How To Get Rid Of Hangover Instantly? – Dr.Berg

How To Get Rid Of Hangover Instantly? – Dr.Berg

Dr. Eric Berg DC

6 лет назад

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@steveha3276 - 09.01.2019 09:53

I have been on the keto for 8 months now, I only drink whiskey and I get drunk a lot easier, but I don't really get hangovers and I have not had a headache since I been on keto.

@Nuno_N - 09.01.2019 23:38

Just don't drink alcohol

@joee5236 - 10.01.2019 14:27

Impressed he didn’t push vitamins in this video

@steflorenta9020 - 10.01.2019 18:56

Symptoms sound like my migraines.
Is there a liver connection? ??

@MatthewRutledgeTaylor - 14.01.2019 20:40

Curcumin and black pepper helps a lot as well.

@angelav9838 - 16.01.2019 10:21

Yeh this would have been useful in my 20's. If your 30+ and still don't know your limit you need an intervention.

@RoyalCaribbeanNews - 29.01.2019 05:33

The best cure is is to drink less the night works for me!

@mostrussiansAreGay - 12.02.2019 02:07

I enjoy alchohol and its always been a positive in my life. From good times, easier to pick up girls, practice my languages in social settings, make brave investments that I wouldnt make while sober etc.
One drink = one tall glass of water. Always. Had very few hangovers in life and dont get them at all today due to water. Some people swear by the electrolyte drinks that are given to children but I never tried. Dont need to. Water works

@daniellee1722 - 02.03.2019 07:08

Steak and eggs with OJ after a night of drinking 👍

@shawnjones796 - 03.03.2019 05:49

I haven't drank for 3years because I am scared of hangover

@driversteve9345 - 08.03.2019 02:18

The true cure of alcoholism is to never have that first alcoholic beverage in the first place!
I’ve never had a sip of alcohol in my life! :)

@newtimesnow - 20.04.2019 20:37

Quit drinking my homemade beer six years ago and started Keto eight months ago. One meal a day in a one or two hour time period appears to be proper. I still weigh the same for thirtynine years, same clothes & without the fat. De exercise 15-20 min & good regular sleep;I am destroying my pants easily at the inseam. A laceration was superglued regularly & Iodine applied; healing rapidly and symetrically.
Keto requires a little personal tweaking and things are going well.
Feeling good, and distancing myself from the negatives as the positives avail properly.

@Tommygunz838 - 06.06.2019 05:20

B1 ehh 🤔 Nice. Ill take it. I know alcohol depletes lots of minerals and vitamins in the body/ brain thats why we get anxiety. There is a lack of vital essential nutrients that help us be strong mentally and in the body which you can call feeling normal (strong) that alcohol takes away. I take a mineral supplement and some vitamins omega 3 but vitamin B1 on its own sounds promising 🙄 Thanks Doc 👌❤

@acolley2891 - 12.08.2019 18:10

Eat an ounce of sunflower seeds

@charliedallachie3539 - 03.09.2019 17:12

Water and vitamins, b If addicted. Tapering if you want to do it at home. Could take a week or more to feel normal. As you get older hangovers can take a few days to shake off.

@bryanbroacosta - 01.10.2019 20:36

Watch a Dr Berg video and quickly realize the problem, couldn’t find what deficiencies it could be online and quickly see it’s B1

@MiguelAmar1 - 09.12.2019 01:58

In all serious what if you have a sugar hangover????

@jansmith9922 - 25.12.2019 07:44

I never really understood drinking. Alcohol is a POISON! Think about that Dr Berg & everyone!! IF you say eat banana & they gave you a hang over...would you still eat Bananas? NO! You would realize your body does not like poisonous bananas. Same with alcohol. Also, alcohol is full of sugar! Lots of SUGAR. Experts believe now that alcoholism is actually a sugar addiction (google this). Look at Dr Daniel Amen’s books & you tube videos...he is a leading brain expert who has conducted over 80,000 brain scans on people from around the world...see his books & online to see what alcohol , drugs, sugar does to your brain long term. But, the good news is you can reverse some of the damage done to your brain with methods like Dr Berg & Dr Amens. *your local library may have Dr Daniel Amen’s NY Times best seller books.

@jonevans5084 - 26.12.2019 02:31

Don’t drink alcohol...problem solved!👍😀

@ShaniOnSinai - 19.05.2020 04:49

I know better. Now I have a bad headache after a long day of shots

@kimberlyjfx3729 - 29.07.2020 22:10

This works! I tried it yesterday. THANK YOU Dr. Berg

@alexmellinger6052 - 21.08.2020 04:03

Yeah this lecturer 👨‍🏫 is really right I’m gonna teach my other troops about this...

@knowledgepage9402 - 30.01.2021 20:17

After drinking alcohol my heartbeat become very fast Everytime for many hours but should I do to lower it??????

@TitianTexan - 24.02.2021 15:26

What started out to be an early dinner with friends became a full on ladies night and came in late. Wow, am paying for it hard today.

@kevkongable - 11.04.2021 19:24

Can’t see me boiling up a pan of Kale at 2am. I’ll try the B1 though. I have B tablets that contain 7mg of B1, I wonder how many Mg’s will help?

@troysims2753 - 17.04.2021 01:04

I'm surprised Dr. Berg didn't mention Electrolyte drinks

@El-wv1tf - 30.04.2021 21:15

Did anyone had a hangover from too many carbs? I'm three moths on keto and about a month and a half on OMAD (lost 13 kg), but before that I've been on a moderate to low carb diet. And I was at a family dinner and could not say no (my husband's grandma is 87 and cooked and I just didn't have the heart to upset her). So the next day I seriously had the feeling of hungover and I had no alcohol. Seriously, my head pounded, I felt nauseous and dehydrated.
Had this ever happened to anyone?

@mindbodyaesthetics4446 - 28.05.2021 17:27

How much b1 should you take before abs after bed

@bryanbroacosta - 29.05.2021 22:24

Drink slowly and take NAC also, and drink a lot more water than your comfortable with

@GRSAFseventhousand - 29.06.2021 16:58

Thanks for the tip! 😉

@makaylarumble5940 - 27.07.2021 17:05

Im suffering a terrible hangover today, just ordered a kale and fruit smoothie hope it helps. Never drinking again🤮

@PetraCozianu - 11.08.2021 22:27

Eat veggies when hungover??? Yeah, maybe in a burger :))

@Marc-Vickers - 20.10.2021 14:10


@narylay4978 - 25.10.2021 20:08

I struggled with alcohol addiction going on 15 yrs been a struggled 😩 on off vicious cycle

@chris77777777ify - 23.11.2021 15:41

Title doesn’t make sense. It’s not a question

@sharpen-up - 29.01.2022 20:02

How about adding NAC and magnesium plus B & C. I've been doing that combo before a big night out for over a decade and seems to work to minimize the next morning 'warm moist garbage' feeling...

@christinaalban3717 - 11.03.2022 09:49

Dr Berg can you do a video on candida's ability to produce acetaldehyde? Being that it is an extremely toxic intermediate of ethanol, and a breakdown product. Also its known ability to cause cancer. Im guessing intermittent fasting, and keto would be what you would do? Any other knowledge/information in this subject, would be interesting to hear, or learn from. It's something I have never heard ANY dr's mention, or talk about.

@FeonaLeeJones - 22.05.2022 20:14

Would a charcoal tablet or ginger tablet help with the hangover?

@TruthhTalkk - 04.06.2022 06:36

I don’t know if it’s crazy but I took b1 pills with coconut water and it knocked me out woke up feeling 100% better 20 minutes later

@barrychuckle5565 - 08.07.2022 00:52

For some reason, apple cider vinegar seems to have taken me from the worst person ever with hangovers to rarely getting any sign of one, even after drinking a fair amount.

@blakesmith9039 - 03.09.2022 19:26

So how do you get rid of a hangover?

@hermitcrypto2787 - 03.02.2023 22:42

Isn’t it bad to take one b-vitamin, aren’t you supposed to take a b-complex? 🤔

@mikelazar8061 - 16.02.2023 06:32

NAC and l-theanine are workings very well against hangover

@MarshallSparrowfan - 20.02.2023 04:13

I take Nutritional yeast, two shots of apple cider vinegar, vitamin c and a glass of watet after drinking and im usually good the next day.

@gunclassutah - 05.05.2023 21:45

Wow I literally tried this an hour ago and my headache went away, thanks db

@GeraltOfRivia99 - 06.07.2023 12:44

I hit a bad point in my life. alcohol now makes me so sick the next day which it never use to but ive actually ended up in the ER from it. the hangovers are god awful. i dont just get ohhhh throw up a bit and a little headache... i get the feeling that the worlds going to end. there aint no going into work there aint nothing but trying to work through it...

@GlebTi - 30.08.2023 03:52

Its really great to know how it works , but how many Mg of vitamin B1 to take for the one time to get a profit of it 😀

@Yellowlabratory - 30.08.2023 21:17

Thanks for posting another great video.

@tomlyon3273 - 18.03.2024 13:30

The best solution is to not drink alcohol, ill do nearly anything else, diazepam, codeine...alcohol is the worst drug. Took me years to quit.

@CAdams93 - 22.05.2024 04:34

I don't get hangovers , i get withdrawals
