The Rapture: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul

The Rapture: The Last Days According to Jesus with R.C. Sproul

Ligonier Ministries

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@GodLovesYou1980 - 01.12.2024 10:57

Thank you

@artifacthunter1472 - 03.12.2024 04:51

God will raise up his elect at the last day in which no day shall follow. No tribulation no millennial reign after Christ returns everyone of you are insane.

@prophetbradley5048 - 05.12.2024 08:17


@robseabrook712 - 06.12.2024 06:12

The doctine of dispensationalism and the rapture is a false heretical doctrine.....the enemy has subverted christianity....false teachers are everywhere and they believe themselves to be in good standing but are not. The watchmen must warn the flock. Judeo-christianity is a new cult and is not traditional Christianity.....wake up...Preachers like Hagee are heretics, blasphemers who will suffer their just fate from the Almighty.

@CodeCharmer - 06.12.2024 06:54

Was this filmed on the set of "Jeans Story Time"? The panels behind him look like the picture panels the kids drawings were posted on. The camera movements seem like 70's to 80's full floor stand type.

@npv9887 - 06.12.2024 20:18

This is the problem in America. Psychoanalyzing the Word of God. These men dig in lot the Scripture and try to interpret It with their human wisdom.
If you give those passage to a simple believer, they will read this: Jesus is coming back in the clouds and the dead in Christ will join Him first and those alive right after….to escape the wrath of the father and the great tribulation that is pertained to the Jewish people. 1/3 of them will accept the Messiah. Then Jesus and the Church (Jews and gentils together) will come back and stop the carnage. He will lock up Satan for a millennium during which Jesus will reign on earth with the people His chose. The comes the great white throne where Jesus is going to judge the nations (who were not raptured and those born during the millenium), Satan, the False prophet, the beast and Death.
After that, the earth and heaven will be destroyed. The new earth and heaven will be established where the saved people from the great tribulation and those born during the millenium will leave in. The New Jerusalem will come down from Heaven, where God and the Bride of Christ, those who were raptured (Saved by Grace between the cross and rapture/old and new treatment people), will dwell.

@KittysDawn - 08.12.2024 03:31

The styles of coming are two distinct types is the problem. It's described in two different, contradictory, ways. One is secret. Like a thief. It'll just happen. The other is loud. The entire world will know.

@shabanarugi - 08.12.2024 07:12

where is salvation agreement between yeshua and God.
where yeshua said i will die on cross for everyone sins and God accepted it saying yes yeshua i have accepted your sacrifice??

@KimberlyLBrown - 08.12.2024 08:19

Damascus is falling!.. Come LORD JESUS!! Dec 7, 2024. Who's here?

@OLThomas-y9j - 08.12.2024 17:19

Wonder WHY none of the early Christians FAILED TO WRITE ANYTHING ? THEY COULD HAVE CHISELED SOMETHING IN STONE ONE WOULD THINK ! But, even Paul seemed to think JESUS was coming back next week ! How, could he have gotten it so wrong ? If IT WAS TRUE , then why believe anything ? Does ALL this take into account that the JEWS , THE ROOT , was laid aside , but Not their Bible , for the Gentile RUN LED BY SAUL/PAUL ? The pastors today may NEED to look back and SEE if the Jews of Israel was TOTALLY laid aside as most seem to believe ! Peter's work ought to be look at in that light for he was told to STAY in Jerusalem and to GO NOT unto the Gentiles !

@OLThomas-y9j - 08.12.2024 17:23

Sproul tried, but it did Not CLEAR it up much , did it ?

@OLThomas-y9j - 08.12.2024 17:33

The Time of the Gentiles may mean the blending back with Israel to become ONE in the Kingdom of God ? We Christians are stuck on the word " Church " , but the KINGDOM of God sounds OKAY ,TOO ! In a way Gentile Christians are sort of a reboot or DEFAULT action by God ! Think about it .

@OLThomas-y9j - 08.12.2024 18:26

Even so, God will bring with HIM those who sleep in Jesus ! Pastor Arnold Murray got it RIGHT it seems to me ! He taught when believers , die they go right then to the Lord , we are not left in the ground in a grave ! But, this means just the believers , those who died ( sleep ) in Jesus ! Jesus told the Thief at the Cross some good news sure enough , didn't HE ? Jesus at this coming is AFTER the 6TH Trump and is at the 7TH Trump and ALL of those who believed in HIM ARE SAFELY in HIS ARMS (CARE ), because Jesus WORKS a lot FASTER than SATAN and HE IS FULLY ABLE to Chew Gum and Walk at the same time , so to speak ! Don't u want a front row seat to what /why u came to LOVE your GOD ...TO SEE SATAN PUT DOWN ? Well, I do , we have and will get that right for nothing tells me in the Bible that GOD is going to run back to Heaven , for Heaven is there with HIM ! The FALLING AWAY during Satan's 5 month run at the 6th Trump is what u need to be concerned about and see you are not deceived by a " rapture " , ok ? ( We are in the SPIRIT at the 7th trump in the twinkle of the eye . Jesus is this time like a warrior , but HE is not mad at THOSE who chose to Love Him ! It will be a GREAT thing to see ! )

@OLThomas-y9j - 08.12.2024 18:40

Right at the end of this teaching , Pastor Sproul sounds as if he has over - heard Old PASTOR Arnold Murray teaching it !

@markgibson1076 - 08.12.2024 22:18

This is so wrong there is no rapture. There is no raptures twisting documents from Christ to us documents called scriptures. He never met that nor does he ever say you will meet me in the sky the only ones are gonna meet. The sky are the 144th 10 from each tribe to go to work on earth there’s no rapture and I do not like it when they talk about it because it’s not gonna happen which means people are gonna be banking on it and when it doesn’t happen, where do you think your faith in God it’s gonna be your scriptures your people told me, but I didn’t happen😢😢😢

@YeshuaMessiah777 - 09.12.2024 21:27

This is so sad. This breaks our Father's heart and the vials of His wrath will be poured out.

@davidmaxie8388 - 09.12.2024 23:36

The Word "Rapture" is not in the Bible.

@davidfournier3188 - 10.12.2024 17:15

Not so he'll just bring you to Him to talk .

@mountainmover777 - 12.12.2024 05:13

I don't understand anyone teaching eschatology as if they know for sure how their OPINION of it will turn out. Jesus spoke expressly against this. His eschatology consists of,
'I am coming back, but no one will know when, in fact I'll come when you least expect it. So, BE READY!'

Anyone teaching anything different as absolute truth is teaching another gospel.

@kenmoser936 - 12.12.2024 21:33

It is a Shame that people are caught up in a Misconception of what the Bible Teaches!!!!. This Man's Interpretation of Christ second coming is totally without Merit!!!. To understand Christ's coming you must read the Whole Bible and take what it says Literally. You must read also Revelation and the Thousand Years, and the Great white Throne judgment , Christ Will not set foot back on this Earth until after the Thousand years!!!!. Before you comment back on my comment, Please pray and ask the Holy Spirit to Help you Understand what is Truth?. This Message he gave was a Tribulation sermon, There was no Truth in his Interpretation!!!!. Paul was not using the Type an Antitype with the roman soldiers. He was Stating what was the True Way Christ was coming back. Christ is coming to take His Elect ,and take them to Heaven for a Thousand years, then Christ and all his redeemed will return to Earth with the Neww Jerusalem, for the Resurrection of the Dead in Christ, then Satan tries to make war with Heaven, then The Lake of Fire, Then Christ Recreats the Earth Back to it's Original Form, as it easy Before Sin Entered the Earth, Then we Will live with Christ Through Eternity, That is in Revelation, Thankyou for everyone's time to Read This.

@7628739 - 13.12.2024 02:39

Where in the Bible does it say the word rapture?

@margomoore4527 - 14.12.2024 03:42

OK until you get to the “up-down”. Too many wonderful pastors believe in the pre-trib rapture. If you didn’t, you missed the point: the tribulation time is there to teach the Jews and the unbelievers and the lip-service “Christians”. There is NO POINT in subjecting the Church to the horrors of the tribulation; and the church is NOT MENTIONED in Revelation during the verses describing this time frame.

@fingerzfrienemy2226 - 17.12.2024 03:03

razzle dazzle

@BusTedHeadlight - 17.12.2024 13:16

Those Pharisees and Sadducees Christ said we're not His sheep in John 10:26. Those Pharisees and Sadducees were Edomites. Wdonites who had moved into Palestine, while the Judahites were in Babylon until 520bc. This why the Apocrypha was taken out of our Bibles cause the books of Maccabees, Josephus and other books fill in that 400 yrs between Malachi and Matthew. The religion the mixed multitude brought back from Babylon, the Babylonian talmud known today as Judaism the edomites were converted to by John hyrcanus in 125 bc. The real Israelites were only in Galilee. You people are worshipping Satan who has his. Children in the holy Land. The beast thinking your blessing Gods chosen people. Satan receives the whole world, Christians too

@patriciarussell1177 - 18.12.2024 13:55

This is not biblically supported, rapture started out in Scotland and it is from the 20th century and everyone needs to know that and quit thinking negative thoughts about the Earth, man makes doomsday not God

@Dnlsx777 - 19.12.2024 18:07

It is at the door! Praise god Praise God Praise God!

@LR-my2di - 23.12.2024 19:20

Note the phrase including the word "sleep" upon death. Sleep is not going to Heaven or Hell when you die, as if you've already been judged. . It is as the word implies ...a deep sleep until Christ returns and brings his reward" with him.

@guidofeliz8384 - 24.12.2024 03:34

The Rapture: 2000 years of any day now.

@sandyestabrook3898 - 25.12.2024 17:56

Too many digression in explanation. Still confused.

@johnbrodnik839 - 10.01.2025 20:45

Break out the No Doze and Coffee!! 😊

@Anthony-t9e - 20.01.2025 04:29


@alerdman2002 - 21.01.2025 08:03

John does say a specific time in the moment the twinkle eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound and in Revelation the last trumpet is at the end of time which is what the Olivet discourse talks about... it also talks about the ones that are asleep and ones that aren't asleep which pertains to the end of times in 2 Thessalonians
* the whole verse is referring to when Jesus comes back at his second coming there is no Rapture it's just Resurrection

@ellenstar1155 - 29.01.2025 13:08

I (full preterist) believe the new heavenly body is formed in heaven the moment when you get to be new born of spirit and water.

A new spirit is the alive spirit in you earthly body, a heavenly body is formed in heaven by the water from the throne.

This body will be kept until the spirit will be transferred, (when you die or visit heaven) this is why we can visit heaven. Like Paul in the third heaven.

Ppl who had have been in the third heaven have witnessed heavenly bodies without spirits …who waited upon the spirit to enter one time.

@markshard - 30.01.2025 23:09

we've been in the last days for some time. either the rapture happened or its a mid/post tribulation rapture

@SamBlevins - 06.02.2025 04:27

I just do not believe the Bible teaches that the church will go through the great tribulation. I believe the rapture will usher in the 7 years of tribulation. We will meet Christ in the sky and then take part part in the judgement seat of Christ and then we will return to earth with Christ.

@LiveWelll - 08.02.2025 01:56

Jesus Christ second coming is at the last trumpet which is just before the wrath of God is pour on to the earth

@Peter-tk6rm - 09.02.2025 06:09

Fake News Chutzpah 🕎🥱

@Order-of-Melchizedek - 11.02.2025 17:09

Something to ponder: if the OT saints and Prophets were the first fruits AFTER the resurrection (Matt27:52-53-1st Corinthians 15:20-23)
Why were the graves thrown open and the saints walked about the Holy City, their bodies were transfigured or glorified bones and all.
If the rapture happened in 65 or 66, why are the remains of the apostles still here buried?
Why wasn't the Apostle John left behind?
We all know that the Shekinah Glory went to and fro from the East gate for 3.5 years and there is no mention of its presence after the chariot of troops were seen amongst the clouds.
Also, the churches continued to thrive after the destruction, some of them hundreds of years. If the rapture occurred, why were they left behind?
If anyone can add to this please, by all means.

@RonKelmell - 12.02.2025 17:20

Very interesting studies. I try to focus on the power of the Gospel in my life 'now', leaving the future to the only One that can do anything about that.

@SkipBaker - 12.02.2025 22:24

There is NO "Rapture." Daniel 9 is about the 70 Weeks of Daniel 9, (490 years) that started in 457 B. C. when the king's order to "rebuild the 2nd Temple was issued" and ended in 34 A.D. when Stephen was stoned by the Edomites who murdered God. 

You can't "Just Cut Off" the last 7 years of the "490 year prophecy" (The Final Week-of years from 27 A.D. when Jesus was baptized, He was murdered in 31 A.D. (The middle of the 70th years). and Steven was stoned in 34 A.D. That ended the 490 years of Daniel 9:24 to 27 A.D..

Pin pointing the exact year "The Lamb of God will be sacrificed." The Old Testament says all the pastors "will be ashamed" as "dumb dogs, lying down unable to bark" and warn the flock, when the world learns how wrong the pastors will be teaching LIES "In That Day" at the Second Coming.. Look up the sermon by Dr. James P. Wickstrom called "IN THAT DAY" that you can find on the Internet. These pastors are teaching error by not understanding the most important prophecy of all. The year of Christ's Atonement.

@kirknelson235 - 13.02.2025 20:17

Jesus will return in 2026.

@lindaclark8779 - 17.02.2025 16:38

False...false. false.

@cmvamerica9011 - 20.02.2025 07:03

Bad news; the rapture already happened.😂

@MichaelORourke-e2i - 28.02.2025 02:07

The Rapture is a lie from Hell. The 1st Thessalonians 4:14-17 passage speaks of the believers receiving their glorified body. See 1st Corinthians 15 :52-58 Dispensationalism is a whole bunch of non Biblical garbage. Our family, we active worshipers at a Doctrines of Grace Church.

@cabellero1120 - 01.03.2025 13:01

The " rapture" is unbiblical...
It's found Nowhere In Scripture...

In All of Salvation history, God delivers His people Through tribulation Not From it..

There is No politics in Heaven!
The so called rapture purports that there is an exclusive club of " Christians" whom God loves More than Anyone Else!!!

John 3:16 says differently!

@racinguy17 - 04.03.2025 05:21

I'm glad you were a star Dr Sproul because you made it into heaven even after smoking for 40 years man you just couldn't beat that little thing on your shoulder eh?

But, ELECT!!!!

@rosesmith4318 - 04.03.2025 21:28

Surely do miss R C
