Why is HD 1080p? | Nostalgia Nerd

Why is HD 1080p? | Nostalgia Nerd

Nostalgia Nerd

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@GreenBlueWalkthrough - 28.06.2024 00:33

To be fair HD is 720P, FHD is 1080p, 4k is UHD and then we kinda gave up as 8k and 16k have no names that I've heard.

@JasonFord-l3p - 08.03.2025 05:22

Wut? So's 720p...

@kelet-studios - 06.03.2025 21:33

most ppl play 4:3 720p

@Psycandy - 06.03.2025 15:20

the DVD standards were 480i 30fps and 576i 25fps so 720p is 480x1.5 and 576x1.25. THAT'S WHY 720p. Since 720 isn't much larger than 576, 1080p was devised as the first commonly divisible number over 1000 pixels high. THAT'S WHY 1080p. There. Saved you 20 minutes of barking up the wrong tree.

@der.Schtefan - 05.03.2025 17:36

Pal has 50 FPS, just every frame is an interlace. God. You know NOTHING

@der.Schtefan - 05.03.2025 17:35

The FPS was not reduced to 29.97 to carry the colour signal. It was reduced to 29.97*2 to prevent a frequency beat between colour carrier and sound subcarrier.

@themrproamateur - 05.03.2025 09:29

I grew up with 720p being HD and I can never not think of it as such

@gamesforyou2351 - 05.03.2025 05:00

Actually hd is 720p your thinking of fhd which is 1080p

@iZePlayz - 05.03.2025 03:11

Thats wrong lol, HD is 720p and FHD is 1080p

@ezspina6590 - 05.03.2025 02:50

It's SD ED HD UHD 4K 6K 8K 16K

@MichaelStoneham - 04.03.2025 23:41

Both 720p and 1080p are HD.

@hokiturmix - 03.03.2025 07:16

I have from left to right
2560x1440 43' and 900x1440 24'. The TV is frameless design and the monitor has 1cm. Floating windows from one to another is perfect. Also with the monitor in portrait mode is the same height with the TV.

@ericblack7379 - 12.02.2025 14:15

I still have my Amiga... at the time great graphics.... compared to my nivida system... not so much lol. But the Amiga is 35 years old

@Narva58 - 09.02.2025 02:31

lol show numbers but don't explain the abbr s in the video... dis

@RobSchofield - 04.02.2025 14:11

Clearest explanation of the convergence of display resolution I've seen, thanks!

@darthdonkulous1810 - 30.01.2025 20:13

Nice hidden red dwarf reference! lol

@DavidCase-ov5uo - 30.01.2025 15:22

Fantastic technology but rubbish programs.

@Pexodus11 - 13.01.2025 04:39

Tv seems to have extreme diminishing returns after 720. 1080 is a slight noticeable difference in picture but all this 4k stuff just looks more vibrant, the picture change isn't noticeable at all to me

@jaredt2590 - 24.12.2024 00:31

Composite standard here was drafted because of tape. That kept us from developing something like a scart carrier. In other regions technology that could sends signals directly to the electron guns was developed thus the invention of Scart in Europe and JP21 in Japan. In the US and Canada makers continued to mimic the tv broadcast standard until the invention of the dvd where for the first time here would could get a clear picture from our home media via a component connection.

@korujaa - 02.12.2024 21:09

HD is 720p, FullHD is 1080p

@bluhammer06 - 23.11.2024 22:57

Yet here I sit in 2024 with a HD 16x9 65 inch panel tv watching movies where nearly half the screen is taken up by top and bottom black bars. Have we really progressed that far?

@Amos_Huclkeberry - 07.11.2024 14:01

64K VS 64-bit

@johnr6292 - 02.11.2024 20:28

The 16:9 ratio was devised by Leonardo da Vinci which he called the Golden Ratio which he used for landscape pictures, to the human eye is is a more natural ratio than 4:3 as humans have stereoscopic vision. Television started off with 4:3 ratio simply as a baseline it was always envisioned that when the technology was available that 16:9 would be the de facto standard world wide. I prefer a tablet to be 4:3 as it is a maid of all work but for entertainment the composition of shows & modern films look better on a 16:9 screen this is of course my personal preference.

@Treblaine - 29.10.2024 02:28

4k handily can show both 1080p with pixel doubling and also show 720p content with pixel tripling. I think postprocessing on edge smoothing is still done but at least there's much less interpolation.

@MarkHimsley - 23.10.2024 10:37

720 pixels per active line for SD keeps being repeated, but sadly this is incorrect. It is true that there are 720 pixels per line, but in PAL/SECAM that equates to 702 active pixels per line. The remaining 18 pixels are distributed, theoretically, 9 pixels on the left and 9 pixels on the right of each line, but due to inaccuracies of analogue video timing they often contain some video data. Just look at proper 720x576 versions BBC's Testcard F or W - the chevrons on the left and right point to a point 9 pixels in from the edge.

@gabrielv.4358 - 23.10.2024 10:10

I'm very sad. what about PAL M

@gabrielv.4358 - 23.10.2024 09:53

I STILL FIRMLY BELIEVE THAT A PORTABLE 20 inch CRT SCREEN UNDER 5 quilos is POSSIBLE, WHILE HAVING 4k and 120hz resolution and speed

@dylandrew6071 - 17.10.2024 15:53

Meanwhile at sony 8K 120 means 1080 60

@bitkarek - 16.10.2024 14:53

i actually loved 16x10 ratio

@put4558350 - 14.10.2024 13:47

just add some data
2k = 1440 = 720 * 2
4k = 2160 = 1080 * 2
8k = 4320 = 480 * 9 = 720 * 6 && 1080 * 4

... pal 576i is still not join the integer group until 32k ... but 6.67% horizontal black bar on 8k is not that bad

@computerjantje - 14.10.2024 11:36

You are just wrong without watching the video. 1080p was never called HD. 1080p is called: Full HD. 720p is called HD.

@cocomonkilla - 04.10.2024 08:15

what the hell is with the subtitles having a mind of their own

@killswig - 04.10.2024 04:11

Is that intro stock footage Ai generated? Gross

@DieBrunovsky - 02.10.2024 14:30

bad start for the title... 720p is HD, 1080p is FHD.

@ivgotballsofsteel4048 - 30.09.2024 22:39

I bet that 38" tv back then would of been the dogs bollocks, id like to have one today.

@dpfitforlife81 - 30.09.2024 22:25

My CRT 4:3 monitor was 1600 by 1200 and than my CRT broke so I found a flat panel 4:3 that could display 1600 by 1200.

@tvamsterdamonline - 29.09.2024 06:15

Showing tv sets with snow and noise to explain a tv standard is very lazy and get me lost. Goodbye

@dparks256 - 28.09.2024 06:25

Wow, you've knocked it out of the park with the footage - you've always had the dialog down pat though.

@kman915 - 20.09.2024 23:12

What abt 1440p QHD?

@ManunKanava - 18.09.2024 15:50

In Finland we are just about to even get Antenna TV with all the channels to Full HD next year. There has been some Full HD channels already some years in there, but still most are SD. Next year SD will be gone for good luckily at least after the final day of the switch

@badwolfsat5 - 18.09.2024 06:55

Love the Red Dwarf reference and NO, I don't want any toast!!!😆

@OdinReactor - 16.09.2024 04:09

I've been using 1200p for over 20 years now. Get rekt 1080p. 🤣

@1marcelfilms - 15.09.2024 15:17

Because 720p is HD ready

@CashFlowCraze - 13.09.2024 10:57

watching this in 144p

@houserhouse - 13.09.2024 05:48

I'm an obsessive-compulsive digital artist, and I had never even considered the historical existence of computers that didn't have the ability to depict a single pixel as a single pixel. That would have completely swayed me away from the field. That would've never been able to coincide with my OCD
