Recording the Gem PK 4900 for White Willow

Recording the Gem PK 4900 for White Willow


1 десятилетие назад

3,982 Просмотров

A short film about the wonderful digital love of the Gem Pk-4900.

This film was recorded at Roth Händle studos in Stockholm, Sweden. This is where I spend my days recording and producing artists...The studio started in my apartment and evolved slowly from there. This is the forth location of the studio. The first one obviously was at home...the second and third was at a abandoned shipyard outside of Stockholm. The studio works more or less in two ways either the artists come here to the studio or people send files that I work with...If you are curious to find out more about the studio please visit for more info, blogs and odd facts.

Thanks for watching,



#Gem #pk-4900 #digital #analog #sounding #synth #white #willow #session #mattias #olsson #roth #handle #recording #joy #happiness
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