What is an Actuarial Student Program? + 5 BIG benefits!

What is an Actuarial Student Program? + 5 BIG benefits!

Etched Actuarial

4 года назад

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@jchung5066 - 27.06.2020 07:31

Hello. May I ask what is the procedure if you want to specialize in a specific field in the industry? I want to be an actuary that focuses on retirement or health and stuff. Which path should I take? Thank you

@melaniebrown1443 - 27.06.2020 21:53

I recently graduated with a degree in Computer Science, and I really want to be an actuary. I'm applying to entry-level actuarial positions, all while preparing to study for exam P and FM. I read your blog and you suggested that one should learn calculus I-III before studying for these tests. I took calculus I and II in high school, and during my sophomore year in college I took calculus III. Since it's been awhile since I took calculus, do you recommend any resources for refamiliarizing myself with all the concepts? How long do you recommend refamiliarizing myself with calculus before moving on to study for the actual exams?

@jessicamiriam2897 - 09.07.2020 11:41

is there a requirement for Bachelor's degree or only you have to pass the exams?

@sayyedataki5499 - 15.07.2020 00:35

I am planning to do actuarial science in Canada. University of waterloo offers actuarial science degree. I was thinking of instead doing a major in mathematics or statistics, do you think that would be right?? I mean won't it be difficult to do the actuarial exams later than

@xs03xs2 - 28.07.2020 07:19

Im an actuarial student from Brasil, im really loving your videos

@thegajuar4459 - 07.11.2020 18:39

high shool senior from india! loving your videos so much. unrelated but your smile is so pretty
