HOW TO OPEN A SKATE SHOP : 7 Tips to know before opening a skate shop

HOW TO OPEN A SKATE SHOP : 7 Tips to know before opening a skate shop


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@TheGeneral0081 - 31.12.2022 01:30

LBS x Killer Bean collab ?

@TrippyJays - 01.01.2023 07:04

Dang thats awesome man! Maybe I can have a little shop someday 🤔.

@jaredh1657 - 09.01.2023 21:24

You guys still in business?

@adamhoversten - 05.02.2023 21:53

We’re is you’re shop located? I would love to support it and come check it out! Great video man!

@fercaraveoO - 25.02.2023 02:50

I really want to open a shop in my city. Where do you go to get your supplies? Wishing your shop the best brother!!👌🏼

@lantern11000 - 28.02.2023 04:31

Me and my friends are trying to start our own shop any tips on how we can get started

@thefelston - 06.03.2023 22:31

Any tips on how to purchase from sisterhood distributors? Like dxlf /how baker deathwish shake junt

@andresaldava773 - 19.03.2023 14:32

Thank you brother. I want to think about and try to open a shop. I really needed this advice thank you

@AndersonLemus-mv8ue - 21.03.2023 03:55

Where do I buy the products tho

@nintendosixtyfour - 15.04.2023 18:56

I started a shop with some friends, but i am now the sole owner with a couple employees. I worked side jobs for the past 12 years to even get this thing to work out, but now we are able to generate enough income to match the side job pay. They always say to pay yourself first, but theres was no way you could make a living wage off the sales happening. First year, There was a taco bell a block away, I was practically surviving off burritos i was winning from that clear plastic spinner game they have on the counter. I would hop quarters down to the lowest step and come out with 2-4 burritos for a dollar.
Winter is the worst, we had to figure out the hard way nobody was buying snowboard product. Can cut your store hours and work more at your other job is what i had done in the past.
Saving up a years rent is a good tip, but harder to do than say. Thats taken care of now, though. Started with $10,000. We went in blindly and maxed out the bank account multiple times, we have friends in bands and they put on a couple benefit shows to raise some cash for us to make rent. A few companies we worked with also donated some products, so there was a raffle too.
Your city might have a Small Business Development center where you can get business advice for free. Set up some meetings and take notes.
AWH and Eastern are great distributors, but do most of your business directly with the companies. Develop a business relationship. Ask about free shipping deals and quantity discounts. Email them about a wholesale account. Youll need your sales and tax ID and maybe your FEIN number.
For accounting, i use a website called Wave, its free. You can link it to your bank account so you can categorize every transaction as it comes in. I submit an accounting report to my CPA for taxes at tax time. They also handle payroll. I keep track of hours with the Homebase app. Its free for a few employees and it lets you schedule too. You should also have insurance. Ask your favorite businesses who they use for insurance and when you are calling for quotes, let them know you are shopping around.
Shopify! What a life saver. I think i am grandfathered into $325 a year for my website and their Point Of Sale Lite app. Incredible deal for how much it does. Shopify POS can process card transactions but it costs a little more per transaction. We mostly use an external card processing unit. Try to find a local card processor as mostly everyone is trying to rip you off. At least it feels that way. Banks also have ways for you to accept cards, but i would rater support a smaller local company than the banks. Also accept Venmo, paypal, and Chime, people will ask about them because they forgot their card.

Oh yeah. If your opening a shop, know your shit! Companies, pros, history, board/wheel construction, shapes and the reasoning behind them... Know it like you went to college for it. Never stop learning.

@internet_pixie - 20.05.2023 20:08

Thanks for this. What's even more common especially in cities in India, is to open up a completely online store, on Instagram or website. That way you can keep your inventory at home/small rental and only worry about the pick up and drop off. Thanks for keeping it so real also!

@SimulationSimulacrum - 31.05.2023 04:29

675/month? Bruh, nice.

@MotionlessAtLightSpeed - 13.06.2023 16:14

A store would do good offering personal branding services. If someone brought in a logo they can get it put on hats, shirts and stickers. A lot of people would gladly fork out cash to have their very own individual brand.

@chrism5258 - 15.06.2023 01:18

I'm opening a shop for the kids it's all in think about

@fernandodavila6208 - 23.06.2023 14:01

Thanks for this, man. Solido advice! I opened up a shop with a buddy of mine about 8 months ago and it's getting better, but VEEERRRY slow... Gotta keep at it! Greetings from Prague!

@josepreciadocortes8224 - 16.07.2023 18:47

I think community involvement is the most crucial part of skate oriented businesses. Get some t shirts printed, have the local kids wear your shirts, give out decks. Have some select one come to the shop and spend some time there so they can go out there and put your name on the map.

@Derictab - 19.07.2023 11:14

What about a business license and how do you contact vendors

@DonavanEvans - 23.07.2023 19:48

Really dig this video bro ! Are you guys still open ? Been considering opening a skate/music shop mixed into one

@Dadbodcurbclub - 24.07.2023 20:37

How do you have them boards set up on the wall I dig it

@adamschwartz1677 - 25.07.2023 23:12

I wish you the best of luck my guy. I been wanting too open a skate shop for a awhile. This video motivated me too turn that idea into something real.

@ineskizah - 04.08.2023 23:58

How do you contact wholesale for merchandise?

@nekolaiil - 16.08.2023 19:52

Ive been thinking about starting a business but I've been struggling to find decent ideas. Been toying with a pet shop but id lo e to do a skate shop. I love skating and grew up doing it. I see myself having fun going to work every day at that point.

@drubeatsOG - 19.08.2023 02:31

Keep going bro!!! Super dope shop man!!! ❤

@blakechris5709 - 29.08.2023 22:48

Hey fam I’m 22 I just started the process for my LLC skate shop I feel like lowkey I’m in over my head but I see some brands require EIN, can you explain to me if I’m in the right track or I’m starting off wrong?

@JoseMorales-ot5np - 05.09.2023 17:37

What are your supliers? Or where did you get the merchandise?

@cameronbrown2439 - 18.09.2023 02:20

Love the video! Answered a lot of questions that I couldn’t find online. I just finished my business plan and I’ll let you guys know when it opens!

@AdventuresInSkateboarding - 10.10.2023 12:10

Awesome, stay Rad Sir.

@eduardomendez7622 - 24.10.2023 04:20

Thanks for the tips! Wish you the best!

@Vaudvillain - 30.10.2023 10:18

This place is awesome! I too run a small skate shop in Los Angeles (2,000 sq ft) and just the rent alone is $2,100 a mo. Plus $8,000 down for security deposit. It took about 4 months before the community was aware that i was actually a skate shop and not a weed shop 😂 although i do have a head shop built in (extra income) i also sell spray paint and markers because i love graffiti. Its taken almost a whole year out of pocket to be more stable with our bills plus rent and the community has been great to us. 🤙🏽

@4th_hood - 20.02.2024 16:07

$675 a month sheesh what state are you in I need to move there. Seriously

@jasonharris5201 - 24.02.2024 14:25

Thank you for being there for your skate community.

@joppemin - 08.03.2024 21:09

when you mentioned your grandma having a taco shop I imagined a skate shop with taco shop combined, that shit would be gold. all the local skaters hanging out eating taco's while you sell skate supplies 😅

@joshuakim802 - 11.03.2024 17:56

dope, thanks

@bakangmontshioa5997 - 29.03.2024 15:57

So man where do you buy product?
Do you buy product from other skate shops or what?

@synthzz9178 - 09.04.2024 04:12

What is the last board on the right, in the upper row right next the white board. The writing says "welcome to 1988" and it looks like my cup of tea.

@Nalyk99 - 22.04.2024 17:18

Thank you for the video!

@oxycontyn5720 - 08.06.2024 06:19

Thank you sir

@Skate_sharpie - 11.08.2024 15:15

How’s it going now? Been wanting to open a shop or start a skate brand since I was a kid but just never pulled the trigger.

@cakebabyman5090 - 01.09.2024 22:54

Tip: don't spin the camera around so much, it makes your audience dizzy.

@Diego-ny7gz - 22.09.2024 09:41

hug Dr Ted ft Y du no

@jacksonbennett7544 - 17.11.2024 03:36

I love you fool

@cjlacey9291 - 15.03.2025 20:27

Much love bro. Keep the dream alive and stay motivated! Thanks for the video!
