice for only 1.50 singapore dollar

@frauic - 11.11.2017 07:36

Why did they eat chicken feet with their hands? We normally eat with chopsticks to avoid the mess from the sauce and stuff.

@KingHaode - 30.11.2017 20:20

This dude has no idea what he is talking about.

@ZixacunX - 14.12.2017 01:21

This place was actually extremely over-rated and the food tasted very americanized... if you want authentic dim-sum go else where.

@phamman88 - 01.01.2018 21:10

Tim ho won hanoi was very average

@team10maverick36 - 11.01.2018 21:00

That guy had a positive vibe

@kaileyjuarez3732 - 01.02.2018 05:06

when you on a diet ↑(º0º)↑ ;(

@Jakjer - 21.02.2018 07:58

How much did it cost? I'm pretty curious of the price point

@shibainu6027 - 19.03.2018 15:20

Been to their HK shop, 5/5

@mouija1450 - 20.04.2018 20:15

The guest host looks like the kind of guy that would show up at my house at 7pm every Wednesday for DnD night. He seems like a wizard or cleric kind of guy.

@oopopp - 27.04.2018 05:26

The date by these 2 was ADORABLE.... hopefully they both hook up together.... ;)

@tamatoa8261 - 14.05.2018 03:44

It's funny that Chinese food on the mainland has different names and tastes different from Chinese food in Hawaii. For instance, the steamed buns with Chinese BBQ meat, is called manapua in Hawaii and is much bigger in size and has char siu meat inside that is reddish in color.

@yuen0825 - 19.05.2018 22:15

This was not a good review. I'd love to see Eater send people to review this restaurant that actually know more about dim sum and cantonese cuisine in general.

@trent8002003 - 04.06.2018 16:48

The lotus wrap definitely was subpar when compared to the original edition in Hong Kong. The rice looked way too fluffy.

@lafartball2286 - 22.07.2018 21:15

Why so many dislikes? Dim sum is the greatest Chinese invention, even better than that big ass wall

@lafartball2286 - 22.07.2018 23:29

Tbh I don't see people eat chicken feet with they Hands, I use chopsticks like a pro. Amateurs

@0regret-l2s - 09.08.2018 02:37

average eater viewer : everything makes me unconfortable

@yapgimkwee8842 - 17.08.2018 18:02

nice video.

@presston - 20.08.2018 21:39

She needs to work on her chopsticks skills. At this point, she's better off just using a fork and spoon.

@PapiTunki - 07.09.2018 07:55

Who fed doublelift

@den_525 - 05.10.2018 21:58

Tim ho wan is cheap average dim sum joint in Hong Kong... it's not suppose to be good... it made a name for themselves for having a Michelin star, even more so for hong kong locals laughing at Michelin for giving them a star!

@Silentknight052 - 20.11.2018 20:41

Just had it wasn't a dim sum fan but my God wtf Thai food was crack

@JpLao92 - 30.12.2018 19:33

Just ate at Tim Ho Wan here at Hongkong and I must say that it is really overhyped. Its not that great to be honest and it doesnt deserve the Michelin Star. Sad Truth

@MrNaysh - 12.02.2019 22:23

In Canada they merged with Tim Horton and rename it Tim Hortwan.

@Aline-xc6fy - 01.06.2019 19:05

iuuuuu chicken feet D:

@jaredgiff6342 - 09.07.2019 10:26

host has a voice made for print

@pseudochef07 - 24.07.2019 19:27

Oh yeah their food is worth it. Quality is all the way awesome in every location. My all time favorite dish is the radish cake.

@kenyee9566 - 05.10.2019 08:27

Who eats dim sum with their fingers?

@_OscarIvan - 01.01.2020 00:35

Din Tai Fung is better

@Vancityoliver - 06.02.2020 01:26

They closed all the franchises in Sydney Australia don’t @me

@Beckala67 - 06.03.2020 06:58

Going here in 2 weeks - March 2020! Corona virus my a$$!

@Anonymousplayer-vw4kj - 04.04.2020 22:25

why the hell are they are using fingers to eat chicken feet. you are supposed to use chop sticks

@ovh992 - 09.08.2020 04:52

I love how nerdy the asian guy is! 🤓

@msbrownbeast - 09.02.2021 07:28

The prices in the New York City location are significantly higher than the prices at their flagship location in Hong Kong (Sham Shui Po)

@iseeflowers - 16.01.2022 22:02

I tried the one in HK and it was so good.

@iseeflowers - 16.01.2022 22:05

How come NYC has better restaurants and food than the West Coast? It seems like these two don’t have too much dim sum experience.

@limmytom624 - 17.01.2022 09:33

I have never seen anyone eat chicken feet w/ their fingers.....not even the FOB that come over to the US.

@lelepat - 06.03.2022 09:08

Hong Kong native here. This is not even good

@mrbungle112loser5 - 21.03.2022 13:18

I love that guy..!!
He deserves his own show

@黃氏玉-i4m - 01.06.2022 13:53

tesn tuyet v ngon thank

@FunkyChild718 - 01.08.2022 00:11

Go to Dim Sum Square in Sheung Wan next time you're in Hong Kong. Then you'll see what real delicious dim sum is. Tim Ho Wan doesn't even come close.

@shungchia - 29.09.2023 06:17

我去休士頓店,都几失望 價錢五星級, 餐点最多三星, 荷葉鷄不知所謂, D唔知勿肉乾到死, 鳳瓜唔知蒸咗幾多日, 蘿蔔糕還可以,只是半吋厚三片??? 香港味?哈哈哈
