Umarex Notos .22 Review! Regulated, Compact, Micro-Carbine PCP - AirgunWeb Old School Airgun Review

Umarex Notos .22 Review! Regulated, Compact, Micro-Carbine PCP - AirgunWeb Old School Airgun Review

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@nevafraudin - 22.12.2024 00:30

I just got my notos...Will a 3000 psi tank work to fill it?

@richardlopez9300 - 30.10.2024 15:59

Under powered for hunting. To many fly aways on pigeons, and wounded animals. A paper plinker.

@cheevue9670 - 29.10.2024 04:59

Just wandering what scope did you pair it with

@tpot__mm4411 - 05.10.2024 04:32

I have questions I bought a umarex notos but my notos is doesn’t change My problem is when I push air in, the air goes into the tank and then the air comes out of the barrel. I can't use this air gun should I return is?

@lgalina997 - 30.09.2024 17:32

What generation is your Notos? Did you do a scope/mounts-installation video? Tia.

@patrickrodriguez7706 - 28.09.2024 19:18

What scope

@archiegould3233 - 31.07.2024 22:19

Thank you Sir for the vid I just back ordered one yesterday looking forward to playing with it (Tks Again)

@chrism9071 - 07.07.2024 10:26

What’s up with the magazines?? I had trouble right out of the box.

@chrism9071 - 06.07.2024 21:53

I need a scope for this but don’t know where to start

@grabir01 - 28.06.2024 21:28

for 25 yards, that is not good at all. That is not even good for 50.

@mini14head - 27.06.2024 14:15

Have a maple industries magazine on the way although my factory umarex mag works flawlessly. JSB 15.9 one ragged hole out to 30yds.
Plus I get 38 useable chrono'd shots out of mine not 21.

@zorin55 - 26.06.2024 17:21

I wonder why anyone would want an air rifle that shoots less than 900FPS but if it is what you want then go for it.

@amrak-8401 - 19.06.2024 08:56

NOTOS - Greek god of the south wind. HADES - Greek god of the underworld. What a great combination.🤓👍

@atexasaggie1992 - 07.06.2024 23:55

new to PCPs and don't want to buy air tanks and pumps. is using a hand pump feasible?

@GregLindsey-v4t - 26.05.2024 02:11

Try crosman domes

@mannipula - 08.04.2024 23:22

Notos... that thing is a snowpeack pcp 750,

@eddiecahall3824 - 10.03.2024 05:34

Ha i accidentally found the perfect pellet in this little lead slinger, better than any JSB Hades or any that people mentioned. Theyre only 11 bucks a tin and not crosman! But i aint tellin it. I need a ton for pesting!

@robertgregory5246 - 14.02.2024 21:49

Did the Buck Rail stock and grips. Put on a regulated drop block, and a bigger bottle.

@gman9543 - 14.02.2024 19:55

Great review Rick! Hey just a tip, the next time you get your eyeglasses redone, opt for the anti-reflective coating. Then we'd be seeing your eyes on the video instead of the white reflections from the lenses.

@airguntrucker - 14.02.2024 06:00

I bought a Notos and a Skout Epoch Airgun
last September but I haven't had time to shoot them yet.

@jasonhoover1521 - 04.02.2024 17:06

Hey Rick ive had a Notos for awhile. Unfortunately i haven't been able to get a chronograph yet. Im getting 4 full mags with mine at 30 yards before i see a poi change.

@stmcutube - 03.02.2024 15:52

Really enjoying your Reviews! Recently entering this addictive world in having a NOTOS! May I ask of your "Expert" opinion as to what good Scope Selections would be good for the NOTOS? THANKS!!!

@jasonhoover1521 - 25.01.2024 21:55

Rick. My Notos absolutely loves jsb ultra magnum pellets. However it doesn't do well with the hollow points.

@smokeytheanimal3662 - 28.12.2023 17:55

What do you recommend for plastic on plastic stickation?

@donpeer4477 - 26.12.2023 21:16

Hey, Rick (@AirGunWeb) , if you have any channels for discussion with the industry, please send them these suggestions:
Don't put the safety inside the trigger guard! You should NOT put your finger in there except to fire the gun.
Don't put the pressure gauge at the muzzle! I don't want to look at the business end of a gun for any reason.
Don't use fill probes; use foster fittings! The probe thing is old, non-standardized tech that's being slowly replaced.
Lastly, I want the cocking HANDLE near my HAND and not my face!

@donpeer4477 - 23.12.2023 09:16

Rick, regarding your Sound Pressure Level (SPL) meter testing: unless you have access to an anachoic chamber and lab quality metering, you're never going to get perfect readings. However, after saying that what you can get is relative readings. Relative to the equipment and environment it's in.
The thing to strive for is consistency. Use the same meter at the same distance and in the same position for every shot. This will give us watching the information we need. Although I may get different results than you, or anyone else, the relative changes between one gun and the next (or moderator/non-moderator) is close enough to be relatable.
Also, something that I do is test in "A" and "C". SPL meters set for the A-scale will filter sound to have a response similar to human hearing. Thus it will have more sensitivity (a "hump") at approximately 3,000 cycles and diminished respone at the high and low ends. When you set it to C-scale that removes the filtering and gives a flatter (broader) response curve. Why is this important? Because animals hear differently than humans and if you're planning on hunting with the gear you're testing, that could be an important factor.

@grahamedwards9920 - 18.12.2023 19:18

From this side of the pond - great stuff👍🇬🇧🇺🇸

@nygemma - 05.12.2023 20:09

can you use hand pump with it

@chentequilichini7182 - 02.12.2023 17:52

my favorite airgun! bargain price!! have a few in different configurations , one with buck rail add ons ! I called the magpul edition , notos!. great review!! can't go wrong with the notos!!

@le3045acp - 20.11.2023 08:52

i know it says umarex but its a snowpeak 750 and snowpeak guns are good guns so Rick can you please explain why none of the dealers in our lovely country stock or carry no snowpeak guns

@eddiecahall3824 - 19.11.2023 19:01

Nice review here Mr Rick👍💪💪💪😱😱😱💯

@stevengoodman3498 - 18.11.2023 10:16

Great video Rick. I love mine as well. Very accurate up to 30 yards!😊

@rdcd20 - 17.11.2023 21:41

Rick, are you open to testing out the JTS scopes? They have a 4-16x50 FFP that looks really promising for a budget friendly scope

@joedokes8641 - 17.11.2023 21:01

No thanks I like my Beeman's smooth underlever with magazines that work and the ability to employ my own moderator and not to mention a foster fill port . Also offered in 3 calibers all for around the same or lower price .

@mikecarter4412 - 17.11.2023 20:18

Ultimate truck gun imo . Mines always in my work van ready for the range or ground squirrels

@davidbraswell1481 - 17.11.2023 06:09

I have a FX Maverick .30 with all the goodies but to take it hunting would be absurd! I am loving this little package and its not going to break the bank!! will it shoot slugs decent?? just looking for a lightweight squirrel gun to hunt this winter and do you have an affiliate thingy with pyramid air?

@budd1331 - 17.11.2023 05:11

I bought one recently. The rail for the stock is not centered. Kind of upset about that. I will have to call them about it.

@dschenk952 - 17.11.2023 04:25

My Notos is waiting for a scope, should be here tomorrow. What bottle and regulator were you using to top it off? I'd like to hear details on your chrony and rest, I might have missed them on a different video. Thanks.

@MrJonathandcrow - 17.11.2023 04:18

Great Job

@rookriflerookrifle8286 - 17.11.2023 04:18

How many hand pumps to top it off at 18 shots?🙂🙂Great video as always👍👍

@Jeeper1378 - 17.11.2023 03:34

Got the Buck Rail trigger housing. Enabled me to get the pull to around 1 lbs and without it bump firing (like stock)

@Jeeper1378 - 17.11.2023 03:20

Suprised the Hades did not jam up with the stock mags… many do.
