Leaving the NATURAL HAIR Community Chat + Removing Matted Kinky Twist

Leaving the NATURAL HAIR Community Chat + Removing Matted Kinky Twist

NappyFu TV

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@jonitrue295 - 17.04.2024 15:51

Black women, including you, STILL are not comfortable with true afro 4c hair. If you were you wouldn't be wearing added hair. And the part I hate is that Asians dominate the wig and hair industry and they hate black people and especially black women. You sisters still continue to fatten their pockets by purchasing all manner of fake hair: wigs, bundles, etc.
Wear your own hair. Learn how to manage your own hair. Love your own hair. You don't even practice what you preach. You sport wigs and added hair more than ever. Back in 2015 and 2016 etc ...... you used to rock your own hair ONLY. But it's broken off and gotten short so you've resorted to fake hair. Practice what you preach.

@Henry-b8r1n - 17.04.2024 21:44

Great Video. ❤. Thank you Sweetie. ❤❤❤😊

@Yoitskale - 17.04.2024 22:38

I love your videos have been watching you for 😂 ever since I was in 2015 when I was in junior high

@joyeseohen - 18.04.2024 14:21

Personally I find it so annoying when people suggest you perm your kinky hair because of a perception of how one's hair should love. I've never wished I Permed my hair and I've been over 10yrs natural and I'm never going to relax my hair. Never. I also agree that It's not hard taking care of and growing your natural hair. I've shaved my hair about thrice within 10years of being natural and I've grown it fast within months and I love my hair so much

@bridgetl.7882 - 20.04.2024 13:56

Loving my 4c texture is like loving my mahogany skin, full lips, wide nose, and big booty. Self ❤ is head to toe!

@stephlon6757 - 20.04.2024 21:10

Chai the way she just looked at her dog, like “mschew oh I thought I dropped something but I didn’t” 😂 I was expecting some smooches , show the gal/ guy some love 😅😅

@cheekintenders - 20.04.2024 23:56

This was the most positive video relating to the natural hair community I've seen in maybe 2-3 years. It was really refreshing. Thank you for this.

@starmaxx4 - 21.04.2024 02:02

“Comparison “ is the thief of joy! Come on Grace 🙌🏾.. luv this video 🥰💙

@sandrapryor2094 - 21.04.2024 02:50

You speak the truth. Thank You.

@brendamitchiner5137 - 21.04.2024 06:59

It's so true.
I am here for it and staying natural.

@brendamitchiner5137 - 21.04.2024 07:01

Or black folks that say they don't like it "nappy" what the????

@user-dq9rr9mv3f - 21.04.2024 16:06

Wait??! There’s still a natural hair community? I thought it ended years ago?? Been natural since 2006, don’t need a community to tell me to wear my own hair… I mean if ur getting some advice and stuff is great, but the rest isn’t needed..

@cmg25 - 21.04.2024 16:08

There are so many levels to this. For one, we live in a society that prefers aesthetic lies because companies need to push products. Insecurity is the foundation for consumerism. Whether it’s male pattern baldness, thin or thinning hair, the over valuation of being blonde, length, going gray, or texturism, no one is safe from self hate.
Ironically, the very community that decided to revolt is also the most delusional at times. It’s very stressful and prevents us from living fully because it is a major time suck that extends beyond wash day.

@avivab515 - 21.04.2024 21:23

Keep on the preaching ❤ love that it’s so honest!

@sw33tnycandy - 22.04.2024 00:39

All valid points made. Thank you. I definitely agree that those who hate their hair really hasnt found what works for it nor have they accepted it as is. These are people that are attempting to force their hair to behave in ways it shouldn't.

@the80sjukeboxbaby - 22.04.2024 03:02

The hair typing system is useless honestly. And most people don’t understand it and STILL misunderstand it. The majority of people screaming 4C DO NOT have 4C hair.

Now I definitely agree that the majority of women have unrealistic expectations and self hate. And it’s not limited to black women. I see it in all types of clients. Everyone wants what they don’t have.

@Bnizzofashizzo - 23.04.2024 14:44

I never see naturally beautiful women complaining about how hard their hair is to make look pretty. Ever. Feminine beautiful women or some women that know they’re a 5 on a scale from 1-10 but can get to a 6 showing their willingness to care about their appearance, they do not mind. The ones that find this tiring , LOOK tired. There’s a correlation! And their disposition tells the story

@julieobiamiwe9139 - 23.04.2024 22:35

Thank goodness that you managed to locate this video of your so called brain dump and share it with us.

I have worn my 4C hair naturally for 10 years and before that it would relax it 3 or 4 times a year when I wasn’t wearing braids.

I don’t think creamy crack is an easy option. It is high maintenance and rough on the scalp.

Suffice to say that like you I am sticking with my 4C hair for the long run.

Thank you so much for posting this wonderful video ❤

@blackcat2826 - 24.04.2024 02:08

I love those videos so much!

@jvillanueva002 - 27.04.2024 00:22

Hi!! Thank you for this video!!!!!! I love love love your encouragement and your spirit. Keep speaking Truth and continue to show God’s love through your channel. Be blessed 🙏🏾

@MsBeasley0783 - 28.04.2024 07:42

You are soooo funny! Thank you for the realism!

@benjai45 - 28.04.2024 20:22

Such facts. All of it. Thank you. No need to throw the baby out with the bath water. So simple. Keep glorifying the Lord by showing people how to love His creative design in them!

@tif_tiff - 30.04.2024 02:53

Thank you for the real message!

@zoeyz.9855 - 01.05.2024 22:46

Thanks so much for this video!

@monzorella1 - 07.05.2024 10:23

I love it!!! I love my natural hair

@YahminahX-jj8vj - 13.05.2024 01:32

Thank you for this Video. God bless you!

@laurenthomas3748 - 18.05.2024 08:53

Thanks for this message! I feel so much peace when I have realistic expectations of what my 4C hair can and can’t do. I switched my focus from long hair to healthy hair. I watch 4C hair creators’ content because I can actually learn from them.

I love doing two strand twists and flat twists to stretch my hair. Before I’d by “elongating” products that CLEARLY didn’t work. I had to learn how to realistically style my hair and appreciate what it could do instead of buying snake oil products.

Our 4C hair is beautiful!

@purpleglitter9596 - 18.05.2024 09:09

It really is brainwashings. If we had media for decades that praised and showcased our type of hair even when it's short and thin we would have no problem with it at all.

@DeeDeee599 - 26.05.2024 23:29

All facts!

@michellewhite6308 - 02.06.2024 15:01

Thank you for preaching the truth about Black women not loving ourselves. God made us. Let us see ourselves as a vessel for God’s purpose in our lives. Love this❤❤❤❤❤ Our daughters need to see this video…all our daughters

@KatieAJ - 05.06.2024 07:46

Yeah! I mean, when i went natural, I almost got swept up into comparing my hair to some influencers but then I started unfollowing them and following ppl like you, sister! And i loved my loose natural hair. Im 7.5 years locd now. Love my hair but i def struggle with the natural hair anxiety at times.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made by the Most High God. He made no mistakes in creating me.

I praise and thank God for you. U are definitely impacting this community for Gods glory.

@Uncensored-HMC - 08.07.2024 06:00

❤& Power to The Natural Hair Community💯

@reneelewis4268 - 15.07.2024 21:38

sis, we r never leaving the natural hair community. our natural hair is beautiful and we love it and yours. we love watching u doing ur natural hair. never stop. they r jealous, lol. our hair is beautiful. keep hope alive. thanks mucho... that is how u got to ur count. never forget.

@reneelewis4268 - 15.07.2024 21:54

preach sis, all ur words r true. and ur hair is beautiful and healthy

@theempressdesha - 21.07.2024 01:26

lol “I have decided to follow Jesuuuuusssss” 🤣

@latonyaborsay6585 - 28.07.2024 20:02

Ooo, Nappy fu, you are telling it like it is. Truth telling!!!

@LBright4444 - 30.07.2024 03:35


@Sassci - 02.08.2024 00:58


@EvetUniverse369 - 08.08.2024 17:49

Thank you ❤

@rhunieangella5424 - 22.08.2024 08:03

I just love you. You make so much sense. I love thick hair but my hair is thin and i m so lazy i say to God thank you cause if i had a lot of hair i ll let it matted and maybe perm it. God knows and gives us what we can handle.

@whateverman2674 - 26.08.2024 03:34

Nappyfu, I hope you read this and answer

Imagine doing a reversible experiment. You became light skin, weighted 110-130, and wear straight or looser texture hair. All of a sudden, people started to admire you. People compliment you all the time. People are nice to you. Your boss, out of the blue, gave you a raise. You're the first person people serve all the time. If something is wrong with your car, repairmen fix your car for free. If something is broken, people fix it for free. Everything you use to buy, you don't buy it anymore. All because you changed your looks.

Would you preach the same message?

When that experiment ends, would you do whatever it takes to look like that again?

I hope you read and respond. I really want to know your thoughts.

@conner0127 - 28.08.2024 18:33

You told the truth girl. Love it!

@amberroyal9367 - 04.11.2024 22:59

How do u keep naturally black hair? Do u dye it?

@1love847 - 29.12.2024 15:54

I agree with hair acceptance and not doing what your hair doesn't want to do. I gave up on wash n go's after the first year because there was nothing manageable about that process. When I realized my hair just wanted to be braided and twisted and set free everything became simpler and I got my time and my life back. Keep it simple sisters! 😘

@Sylvie-x8w - 08.04.2024 09:02

I don't engage in the 'I hate my hair ' conversations. Only subscribed to you and Jennifer Jackson for the reasons you talk about. I wish people would know and understand that when we show up with love, respect and acceptance for ourselves, we are at our most beautiful and powerful. ❤
