ОтветитьThe Aliens appear to be culturing us! I wonder what they get out of the deal!
ОтветитьYour going nowhere you are a supporter of Praveen Mohan! Who is a corrupted dog influenced by the big phama. Everyone knows you now Praveen like the Dr fraud Faucci
ОтветитьThe Cuba one is fascinating I had never heard of there being a place in Cuba that was so old. Love to know more. The thing that interests me more is not just the Younger Dryas, but there had to have been a civilization BEFORE that, much older than us. I mean, 12.8k-11.6k years is when the event happened but what was before that?
ОтветитьSince I see religious text more like a history book than a religious book, I'd recommend to check out some Buddhist text. I found some interesting things from Bible and Quran too and somehow they have same things in different language. But what I found interesting is, the Buddhist text gave more straight forwardi infos. It mentioned at least with this earth, we already 4 resets and the final one is the fifth. There were earths before, and there will be after. Oh it's so interesting, they also acknowledge the existence of countless worlds and universes.
ОтветитьPaul i want to thank you for all you do. You can't even start to know how many people you have helped to see the truth. I'm just one of them. 👍
ОтветитьHumans are being used for creating a mining world.. Not alot of metal around, and are we just at the end of our usefulness.
ОтветитьAutism definitely has its advantages
ОтветитьHere you go. We were created to mine gold for there planet because there atmosphere had to much radiation, just like NASA uses the gold on satelites to stop radiation. We were only given so much knowledge because they wanted us to do a job, just like the governments work us now, in a rat race for nothing. But we were created in their image and do have a part of there DNA, so we are developing higher IQ's with every generation. We have such a small part of them though. The one thing that keeps us going is the interest in learning, In striving and handling tasks. we'd probably be so much further along if it wasn't for the ego. Basically you look at elon musk hes a very busy man. but thats because he wants to be, hes constantly learning and trying new things, and for some reason people trust him and let him do what ever he wants. elon is really the only great thing we have going on earth. Im know huge fan of his but would love to work with him to try and advance the society
ОтветитьCheck out Billy Carson. He goes deeper into this
ОтветитьPeople try to paint everything and everyone white. Just like the Egyptians and Jesus😭
ОтветитьI just cannot get enough of this information. Thank you for your amazing work to bring this amazing knowledge to us ❤
ОтветитьOh dear God
ОтветитьY ate most of the noses are gone 👀
ОтветитьPaul, what you say is funny... Because, as you are from a lineage of colonial ancestors, you see your god too like a colonial person, like a master...
But you try to understand the TAMIL OR INDIAN IDEA OF GOD... Here our god says that, if you have the necessary WILL , and do the necessary things with commitment, then you can become me.... And he also says when creation( the human body) happens the creator has left some traces of himself within the created( human body)....OUR GODS ARE LIKE FRIENDS HELPING A FRIEND IN NEED....Not like masters treating a slave.....
TRY COMING OUT OF YOUR COLONIAL IDEAS AND master slave mentality... That bias may affect your thinking and inference.....😅😅😂
Yes but why nobody rescued us from the Catholic Church genocide of indigenous and highly intelligent humans around the world? Why were the aliens not intervened in times of genocide and colonization?
ОтветитьI have to say that science(biological molecular professor Pietro Buffa and also investigator and doctor at university of Pisa at the department of chemistry Corrado Malanga) says that who has blood group RH- comes not from the apes, they come from another creation, from an external individual about 200.000 years ago.
The Italian professor Corrado Malanga has come to that it has been three reset before our creation. He also investigates at the pyramids, Khnum Khufu at Ghiza, that the building has more than 40.000 years and that their proposal was to keep the pharaohs immortal, it’s a macchine of immortality and not tomb.
Both are writers of books and have their homepages and channels.
Ilovepaulwallis 5th kind thrill🙏❤️♥️🌹💋
ОтветитьWhat if the Anunnaki was the result of a galactic time paradox? What if their planet was a version of Earth but from a different quantum timeline? What if they figured time travel and wormholes? What if they were a different futuristic version of us? What if an alternate futuristic version of ourselves went back to our past, manipulated us, and created our present? What if we are in a weird time loop and become them in the future?
ОтветитьIt was the androgynous ones. The first humans created were like GLBT people. They multiplied by artificial insemination. Sex, was non -existence among humans only animals. They felt populating the earth was to much work. They formed humankind to be as they are today. And eventually died off. Creating monsters without civilization. Fortunately, they came back as a result on inbreeding. People were having sex with everyone, and the result, in all nations, GLBT people are born. They are the ones who taught humanity civilization.straight people are like classical physics, and GLBT people are like quantum physics. Because of their placement in the world, they knew the importance of sub-atomic particles, like themselves, do not behave as normal humans do. If you check out Sumer, the Galli priests were all GLBT people. And they are the ones who founded society. They were known as gods, and angels and giants. For instance, The Sodom and Gomorrah story is being told backwards. God destroyed Sodom because of how humans treated them. Everything in the Bible is explained backwards because they are the ones who wrote it.
ОтветитьIt blows my mind that peoplefall for this BS
ОтветитьWhy is Barry Lyndon’s main OST playing at the beginning of this video?
ОтветитьDear Sir,you are playing with fire.
ОтветитьWhat a complete wanker.
ОтветитьWell, wasn't it said by a Greek philosopher that ..." the only true wisdom is that we know nothing."
The only thing that I realize from the past is that it repeats itself in the future.🤔
ОтветитьHow do we identify the Bad Anu?
ОтветитьAnd the Seventh Angel Poured His Bowl Upon the Air.
ОтветитьI have listened to a lot of NDE experiences. Although none are the same, there are many commonalities that are very precisely the same. I do believe in an ultimate source creator, or God. Which seems to be the case, as well as the Christ consciousness. Which are pure love and light.
I also believe negative, dark forces exist. After all, we are only here for a short time. Then we go back home.
Interesting info 🤔
ОтветитьOr... Are we the 25th ? They say , we have 23 🧐 and apes have 24 . Do we have 25 ? 🥸 ____ .
Ответить♪♫♥- Love this and Pauls work ! - Keep up the good work of yours - ;)
ОтветитьMaybe they took mushrooms AND got diddled with by Aliens. No wonder we are all traumatised.
ОтветитьAnnunaki mixed their genes with ancient world hominids and their own igigi to create the various human races we see today.
ОтветитьOk, how much is yr 5th kind TV subscription? monthly/yearly? senior discounts?
ОтветитьOMG please tell me someone knows the name of the classical song in the opening! I’ve been looking for it for a while now with no luck 😩
ОтветитьMake auto hypnose and may be God open something for you if you want to know everything 🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьThe Tibetan people trace themselves to the union between a woman and a primate .
ОтветитьWe are descended from angels they created us out of neanderthals using they're own DNA...we couldn't grasp the concept of growing crops ...until...the angels made us human they're symbol is the pentagram and they are here with us
ОтветитьThe North Americans are describing Indians, Indian Indians. India's ancient text has mentions of flying vehicles etc. Indian subcomtinent was largely umaffected by LGM period and when other parts of the World the conditions were harsh for human beings to make much progress in knowledge, Indians had most likely excelled in tech and what not, and then there are stories of some Kings who were bamished to far away land East of India across the mighty oceans, that might be the Andes.
Ответитьand the reset they speak of is in the making of happening for the united states... to much negativity that we are a threat to mother earth... itll seem biblical and it is... but we will advance.... and thats why all the different religions.. its more to do with where your at.... but im confident we will be a nation and world with 1 power as we are all connected to an energy of 1 and this video is our highest power
ОтветитьMr . Wallis thank you , as i watch certain videos from the fifth kind tv , repeatedly , my questions are answered . Hopefully with the new , or should i say not so new changes that are once again facing me , i'll be able to pay for your work properly... 2 dna strands joined , and more interference to broaden the mind functions of mankind ... 😊
ОтветитьYeah, I believe in Jesus Christ
ОтветитьI wanna see a special episode featuring Graham Hancock. Would sure be interesting
ОтветитьConsidering that there is harmony within the ancestral narratives and all the ancient texts, it is unfortunate that the modern humans have gone the extra length to distort the human origin and evolution stories to veil our awareness plunging man in to a depth of collective amnesia and darkness.
Let the awaking continue, thank you for the great content dear Paul Wallis.
Very Ignorant of What Ancient Native Cultures Say and Carved in Rock, Extra Terrestrial Visits
ОтветитьSmart enough to build space craft but not smart enough to build a more efficient way to mind gold from the earth😂