Ave Maria S.20/2 by Franz (Ferenc) Liszt (1811-1886), in an arrangement by A. W. Gottschalg (originally for choir and organ), played on the 1926 Magnusson organ in By Church, Avesta, Sweden. The organ has some pipe material, as well as the façade, from the previous 1861 Ek organ.
Here I'm using:
b. 1: GR: Dolce 8', SW/GR; SW: Salicional 8', Voix céleste 8'; PED: Subbas 16', Ekobas 16', SW/P;
b. 10: PED: + Subbas16';
b. 14: SW: + Violin 8', Salicet 4';
b. 36: GR: + Principal 8', Gamba 8', Flûte harm. 8', Oktava 4', Spetsflöjt 4'; SW: - Voix céleste, + Basetthorn 8', Rörflöjt 8', Fernflöjt 4'; PED: + Violon 16', Violoncell 8', Borduna 8', Oktava 4';
b. 39, 44: GR: + Borduna 16';
b. 41: GR: - Borduna 16';
b. 46, 68, 85: as b. 14;
b. 60, 77, 136, 142: as b. 39;
b. 64, 81, 141, 148: SW: Aeoline 8', Voix céleste;
b. 91: PED: + Violoncelle 8';
b. 93: GR: + Gamba 8';
b. 98: GR: - Gamba; PED: - Violoncelle;
b. 113: SW: + Basetthorn 8';
b. 150: - Voix céleste;
b. 152: + Voix céleste;
My playlist with organ music for Lent, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost 2023:
My playlist with organ music for Lent, Easter, Ascension, and Pentecost 2020:
Recorded on the 27th of February 2023.