How To Recover Hacked Whatsapp Account | 2024 Updated

How To Recover Hacked Whatsapp Account | 2024 Updated


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@gowthamkumar2446 - 03.03.2025 18:02

sir my whatsapp hacked help me

@BillyFgibbons-r1j - 03.03.2025 16:35

I recommend @wardurlfuzza a certified account Recovery Expert who simplifies the Recorvery process
His guidance was helpful in resolving my business pages hacking issue, and His dedication to finding a solution was truly impressive.

@AsifIqbal-lz6ly - 28.02.2025 15:20

What if hacker implemented 2fa and changed the email as well?😀

@LordAkissi - 27.02.2025 20:08

My says wait for 12 hours

@SarojaUyyalada - 27.02.2025 06:38

Sir i need help , my whats app hacked.

@NickSky-e8u - 25.02.2025 06:25

The reason people get hacked is they go to video wach little boy and girl and click stop doing this don't feel sorry for you people

@glorymere2265 - 24.02.2025 11:36

Please help. I have send email to Whatsapp and they reply that I should wait for seven days and today makes it the seventh day yet they're taking me back to start my complaints

@Celestynn-ee6mv - 23.02.2025 18:11

I believe that my phone has been hacked but not with any of these

@mohanapandiyanl6372 - 20.02.2025 13:33


@mohanapandiyanl6372 - 20.02.2025 13:32

Ya but someone logged into my both main accounts

@sergiopereira5550 - 19.02.2025 15:21

Had my whatsapp account hacked two weeks ago and followed what you and other people said and successfully recovered my account. Thanks a lot for all your work.

@BorgesMariaVinton - 18.02.2025 18:53

The same issue occured to my account few minutes ago if you dont mind I can show you the only reliable and trusted person that can help you immediately

@hassanansari9836 - 11.02.2025 16:45


@hamZa-g5y - 11.02.2025 06:26

Only Audenspark will help you

@AdriannePalicki-g7n - 11.02.2025 06:04

Audenspark is the best

@sgpiapot9813 - 09.02.2025 21:31

My WhatsApp got hacked! Scum woman said she was a psychic and she wanted money for a reading! She’s a LIAR!!! Idk if it was a guy or woman! Useless hacker! I got scammed twice by 2 men- I sent $2500 Steam Cards to him, this other guy I sent iPhone 8, a tablet, but I sent it to this woman in Johannesburg, South Africa! I’ll never send cards or devices to anyone!

@Solospeaking - 09.02.2025 09:51

Hey, I came here to say it works! Follow his instructions. The only difference is that they actually banned my account. I had to do the email again after the account was banned. Now I have account back.

@ainembabaziphinella-fl4xz - 06.02.2025 23:19

I have a quick question I was hacked too but I panicked and deleted the app
Do the above steps still work

@thabothantsii2051 - 06.02.2025 16:17

I was using whatsApp messanger when it got hacked and now I installed WhatsApp Business and I am able to access it. Is whatsApp Business official?

@KimberlyLeatherbarrow - 05.02.2025 00:18

All thanks to this great joelthics, I was able to regain access into my account successfully, you're a genius

@AndrewWhatley-x6g - 05.02.2025 00:18

Haven't y'all heard about joelthics? He's the only IT expert with magic fingers

@MartaZyto - 05.02.2025 00:17

No language can ever express my feelings for the help I got from you joelthics. All I can say is thank you thank you, you've been of great help to me.

@ruthmunalula9259 - 03.02.2025 08:26

I uninstalled my WhatsApp what do I do after being hacked

@alecheesacker4460 - 02.02.2025 00:35

Shockingly hit by Spyware!

@ep5630 - 31.01.2025 21:03

You need to talk way slower

@frank_kungpow - 30.01.2025 08:19

now do onother video on how to recover your hacked account with out talking too much 😢😢

@slit4starz - 28.01.2025 13:00

can someone help me please 😭 i’m not receiving the 6-digit codes to my device at all. neither sms or calling works

@HafizaKwarteng - 27.01.2025 02:29

What if he can't open the WhatsApp at all to set the two step verification

@JoycePatrick-x8u - 24.01.2025 08:10

I just got back my hacked account few minutes ago let me show you who help me recover it immediately

@anaruzicic7790 - 22.01.2025 02:54

Hello everyone,
I cannot recognize if my WA acoount is hacked, but all of my data from acoount and my phone and Google storage have been deleted.
At the 17th of January 2025, I recived some notification from WA that I need to restore the data immediately or it will be permanently deleted. I clicked the button 'restore' and in first second after that, all of my data were gone.
Please, help me to restore my data, I badly need it 🙏🏽. Or if anyone had the same problem, please, share the solution to fix it. Big thank to all of you!

@Omolarakolawole-u6i - 21.01.2025 16:32

But I already uninstalled it and downloaded another WhatsApp,what do I do?

@musiimentaolivious7802 - 17.01.2025 10:07

Mine i requested for a call they called me but on the app they're saying that they didn't detect any call😢

@theuniverseofothman7660 - 17.01.2025 07:47

May Allah guide and bless you and us all! My account gpt hacked today and this was very helpful!!!!! ❤ May Allah make it easy for us all!

@maishaadrienjackson2834 - 16.01.2025 15:01

They have hacked my account too today 😊

@fredasowu5688 - 15.01.2025 23:46

Please I need your help

@VUYODLAMINI-hx7nu - 15.01.2025 23:18

Thank you man you are the best I got my whatsapp back.

@GuddurajGudduraj-ue9zq - 15.01.2025 14:52

In addressing the issues with my account, Royal Recaptureorg your commitment has truly exceeded expectations, reaching a level of excellence that is remarkable. My sincere thanks to you! Your efficiency, organizational skills, and results-oriented approach make you stand out. Encountering someone as trustworthy has been a rarity. Keep up the fantastic work. I am determined to bring greater recognition to you and the kindness you’ve shown. Individuals like you, Mr. Dwaling, are indeed rare and highly esteemed.

@anujdeuri287 - 15.01.2025 14:52

Bravo, Royal Recaptureorg -I'm so glad you're out there fighting these scumbags. We must do everything in our power to protect the elderly and the general public from these despicable scammers. You're a true hero, my brothe

@FF__GOD__360 - 15.01.2025 14:52

Awesome work, ROYALRECAPTUREORG ! It's so satisfying to see you putting in the effort to stop those shady characters. Protecting the public, especially the elderly, from those despicable con artists is crucial. You truly deserve recognition and appreciation for keeping us secure. I'm thrilled for you because you're my sibling. Your accomplishments definitely make you a strong contender for the Nobel Peace Prize. Keep up the outstanding performance!!!!!

@sheditingofficial1437 - 15.01.2025 14:52

That feeling when your partner cheated and you don't have the courage to leave him or her so you just dealt with the pain and live everyday asking questions about your worth. This pain is different from the cheating one-- living and seeing him everyday anticipating when will he or she do it again. Your videos are incredibly well done. No critique, thanks for doing this Royal Recaptureorg

@KhushlbhaiSonara - 15.01.2025 14:51

I cannot imagine completing this project without you ROYALRECAPTUREORG . You are amazing. Thank you for being there for me. Not a single effort of yours will go in vain. You will be rewarded for your pain. Your hard work will bring you a lot of gains. Well done. Your achievements speaks itself about your capabilities. Slow and steady makes it to the top! Good job! James

@Article_t3j - 15.01.2025 14:51

Omfg! ROYALRECAPTUREORG turned out to be a bloody smart move. I love love love this. I’m the wrong side of 40 so I’m taking this all on board IMMEDIATELY- thank you! Even if I run out of time my kids will benefit from this incredible education. Thankyou thankyou thankyou!!

@hamantaghosh2513 - 15.01.2025 14:51

There is no doubt that you will rise fast at the apex of your career ROYALRECAPTUREORG . Because you are a very intelligent, smart, hard worker and your work ethic par excellence. Keep going People like you take the IM out of IMpossible by becoming PRO at tackling PROblems. You Rock!

@mdaadilkhan910 - 15.01.2025 14:51

There is no doubt that you will rise fast at the apex of your career ROYALRECAPTUREORG . Because you are a very intelligent, smart, hard worker and your work ethic par excellence. Keep going People like you take the IM out of IMpossible by becoming PRO at tackling PROblems. You Rock!

@ManjulaSahu-n3e - 15.01.2025 14:45

I'm a Maldives born and living in UK and I cannot express enough how much I despise these scumbags. Literally whenever people ask me my nationality I just tell them I'm British because idiots like these give us a horrendous reputation, not to also mention they scam other Europeans too. It warms my heart to see stuff like this, please Royal Recaptureorg keep up the great work destroying these scammers!!!

@HiteshParmar-jq1zi - 15.01.2025 14:45

Their move from the dark web to the clear web was a bold step that reflects their commitment to transparency and integrity. Royal Recaptureorg continues to lead the industry with their ethical practices.

@nileshyadav8869 - 15.01.2025 14:45

Utterly frustrated and upset as my business account remains inaccessible. Thank you, Royal Recaptureorg for your invaluable techniques and procedures. Thank you wholeheartedly for assisting me with my account recovery. Your quick actions and meticulous attention to detail were exemplary. Having someone as capable and supportive as you guiding me through this process is truly appreciated.

@MilesRomeroWB - 15.01.2025 05:44

Thank you so so much

@melindabanda3360 - 14.01.2025 21:49

Was hacked 3hours aggo
