Will Ski Resorts Survive Climate Change?

Will Ski Resorts Survive Climate Change?


1 год назад

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@JohnHowell-xg9uk - 14.08.2024 06:39

Back to back above average snow seasons here in lovely Colorado, and if La Nina behaves as expected we will have a third. This maniacal climate change cult is relentless.

@ianp6994 - 14.04.2024 01:44

To be honest i really dont think we will have skiimg and snowboarding in the future.

Really hope I'm wrong though

@roberthicks5454 - 07.04.2024 03:31

When I was a kid in the 1970's, my granddad told me how warm it was when he was a kid. Where I was, the schools had to schedule snow days every year because it would snow so much that the roads were not passable. A couple decades later, they stopped it due to there never being a day when there was way to get to school. This last year, they had to start it again. It has been proven that there is a (approximate) 60 year cycle of warming and cooling set atop a slow warming cycle. Yes, eventually many of the areas that have had snow will lose it, but the likelihood is, there will be more cycles before we get to that point and even then, the cycle will bring back the skying every so often.

@m.hoffman2889 - 29.01.2024 18:24

still people are very dumb and believe a snow storm or a week of cold weather contradicts climate change, weather doesnt equal climate
I have a bad feeling for the famous German ski resort of Winterberg, at barely 800m elevation they invested in the best of the best of chairlifts and snowmaking and the standard there is: white stripes of ski runs going through green landscapes, merely 1-3 weeks there is a natural snow cover

@raduturcanu8393 - 06.01.2024 03:31

Here in Europe it's very bad. As a kid, 30 years ago, I used to ski at 700m to 1000m altutide anytime since December to March. There was no such thing as no snow. However, nowadays, at 1000m to 1500m you barely have 10 to 20 good ski days. And it's getting worse each year.
Had to accept the truth and bought electric bikes for everyone in my family.
Of course, it;s not fun to ride an ebike in winter at 1000m altitude or higher, but surpisingly, you can do it in warmer days at 500m altitude and since it's about 10-15C in the midday, it's ok.
Decided not to book a ski holyday this year. It's also becoming very expensive. Will go for several days right when it snows and that's it.

@minhnguyen5253 - 07.10.2023 11:04

California had amazing snow last season! Stop this climate "change" to imply warming. Stop this BS. Just stop throwing away so much TRASH!!

@IanMahaffey - 09.09.2023 09:37

To everyone commenting on this video about how the massive winter California had in 2023 proves climate change isn't real:

This video cites *global trends*, which are very clear that the world is getting warmer *ON AVERAGE*. This average temperature rise results in greater fluctuations in climatic patterns, which means regional weather patterns will be more severe. Longer periods of drought and hotter weather followed by longer periods of intense cold and huge amounts of moisture. Neither of these things are good for the ski industry or society as a whole. And they are definitely happening! The winter we just had in the Western US is an example of that, and the drought conditions we had before that are too!

Second, this video explicitly says that resorts above 2000m will fair better than resorts at lower elevations. 2000m is 6500 feet, which many ski areas in the western US far exceed. For reference, the base area of Palisades Tahoe is just below that at 6200', Snowbird is at 7,760', and Breckenridge is at 9,600'. In contrast, the list of Swiss ski areas on Wikipedia shows that all 40 ski areas listed have a base area below 2000m. So they are in a completely different situation than most of the ski areas in the western US, and they are much much more vulnerable.

@crispynz1 - 29.06.2023 11:09

There is no climate emergency!

@bradgibson516 - 01.06.2023 19:07

Utah had 1000 inches last winter. I disagree with your climate conspiracy theory.

@adventureswithfrodo2721 - 30.05.2023 22:31

in the US we had over 200 inches this year. So you are very myoptic in your report.

@paulsnow - 30.05.2023 07:10

We didn't have a medieval warming period supposedly because it isn't global.

The Northwest US had record breaking snow.

@thepineappleburster4439 - 29.05.2023 22:59

Wankers. Temp goes up by 0.1 n the snow woul disappear? ffs

@tonyg3091 - 29.05.2023 22:53

Californians beg to disagree with that 'lack of snow' thingy...

@OldScientist - 29.05.2023 22:46

More fake predictions by scientists: 1958 the Arctic Ocean will be Ice free in one generation. 1967 there will be global famine. 1970 there will be an ice age in the 21st century. 1971 50 years away from an ice age. 1972 glacial temperatures within a century. 1974 satellites show ice age coming fast. 1978 no end to cooling trend. 1979 ice at North Pole will melt in one lifetime. 1982 environmental catastrophe by 2000. 1988 Maldives underwater in 30 years. 1989 entire nations underwater by 2000. 2000 snowfall has become a thing of the past. 2004 UK climate will become Siberian. Cities will sink into the ocean. 2006 10 years until a point of no return. 2007 if no action 2012 will be too late. Also 2007 Arctic ice free 2010, or 2015, or 2013, or 5 years take your pick. 2008 the Arctic ice sheet would melt away. Also 2008 North Pole ice free in ... 2008 ... or in 10 years. 2009 Arctic ice free in 2014. 2012 snow will be gone by 2020. 2013 Methane catastrophe in 2 years because of ice free Arctic. 2018 zero chance of permanent ice in Arctic by 2022. Also 2018 humans to go extinct by 2023 from climate change. 2022 End of Snow predicted.

@jasonlocke1018 - 29.05.2023 21:05


@Dave1507 - 29.05.2023 19:11

No they won't, but neither will the human race, so that evens it out, I guess...

@farmercologistc7039 - 29.05.2023 16:27

Keep up. 'Global warming' ended years ago.
The nonsense phrase it has been replaced by is 'climate change'

Either way there is nothing we can do about it. Climate has been changing since the dawn of time.

Just move the resorts

@melovetorun - 29.05.2023 02:45

😂 I thought that it was Climate Change. Now it’s Global Warming again? You should look at all that snow that Tahoe received recently. Palisades is still open and expected to close on July 4th.

@dewiwilliams4358 - 29.05.2023 01:19

Dude, come on
Stop jumping on the bandwagon
Climate change exists buts its natural & cyclical, insinuating its a man made phenomenon is misleading
Too much of this going on in the world, stop adding to it

@davidkambic9169 - 28.05.2023 22:26

What an ignorant article. For every article promoting warming there are plenty stating the real truth. There is no warming.

@ivokoimecs - 28.05.2023 21:48

Maybe I should have bought flippers instead of new skis.
