Jim Bianco: "We don't need the Fed to be cutting interest rates in this environment"

Jim Bianco: "We don't need the Fed to be cutting interest rates in this environment"

Bianco Research

4 месяца назад

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@wolfpackforlife1 - 20.11.2024 18:47

This guy is backward.

@baffinsansterre - 20.11.2024 19:01

10 yr bond is anticipating inflation.

@lloydfoner9213 - 20.11.2024 19:04

JB is sincere & quality Dude!

@miguelleiva897 - 20.11.2024 19:50

Now 3,4% inflation world. Make sense to the rest of them as soon as we didn't get that recession at the beginning of 2023, I started seeing that the fed chose inflation over recession

@joesherry0218 - 20.11.2024 22:12

LOL.... Jim, the Fed is cutting because US Gov is insolvent, it's not about inflation, come on, you are too smart to NOT see this.

@jverderber - 20.11.2024 22:44

Sound like Jim actually believes the Gov stats lol

@georgetoth6768 - 20.11.2024 23:49

Econ is doing fine = F-d, Insecure, Neurotic and Excitable. Yup it is fine, fine, fine...

@Reutzel507 - 21.11.2024 01:41

What a useless idiot.

@adnans8778 - 21.11.2024 02:22

@Bianco Research - could you please publish these posts in podcast format like you used to? They were great to listen to on the go

@lulubelle551 - 21.11.2024 02:33

Jim Bianco has been right all along! He has made the most sense to me.

@srercrcr - 21.11.2024 03:09

"The economy is doing fine"???? Did you read Targets' miss today?

@Alberto6789-e1p - 21.11.2024 03:39

Don't simply retire from something; have something to retire to. Start saving, keep saving, and stick to investments

@detectiveofmoneypolitics - 21.11.2024 04:56

Detective of money politics is following this very informative content cheers from VK3GFS and 73s from Frank Melbourne Australia

@LQVendorFP - 21.11.2024 05:43

half point cut was a political gift to the treasury and the dems they thought.

@LQVendorFP - 21.11.2024 05:44

10yr below 4.5 is a terrible deal

@thomasmazzola4760 - 21.11.2024 13:55

Bloomberg boulshevick didn’t care when Demoncats were borrowing and spending trillions on the fraudulent infrastructure act. That is where this inflation came from. This network hates president TRUMP and it shows every day

@Quantitative_Teasing - 22.11.2024 00:17

Everyone forgets how 2 years ago Powell was pretending to be volcker. What a joke. Gold, inflation swaps, bond risk premium are all telling you not to do it. But they will do it based on this idiotic “real rates” construct based on some abstract neutral rate they have no idea about.

@austinbar266 - 22.11.2024 11:32

With the Fed cutting interest rates by 50 bps, what do you think will happen to the stock market? My portfolio has performed exceptionally well this year, but I am concerned about the possibility of a market crash and losing my gains though but, it's all on a brighter and splurging side for Gold, should I look that way?

@gussoldtimeradioshows4902 - 23.11.2024 21:40

I can't believe the FED cut even once this is ridiculous

@ssuwandi3240 - 27.11.2024 18:46

Pro Growth wins👍👍

@Riggsnic_co - 02.12.2024 10:10

I see the rising interest rate as a very big problem, as more investors will definitely pull out more money from the Stock market. This might have worked when I was still invest-ing with a couple thousand dollars, but it is more difficult now to decide whether to pull out more than $365k from my port-folio. I know some inves-tors still make that despite the strong bear market. In wish I could pull that feat
