I have a old timey potato peeler hand held that was my grandma's. I'm a coffee junky and yes coffee is very important to us in morning. I will be getting me that. Thanks for sharing!❤❤❤
Ответитьmy whole family carries a P 38 from the military on our key ring it opens cans quickly. I also was taught by a mexican lady to use a steak knife to open cans
ОтветитьGood video 😊
ОтветитьI'd add a mason jar coffee grinder, a knife sharpener, a stainless steel popcorn popper, and a tea kettle
ОтветитьMust have portable kitchen tools: Morter and pestle, for grinding spices, a potato masher, nut chopper, and a manual slicer and dice for canning, along with make French fries. Just a few of my favorites. 🙂
ОтветитьEBay is great if you know what to look for. Ex. The old cast iron is much better quality than any new. An Atlas food grinder is an absolute must to own. If you are cooking with wood, watch for a clean out tool for your stove. It's a long flexible handle with a small spade on one end. Hatchet and a heavy hammer makes spliting kitchen wood possible. Never discount the need for a bellows. Good luck
ОтветитьYour egg beaters reminds me of my Grandmother!
ОтветитьI have something similar to your coffee silicone press. Mine is a plastic one that sits on top of my coffee cup. I had a friend at faire that gave it to me and I use it in my camper. My husband doesn't drink coffee, so it works for me. At home I use my Keurig, but I do have backup coffee pots, in case I need them. And we have lots of cast iron skillets and dutch ovens, as we use to be in boy scouts also and did a lot of cooking in the adult camp. The last camp stove we bought was a fold-able one, and hubby used it to make brownies in while camping.
ОтветитьI've learned the "prepper adage" 'one is none, two is one.' I have 2 manual mixers, can openers, several P38s, but one grain grinder.
ОтветитьI agree. we should ONLY keep our freezers and fridge running. All others can be cooked outside and we can use oil lamps. Pick them up at any resale store today. BTW...Jesus and coffee is my "go to first, second and third" thing all day. lol....
ОтветитьI purchased a SUN OVEN years ago and tried it out last year during the plandemic. Cooked a venison roast in it and it was so easy and so, so good.
ОтветитьI found can openers that hang on the wall, just like we had in the 50s! Works great! Easy on the hands.
ОтветитьI have all those tools but I got the stainless steel popcorn popper. I use them often. Electric can opener? Bah humbug.
ОтветитьI am getting the's better than the one I have....and that great little camp stove oven!
ОтветитьHi please could you make a video with your victorio grain grinder and your meat grinder...I would Love to learn how to do this Successfully. Thankyou so much ....Kind Regards Lucille South Africa
ОтветитьIn Australia we also use the Dutch oven in the ground. Dig a hole , fire up with cole....let burn well . Fish some cole with a metal scope and pop on lid . Put pot in hole with content on burning cole, lid with burning cole on top.....cook.
Manual slice, shredding etc
Manual meat cutter and salad spinners are a couple of my favorites. Also old fashioned manual crank radio ,wakie talkies n cb radios
ОтветитьIf the grid goes down where I live for any length of time, I worry about cooking anything outside because it's already going to be pandemonium and I guarantee the people that live around me will take their very first chance at robbing me of everything I owned or shooting me, as I hear them shooting on the regular outside in the city in which I live in. So I'm looking for something that I could use inside and in a darkened house so no one realizes that I'm still up and running. Of course you could have the other stuff for once those kind of people die off. I live in a terrible place to be grid down. I could be the best prepper on Earth, but I can guarantee there's someone else right across the pond with better weapons skills that will take the first opportunity to put a bullet in my head. It's just a reality everyone needs to think about. The first prepping supply for grid down in a weapon and lots of ammo, and hopefully as well, non-lethal protection. As the goal isn't to kill unless absolutely necessary.
ОтветитьI always learn something new when I watch your videos. Thinking I already know everything! Lol Thanks so much. 👍
ОтветитьFollow ice age farmer to see what's coming.
ОтветитьWe built our cottage at the base of our family farm in 2016 to be both on or off grid. Both farms have vintage functioning kitchen wood stoves and our summer range is propane. The top will hand light. Don't forget the Coleman camping stove and bbq grille.
We live a mostly Walton's Mountain ( 1935 ) lifestyle. Also use the best of 2021 where applicable. I love my Kitchen Aid appliances, bread machine and Instant Pot to save time, but have all the non-electric counterparts, including a 1900s treadle sewing machine.
Our farm has been closed to the public since March 2020 That includes my registered NH cottage business, which offered workshops in New Hampshire rural living from 1920 to 1940, including 0ff-grid. Unfortunately we remain closed. We do sell hay to existing customers and log. Thank you for getting your valuable information out to your viewers. ~ Diane
I remember my mother’s egg beater and her sifter, she used them all the time. I also remember her making jelly from wild grapes that grew in the field we rented with the house that is now part of a housing development. The 3 years we lived there 1970-1973, were the best years of my life as a young tween!
ОтветитьI got my husband one of those silcone droppers a few weeks ago.❤👍👍
ОтветитьIs it me or is she sexy
ОтветитьIf you can afford it the flywheel mill is awesome we brought a used one in perfect condition for $210 , saw it on Craigslist drove an hour to buy it “ at the police station” where I felt safer.
ОтветитьLove the egg beaters. That is the only tool my nana used for cakes etc.
ОтветитьSmart woman 👍
Ответитьi use the popcorn popper to toast my own coffee beans
ОтветитьWe have a manual meat slicer
ОтветитьI’m surprised u didn’t have a pressure cooker included.
ОтветитьThis interested me greatly cuz I hav elec st. No generator yet. Hav some of this stuff. Invaluable
ОтветитьWhile simplifying my life I've returned to many of the old ways. Hand kitchen utensils, hand gardening tools and manual shop tools. It may take a bit longer but the joy and pride of DIY is great for your mental health also. I strongly recommend sharing old skills with children, relatives, friends and neighbors. IE; the proper use and care of cast iron that can be passed from one generation to another. I got mine from my mother and will pass it on to my daughter. Blessings from our little Georgia homestead.
ОтветитьHi, after my electronic kitchen balance stopped working during preparing the bread dough and a new battery was no help I used my tiny manual kitchen balance. Now I bought several sizes, a big one for bread dough, and a realy small one for salt. I also bought a manual pasta machine and a good book for making pasta. I could not live without pasta. But until now I did not had the time to test it.
ОтветитьMy solar oven is a must. I've cooked meats, casseroles, cookies, cakes. So much fun!
ОтветитьWhere do get them
ОтветитьGood topic, this should be discussed more often. Some extra suggestions:
- a singing teakettle, in which you can boil water on a wood fire
- scales without batteries
- various kinds of thermometers that don't require batteries like a thermometer that you can stick into meat that you bake
- gosun solar oven
you could concider making a video on how to wash clothing et cetera without electricity...
We keep our propane grill tanks full so if something occurs we can still cook.
ОтветитьI love the pour over cones. Didn't know there was a silicone one available.
ОтветитьI got a hand beater, metal strainer and metal sifter great condition for 5.00 on a local market place.
ОтветитьManuak pasta maker
Ответитьmanual pasta maker
Ответитьwhat generator do you use for frig and freezer
ОтветитьIn Australia, the waterbag is an important part of life in the bush. It's a canvas bag designed to be hung in the shade, somewhere with airflow. You fill it with water and evaporation cools the water. Very important in hot summers.
ОтветитьA favourite of mine from childhood is the cast iron jaffle iron. We used them t9 make toasted sandwiches on a campfire. Baked beans were very good in a jaffle.
ОтветитьGreat info.. thanks for sharing!
ОтветитьThanks Jinne great s.uggestions
ОтветитьGreat content as always! If you're looking to explore these topics even further, we actually produced an award-winning documentary called Grid Down Power Up - Documentary, narrated by Dennis Quaid, that dives deep into these issues. It’s available for free on our channel, and you might find it really insightful. We also have some resources on our website for taking action, like contacting legislators and public utilities. Please help us spread the word!
ОтветитьHow did I know you’d have links?
ОтветитьNOTE!!! Just to Clarify Hemlock the Herb is Poisonous , please do not try to eat it. Hemlock the Tree is an Evergreen and completely safe for consumption... Never eat plants that you are not 100% sure of. 💕💕💕🇺🇸