How to Configure SAP PP | SAP Production Planning - Configuration | Easy to learn | SAP Demo |

How to Configure SAP PP | SAP Production Planning - Configuration | Easy to learn | SAP Demo |

SAP with IK

4 года назад

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@ramthakur867 - 16.03.2021 20:33

Good Job Sir Need PP Overview and Create Master Data elements PO AND PR AND Show Till Conclusion including all Parameters which will help us

@sateeshgowd675 - 19.03.2021 06:46

Really Good

@leahpeene7365 - 21.05.2021 16:59

Great video, well done!

@tejashrinagtode9797 - 21.05.2021 20:42

Sir can you suggest tell me can we accommodate 10-14 activities to an operation or is there any other way we can do it ??

@sagarkore8208 - 01.06.2021 14:11

Sir ,
I am student of mechanical engg. I want to make career in SAP PP module.
Please tell me how to install SAP and use of it.
I know , I am asking basic question. but it's important for me.
Please tell sir

@RohitMoghe - 08.06.2021 21:01

Nice and informative thanks a lot

@supriyapaste3933 - 17.06.2021 07:25

Really good information and explanation👍

@raigirsapppqmpm2781 - 22.06.2021 03:09

can u give SAP hana in pp

@kanthreddy7585 - 22.06.2021 03:23

very well explained sir. please suggest the best source/sources to learn SAP PP complete course online

@senthilmurugan304 - 30.06.2021 14:50

Good knowledge sharing. Thanks.

@VJTrendzz - 25.07.2021 20:25

Great knowledge and cool explanation .. please upload more topics

@udaygoud1017 - 26.07.2021 19:40

What is the course fees

@ahmedabdallah4469 - 27.07.2021 11:50

Thank you for the valuable information; do you have any plan to talk about the manufacturing Process orders in details in future

@kp00gupta - 04.08.2021 19:52

thanks a lot for this video

@christannekalle - 17.08.2021 17:42

Great video! Appreciate you walking through configuration as you did!

@TheNitin25 - 24.08.2021 20:03

thanks for the valuable video.

@manikrishna4938 - 25.08.2021 10:29

Great video, thank you soo much 👌

@rahulpandey4907 - 27.08.2021 18:02

Thanks a ton sir for this tremendous video, you explain the concepts very well, and your voice and style of talking is just spectacular 👌👌🏻👏🏻👏🏻😃☺️😇you forgot to explain Order Confirmation Parameters and also Default values for generating of operation in this video, please make a separate video for them. Also it's a humble request to you sir, please make a complete course tutorial video for QM module right from the scratch to the enhancements used for QM module like user exit customer exit BADIs, enhancement point & enhancement section, routine, bte, modification etc. Also please tell the important tables for QM.

Thanks in advance sir

@udaykumar-tb5kn - 21.10.2021 22:19

Will that playlist covers all pp module concepts sir to get any job
Pls do needful

@udaykumar-tb5kn - 22.10.2021 14:19

Please make video on pp integration with mm, qm, fico and sd with scenario
Pls do it bro

@1knauticallife202 - 21.11.2021 17:55

Is this enough to learn pp configuration ?

@g.k.rathore8864 - 15.12.2021 18:56

Dear sir I want to ask a question
My question Is when we configur any type activity then save & generated transport request after change that I have configured than transport request same automatic coming or before those no generated I have save in file & put up when we changing?

@praveenvaali5492 - 20.12.2021 06:23

Pls could share the PP Training Videos link

@vinitthakre5593 - 30.12.2021 01:20

Sir pls male video on configuration part of mrp run ..Thank u🙏

@phucduong9055 - 10.02.2022 11:14

The video sound is pretty good, beyond my imagination

@ranjitmadavi6507 - 05.04.2022 03:46

Very nice sir,,

@maheshbabu526 - 13.04.2022 09:28

Sir production planning job carrier gurinchi explain cheyyandi

@gchakravarthy3612 - 22.04.2022 18:42

Very nice info

@desaianantha5153 - 09.06.2022 16:18

Good one, Provide the more PP conf details

@Stocksinnews-bbm813 - 12.06.2022 21:20

Hi, Is it possible to share cross plant manufacturing process ?

@pratsg3257 - 27.06.2022 10:00

Really great explained sir can you explain complete process step by step for shop floor configuration

@pranavathe1837 - 06.07.2022 09:11

Dear IK, excellent tutorial on PP config and more importantly the way you explained it succinctly. You also have a hidden talent as a teacher in you … 😀. Thank you.

@maazahmedsharieff9764 - 13.07.2022 12:35


Could you please make a video of end to end configuration of SAP PPPI please.

Thank you

@DineshPatil-kh8lh - 15.09.2022 19:28

To the point and very informative content sir...and your way of explaining is just like spoon feeding 🙏 Thanku You Sir🙏

@g.k.rathore8864 - 18.09.2022 17:50

Dear sir, how to restrict production oder for FG without SFG completion?

@ohnotoyota4692 - 15.10.2022 15:40

Thank you Mr Ik. Cristal clear and exremely helpful to me.

@manvendrasingh4434 - 13.12.2022 08:40

Its a very informative content Sir keep going as well.....would you like to share a complete PP module configuration video overall if it possible... Thanks in advance...

@g.k.rathore8864 - 21.12.2022 17:52

Dear sir could i any configured through t.code in dev. Server.

@aashishsingh9616 - 12.02.2023 10:52

I like this video

@rajilramesan547 - 16.07.2023 21:05

Great work IK , happy to see someone with good knowledge in sap PP & great teaching skill as well..

@prashantumathe7597 - 30.07.2023 16:35

sir, How i can get the production report with number as well as its weight. With code coois

@ShilpiGupta-t2x - 13.09.2023 21:01

Thanks a lot Sir, All your videos are so informative and helpful. I had done SAP PP certification in 2007 and Is it very much different from SAP S4 HANA certification. I am looking forward to upgrade to HANA certification. Can you suggest some reliable sources where I can get Course material or details.

@JohnHall-d8v - 16.12.2023 14:04

Karthik, my good friend - it is great to discover you here! Good job on this one. When do you start your career in teaching?

I saw you have certified in HANA too - great work doing that. Did you find that test difficult?

I miss working with you & the others. I hope you are doing well, beyond mere work. Thanks for the good times we enjoyed.

@gobur3911 - 08.06.2024 11:58

Very Clear Explanation Mr . IK . Thank you soo much

@Venkat-l9h - 15.08.2024 05:50

Hi Sir i want to learn sap pp how to reach you sir please suggest

@UshaKumari-wd8kh - 14.11.2024 01:04

Thank you sir,🙏 your videos are great help in my learning journey. Thanks a lot !!

@anugoyal9539 - 26.11.2024 20:34

Very well explained! 👏👏

@ravikiran.madugula6592 - 18.02.2025 07:12

Thank you, Mr. Karthik, for your excellent explanation! You made the concept incredibly clear and easy to understand. We truly appreciate your insights and look forward to gaining more knowledge from you in the future. Keep sharing your expertise.

@AnirbanHalder-u7w - 27.02.2025 21:32

Sir I want to take paid learning course for pp. Can you provide your contact number or anything from where I can get your paid full pp course?

@mohdaban9620 - 02.03.2025 09:08

Sir, you are great sir 😭😭....... May god make you CEO of SAP company 🙏
