"The Long Walk"  - A film by Trevor Neuenswander and Kevin Waczek

"The Long Walk" - A film by Trevor Neuenswander and Kevin Waczek

The Filmmaker's Blog

55 лет назад

616 Просмотров

We started production on this film nearly TWO YEARS AGO for a class project at SDSU. As co-writer and cinematographer of this short film, it was fun, crazy and rewarding experience.

I want to thank the cast starting with Michelle McKay, for being an awesome, committed and talented lead. Edgar Rodriguez for absolutely kicking ass and winning a Jury Award for Best Actor! Adam Gilmore for being so good during his audition we had to create a role for him. Samir Crush for being one of the creepiest guys on camera and one of the nicest guys off camera. Tom Block, Ross Geraci, Daniel Toossi and Wrekless Watson for being the best "band of post-apocalyptic misfits" anyone could ask for. You guys really brought "the crazy" and I loved it. Kevin Osbourne and Doug Lito for pressing through your difficult schedules and being a great addition to the film.

Now for all the people you don't see. I couldn't have done this without my main man co-writer and director Trevor Neuenswander. He is a talented filmmaker and I'm happy I was able to work with him once again. Our producer Patrick Meier, who was probably the most stressed person on set but without him this film would have crashed and burned. Thanks for your hard work beyond the call of duty. Assistant Producer Olivia Stone, for somehow figuring out how to make tacos literally in the middle of nowhere and helping to keep Patrick sane. Our makeup artist Cherry Estrella, for being a talented artist ready for any challenge we threw at her. Our special effects makeup artist Gabriella Amor, for surprising me every time she picks up a brush. Whether it's glam makeup or practical effects she can do it all. Our one man practical effects department Michael Taylor, for being the brewer of fake blood and a master of squibs. Fight choreographer Michael Veritas, for designing some fun and intense choreography that was so incredibly fun to put to screen. My 1st assistant camera Ben Yin, who was there for me every single second on set and someone who saw me almost drop a monitor in the lake. Gaffer Caitlyn David and Partha Ranadive who were key in helping me execute my lighting designs. Our assistant director Sydney Schnurrenberger for keeping us on track even though her car fell apart in the process. Our assistant editor Vadim Connolly for working hard and being one of the most fun and interesting guys I've ever met. Assistant Set Designer Emily Klemmetsen for helping with our props and set design. Our production assistant (PA) Alvin Hernandez Revilas the most handy PA ever. There is nothing this guy can't do or can't solve. Alessandra Waczek for being among the ensemble of news anchor voices; a much needed addition.

My biggest thanks and admiration goes to my brother Ryan Waczek for not only being our sound department for Day 1 of shooting, but for composing an all original score for the film and spending hours overtime with myself and Trevor finalizing the sound and foley work. Thank you Bro.

Lastly, a big thank you from the bottom of my heart to Tanner Frye for trusting us and allowing us to film on his property. Without him this entire film would not have been possible.

If you made it this far, chances are you are a part of the cast and crew. But those aren't the only people that made this film possible. This film happened because of our donors. I speak on behave of the entire "The Long Walk" team, we are humbled by the trust, faith and generosity of all of our donors supplying the resources to complete this film. I want to give special thanks to all of you:
Tanner Frye
Charolette Frye
Rene & Irene Meier
Troy Neuenswander
Dihanne Tubolino
Claudia Limacher
Allison Waczek and Tom Waczek
John Schnurrenberger
Raleigh Green
Carol Green
Megan Connolly
Sean & Kathleen Peters
Lori Ramsey
Richard Mello
Eilynn Kohlbecker
Richard Ramsey
Carolyn Budd
Dan McDermont
Travis Carver
Kathi Miller
Chris Schnaubelt
Rachel Dean
Kyle DeGuzman
Evan Christenson
Reka Csanady

Thank you all very very much!

If you made it this far you are unbelievable. I'd love to know what you think of the film. If you liked it consider sharing it with your friends and family. Stay safe during this time and God bless.

- Kevin


#The_Long_Walk_-_A_film_by_Trevor_Neuenswander_and_Kevin_Waczek #The_Long_Walk_short_film #Kevin_Waczek #Trevor_Neuenswander #Michelle_McKay #Adam_Gilmore #Edgar_Rodriguez #Samir_Crush #Tom_Block #Ross_Geraci #Daniel_Toossi #Wrekless_Watson #Kevin_Osbourne #Doug_Lito #Patrick_Meier #Olivia_Stone #Cherry_Estrella #Gabriella_Amor #Michael_Taylor #Michael_Veritas #2020_Short_Film #SDSU_short_film #SDSU_2020_short_film
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