ОтветитьGood haul.
ОтветитьWish i had a Costco club memebership. Problem is nearest store is about 30 miles away.
ОтветитьThat garlic dip is to die for.
ОтветитьCan’t beat the chickens!
ОтветитьHow much are the memberships at Sam’s and Costco’s? Do they have a senior discount?
ОтветитьYou shop like my wife and me. Good shopping. Love your show Canada 🇨🇦 😊.
ОтветитьI'd "BUZZ" you about your groceries, but I won't. Bought the gluten free chicken ourselves and she's already making plans for the butternut squash sauce. Love the videos. She's been Celiac for 15 years now.
ОтветитьWell, Buzz, seems like some pretty good deals to me. Do you and your wife garden at all? It's a great retirement pursuit---my husband and I love to see our plants grow in the summer, and with even a modest sized garden we get delicious garden fresh squash, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, and greens. 2 Summer's ago a "volunteer" pumpkin plant popped up and we got two cute little pumpkins from it.
ОтветитьNice haul Buzz!
ОтветитьI would recommend networking with people sometimes. Here are a few things going on near me.
The neighbor near me was cleaning the basement and they placed storage containers by the road. I was able to get 4 of them for free this week. I cleaned around the house and placed a roll around AC unit that works and a project 3 wheel bike by the side of the road. I saw another neighbor put a stainless pedal garbage can and wooden crates.
Walmart warehouse is tossing sweet potatoes and the neighbor that gets early lettuce from me gave me 3 bags 3 lbs each. I gave a bag to the other neighbors. One picks up eggs for me 3 dozen for $5 and the other lady gave me half of her sweet potato casserole. Another lady wanted my bail top bottles to make bingo prizes for the senior center.
One man's junk is another man's treasure!
Great info Buzz! As you illustrate -- getting the best deals per item involves going to several different stores-- which can be a pain sometimes. I find myself occasionally paying more for an item at "store A" because i just don't feel like going to a second or third store
ОтветитьGosh it was a crappy day today, cool and damp. I thought you just stocked up a week or two ago?
ОтветитьDo you shop only at Costco and Sams or do you always hit the grocery stores? Also, I love the Jimmy Dean mini breakfast sandwiches. Two are just enough. I also make my own breakfast sandwiches which is pretty good.
ОтветитьThe membership fees for Costco and Sam’s really cut into your budget.
ОтветитьHey Buzz. You can go ahead and give me the flashlight anyway. I will act surprised when I open it and no one will know I knew you bought it for me.
ОтветитьWe go to Sam’s Club. They have some pretty good prices. The members mark TP is really good-esp for the price. A lot of our OTC meds are a lot cheaper too.
ОтветитьBuzz's Processed Foods Kitchen.
ОтветитьGood shopping trip. My wife did the Costco last week and brought home the chicken. I love flashlights too.
ОтветитьI hate sweet potatoes. I’m prediabetic and my brother talked me into adding them to my diet. I told my partner last night, I will never eat another sweet potato again. Sweet potato lovers, you can have my share.
Sams tomorrow for us
ОтветитьTater tots are on sale next Wednesday.
I'm also a flashlight freak.
I normally don't buy flashlights from Costco or any other big box stores.
I only buy the name brand lights like Olight and Nitecore.
I bought this 5000 lumens flashlight from Costco to have in my truck for emergencies.
I took it back the same day. It might say 5000 lumens but not a true brightness.
Lumens means nothing without the Lux and Candela.
The Costco light had the lumens but no Lux or Candela.
Rotisserie chicken at $4.99 is a great deal. Two should feed you both for almost a week.
The cheese, Buzz, isn't "bersin." It's pronounced, "bor-saun," with little emphasis on the n.
Not a snob, but I play one on the Internet. 😊
Happy eating!
Your videos are such a refreshing, positive, delightful distraction from anything I might be worried about or dealing with. I can always enjoy a respite from things when I watch your videos. Thank you for your friendly personality, your helpful tidbits and your genuine approach which creates an enjoyable community with your viewers. (And the Costco items always give me great ideas).
ОтветитьGood deals on the chicken, raspberries and chickens. I don't belong to any of those clubs but those are good deals.
ОтветитьJulie at Happy on Monday gave you a shout out on her most recent video. Can you do a video on the retirement channels you watch?
ОтветитьWe recently made a trip to Sams and spent about the same
ОтветитьGood haul. ❤️🌵
ОтветитьBetter buy all that processed stuff now ! Because there is a NEW SHERIFF in town !
ОтветитьWhat a great haul Buzz. My wife and I love love the chicken and the convience of it. Thanks for sharing your food haul again.
ОтветитьAnother good one. How you coming on the bath room remodel? Marc C out and take care.
ОтветитьWe are heading to Costco on Monday. Good to hear you spent what we normally spend there. Used to get out of there for less than $150.
ОтветитьWas a great haul my friend!! Keep them coming!!!
ОтветитьI wish we had a Costco near us, but we have a BJ’s, which is similar. I should join again. You have reminded me what bargains it is to shop at the bulk warehouses
ОтветитьNever ever go to Costco hungry! We always hit the food court first!
ОтветитьI believe your spending enough to make a Costco Executive membership make sense. This type membership usually pays for itself. Look into it, we did and we get our membership cost back plus
ОтветитьHow much do you spend per meal? That's the true eye opener!
ОтветитьI enjoy going to cosco here in southern California I enjoy watching your videos Buzz
ОтветитьThanks for the video, Buzz!! Lots of tasty items in that haul.