The F1 Start - Elf short film

The F1 Start - Elf short film

Julián Chirinos

9 лет назад

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@Hackenbaker - 14.11.2015 22:27

Fantastic!!!!! I love it.

@bmf97ss1 - 09.10.2020 14:50

I absolutely love this video! It makes me feel like I'm right there back in the mid 80s 😁

@pespodsp - 26.10.2020 18:25

Wonderful stuff! You can really feel F1 drivers were MEN! They joked, worked on their crash helmets themselves and it's like you can almost feel their tension before the start! Today they have butlers doing anything for them, they just sit in a car and after a 90 minutes race they come out as fresh as out of the shower! Laffite, Johansson...great faces to see again!

@gersonnunes4288 - 04.11.2023 19:59

Vídeo Fantástico!
Mais incrível foi o olhar dos pilotos antes da largada.

@marcosantonioresende4547 - 21.11.2023 00:15

THE REAL F1, men of courage, great drivers, beautiful cars, cars that had almost no technology, the drivers made a lot of difference in qualifying

@aperturefilm - 12.06.2024 20:41

When men were men, this video makes me happy, young senna 🔥

@jadersantos1387 - 09.12.2024 08:08

Ayrton senna😢
