2012 - Kenwood App Mode

2012 - Kenwood App Mode


12 лет назад

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@gab24m3 - 03.07.2012 01:16

Can this be done on a 9980?

@shadowdeathcat - 09.07.2013 00:09

dude u guys need to make this damn thing work on androids I mean I spent 1000 dollars on my head unit wtf wouldn't you make it work on the most used OS in the world

@jparm1 - 23.10.2013 01:22

That's the Will Ferrell "I SUFFER FROM VOICE IMMODULATION" voice. Also, you'd think a respectable audio company would have a better quality VO recording. Just sayin.

@Vosaism - 01.08.2014 22:15

shadowdeathcat I agree. Android now holds 85% of the market and a head unit still has yet to come close to functioning natively. It's ridiculous.
