New Enigma Black Hole Aghanim's Scepter Dota 2 patch 6.79

New Enigma Black Hole Aghanim's Scepter Dota 2 patch 6.79

Gumbot Casper

11 лет назад

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@yulongqiu - 16.11.2016 08:23

algh + refresher, = one combo to damage more than 100% hp. no one can stand again that.

@mvpmikey - 26.11.2013 17:53

Enigma is OP right now.
LVL 16
[(7% HP damage)x2] x4 + (140 Base damage)x4
He is like the Stronger version of Taurens ultimate close to Huskar with Aghanim. Add the chaos base damage plus Radiance and you will do about 80%-90% AOE Damage. Every time I do a perfect rotation, enemies always end up 2-3 hit before deaths after killing 1-2 Heroes.

@sniperdubey - 30.10.2013 16:46

Was losing a game, but had good farm as enigma, built aghs. Managed to get all 5 in a black hole and wiped them, almost solo. Defs worth it if your team lacks teamfight.

@靡靡之音-y2i - 21.10.2013 03:31

Wow, this is dota2 test version? Does the pack came out?

@FullM3tal7ack3t - 18.10.2013 21:18

magnus stuns for 3.75 :P and enigma has 180 sec coldown, btw engima + refresher and aghanims wins in every 1v1 matchup, you can solo teamwipe with that shit

@MrLuxona - 18.10.2013 17:47

That's why it's cooldown is 200 seconds , while magnus can simply stun for 4 seconds at level 16 with 100 secs CD.

@FullM3tal7ack3t - 18.10.2013 17:19

the point of black hole is the disable, not the damage, i suppose you could buy this if your team doesnt do enough dmg

@Yodl3am - 18.10.2013 16:53

i meant its bullshit before getting mek + dagger + bkb its still not core, in late game if u still have money ofc its better than radiance ofc if u have tons of gold , anyway u not gonna make solo rampage with bh there is always followup if there is not no sense of using bh so shut the fuck up bro ur 4*7=28 is just stupid

@TabyNaky - 18.10.2013 16:02

Are you stupid? 7% for 4 seconds as well as the black hole and its own damage? That's so much. If you don't understand that then you should stick to LoL

@dedgaem7021 - 18.10.2013 14:11

its health bar length delete. so useful every health cost.

@yungstaplegun - 18.10.2013 12:21

thats 28% max HP worth of damage So useless

@Yodl3am - 18.10.2013 10:35

not gonna waste much gold on aghanim cause it dmgs 7% per sec bullshit they should think something better and u wont do field + blackhole at the same time if u want to make good bh anyway

@R3DX6F8 - 18.10.2013 08:56

omg this is so silly.
