Moon clips...!!!
ОтветитьThese guys are great at hurting each other and making you laugh but obviously from back woods Kentucky and not the smartest anyone with a little common sense about firearms knows that 45 lc is a revolver cartridge and has a lip so it doesn't slide through like the 45 acp does because the 45acp is ment to go in to a magazine and if they had common sense a simple Google search would tell them that and also tell them you need to have moon clips for the S&W to shoot 45acp but i still love watching these idiots I've been watching for years before the bangs channel
ОтветитьYou need the moon clips for the 45acp. And 45 colt and 45 long colt are the same 😊
ОтветитьYou see birdshot is made for birds Partridge /pheasant that kind of stuff you guys obviously don’t know what you’re doing just saying🤦🏻♂️
ОтветитьI enjoy you guy's normal everyday Americans 👍💯🇺🇲
ОтветитьLoving the channel guys keep up the great work and entertainment
ОтветитьYou need to try the 45 Colt maximum expansion by Underwood ammo it's amazing nobody could survive a shot by that and also the Hornady triple defense it has a 41 caliber FTX slug followed by 35 caliber round balls also they have triple ought buck made for handgun that doesn't spread is bad and keeps a good group
ОтветитьHave to use a moon clip with 45acp
ОтветитьShould show the whole clip in real time then slow mow instead of back to back.
ОтветитьLove the new channele brother
ОтветитьI really like your guys channels you three crazy funny I always get a good laugh every time I watch your channel I'm sorry but I just fond this channel and it's a good one so now I will be watching both so keep your videos coming and my you three be safe and also your family
ОтветитьYea the defense shell is definitely amazing and I like the Taurus
ОтветитьYou need moon clips for 45 acp
ОтветитьYou should've gotten some Hornaday Critical Defense and some Underwood ammo for the guns as well as the Winchester defenders because the Hornaday Critical Defense has the 3 buckshot pellets and birdshot pellets behind it and leave it to Trey to say someone is on the other side of the kitchen banging your wife but he was raised old school hillbilly and you can tell it because he has no filter and you can tell he is alot older than his two brothers because he bosses them around and talks shit to them all the time but the way he bosses them around and the other two just take it gets old really quick and now I remember why I stopped watching them for a while until now when I realized that they have a gun channel but most of the time they just make themselves look like they don't know anything about anything
ОтветитьWe need Amy thick self in all the videos
ОтветитьTaurus always sucks
ОтветитьDidn't realise Garran was a swinger
ОтветитьI don't know what the hell justin brain be thinking about he really has no idea wat he saying or doing something I think he is artistic sometimes and trey let's him kno lol I love it
ОтветитьThe 3 in. Swells up from the shell material
Ответить"They are on the other side of the kitchen Banging your wife "now that's funny!
ОтветитьS&W better
ОтветитьIt's fun to watch y'all
ОтветитьBrilliant videos guys keep them up
ОтветитьCan you guys do the slow mo after the raw video - feels annoying going back and forth - I am sure lots of people feel that way.
ОтветитьYou have to use the moon clips to shoot the .45 acp out of it
ОтветитьYou need 45acp moon clips boys love y'all's vidjas keep em coming
ОтветитьAcp needs a moon clip
ОтветитьI have a Taurus 40 that I’ve had for over 10 years and is one of my most reliable firearms. It shoots much better than my S&W 40. So I think you have good ones and lemons in every make and model.
Ответить45 colt and 45 long are both longer and have a bigger swell on the end of the shell
ОтветитьWhat brand are those 3 inch shells? I'm curious because I used to have a partner single shot that had the same issue with the 3 inch shells getting jammed, but had no problem with any others.
ОтветитьI gotta get out there to see y'all boys soon , I'm down here in GA not too far from ya , been here since the beginning of Belle life Chanel and dirt bike arrest , horn pranks etc etc , I'm subscribed to the website as well . Keep it up and god bless y'all brothers , Amy the baby , and adrian
ОтветитьGet the Ruger Alaskan!
ОтветитьI have to say y'all three really need to take some weapons classes to something about weapons, it's very plan that y'all know nothing about them and I'm scared y'all going to get killed because y'all are not safe. Brush up up on some gun skills
ОтветитьIt's got to have moon clips the ammo clips in to keep it from falling in the cylinders
ОтветитьJust go to the dollar store for soda and drinks to shoot haha
ОтветитьYa'll!!!! This channel kicks ass!! Already. Love it!
ОтветитьHas anyone texted the numbers to claim some gift? Says from bell life bangs???? I dont trust it though haha
ОтветитьJustin trey garren and Amy there may be a scammer trying to get a lot of people the claim a prize by texting a number just checking if it's a scam or real and just bringing it to yalls attention thanks love all yalls channel's great stuff to watch.
ОтветитьYou have to use moon clips with a acp….don’t you ??
ОтветитьGet a BFR
ОтветитьLove the channel
ОтветитьBelllife Juicers! Cannon Style 😆 Great Video! Guys ! GODBLESS THE BELL LIFE FAMILY 🙏 💯
ОтветитьI can hear it now… Garrens runnin around sayin “call 91, we need ambulamps ou heer”!!!
ОтветитьImagine going somewhere and trying to have a good time while trey is beside you yelling and complaining and insulting you every second. Yea he wouldn’t be knowing about and definitely not going to all the get togethers and any social gathering with people unless you want to be embarrassed and annoyed and disgusted that your related to this piece of horrible crap human excrement that is Trey Bell. I hope you read this trey and getbutthurtaboutit and start the next video by telling of all the negative commenters on the channel. It makes our day.
ОтветитьLove you guys
ОтветитьMaybe reloads and they just alittle smaller diameter from being shot and crimping