I have a TC Encore S.S. camo stock in 280 Remington, also have TC Contender 6.8 spc bull barrel and extra 22lr barrel. Deer hunt with 6.8 spc. Great tree stand gun. Both guns are beautiful and exude quality. Very accurate and simple. One shot one kill.
ОтветитьYou forgot the most important part. The Pro Hunter can be converted into a pistol. I have one in 7mm-08.
ОтветитьWiFi available at armpit
ОтветитьCould they not release it simply as a front-stuffer, so you could buy one without filling out a 4473? I know it sounds stupid, but it adds 50$ to my cost for the FFL transfer unless I happen upon one through a private transaction...
ОтветитьI love this platform but would be a very dangerous gun for me. I suspect I would be buying too many barrels.
ОтветитьThe barrel seems really short
ОтветитьIt would be great if it broke off and then ejected the sheath automatically like a Baikal single shotgun.
ОтветитьWish Thompson center or Smith a lesson would make shotguns
ОтветитьI need them to make a 50bmg
ОтветитьI love the 35 whelen and the 416 Rigby
ОтветитьI’d have a custom barrel made in 25acp! Seriously, .357 Magnum and 10mm are intriguing options in SBR format...
ОтветитьThats to expensive for a single shot break barrel, youll sell more if you lower the price down to $250, $300 price range. I want 1 chambered in the longest barrel 30-06. But i will not pay $800+ for a single shot!
ОтветитьLiterally 100s of caliber options with a MGM barrel.
ОтветитьI like the concept of being able to change barrels and the composite stock. Do they make a .257R?
ОтветитьI have a pro hunter, the only complaint is the lousy trigger . But I get it fix someday . I have it in .280 , 6.5 x 06 , .375 H 'H with a recoil reducer , barrels are from MGM out of Hurricane ,ut
ОтветитьI really wish there was the option to order a full rifle but with a handgun frame
ОтветитьI had 2 encore barrels with left twist in the barrel was I just lucky or do more exist.