Minute 61: Cut a Rug, Not The Painting (with Leigh Lahav)

Minute 61: Cut a Rug, Not The Painting (with Leigh Lahav)

Bat Minute

55 лет назад

28 Просмотров

A red right hand! A red left! ALL MANNER OF COLOURS, EVERYWHERE!

Joker and his goons are doing a number on old-fashioned art and transforming it into the new. One dollar bills? Get outta here!

Afterwards, The Clown Prince finally makes his move on Vicki - his catch is secured.

How can Ms Vale escape this funky nightmare? Stay tuned, Bat Fans!

Joining our Partymen is a very special guest investigator - animator, writer and YouTube star Leigh Lahav (aka OnlyLeigh)! Pop culture AND art? Leigh has this stuff covered... and more!

The next episode follows on Wednesday.

Same Bat Pod, different Bat Minute!

Join us on Facebook at the Bat Minute '89 Listener's Society!


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