Watch Until The End - Not my greatest but I'm constantly working on improving my sales skills. Anyone can do this, it just takes time and repetition. You don't even need to be great at it to make over $10k every single month just from wholesaling real estate by yourself - (no employees, no software, no marketing dollars, no skip-tracing, no driving for dollars, no cold callers, etc.) You can do this by yourself with no money. If you need proof, just go watch my entire journey through out my Youtube channel. I'm not where I want to be yet but I've come a long way and I have a much father way to go. That's why I started this Youtube channel - to inspire others to take action. I want as many people as possible to break into financial independence and take control of their life. It starts with one step. at. a. time. If you want to learn exactly how I got to $10k every month consistently for FREE step by step then click this link to book a call with me for 15 min
I'll be upfront with you because I know what you're already thinking. "HoW MucH DOes It cOsT??"
Right now I'm only charging $1k for this 90 - Day 1on1 daily mentorship. That offer is only good until the end of this month. I can only take 10 students at a time so after October The price will be raised and I will only be accepting 10 students at a time. And I know you're a beginner so it's likely that you might not have $1k to spare at this moment. 🙄 I know, I've been there. If you can pay 1/4 now & the rest later, I'll work with you. You work with me every day and I hold you accountable to make sure you get a deal in less than 90 days. On average it takes about 60 days to get your first deal in this program. I've helped multiple students close their first few deals and most of their testimonies are on this channel. The results speak for themselves.
If that's YOU‼️ 🫵🏽 & you're ready to control your reality and not only close your first wholesale deal but also make your first $10k in a single month then click the link below book a 15 min call. See you there.
If you got any value out of this or liked this video be sure to hit the like button and comment. If you have any questions about wholesaling I’d be happy to answer them in the comment section. If you want to see more content like this make sure to Subscribe. I post weekly videos about wholesaling real estate, self improvement, my entrepreneur journey, and just life in general.
If you want my script for cold calling houses on Zillow just shoot me an email!📄
If you want free wholesaling contracts be sure to email me.📑
If you want to JV with me on a deal you have under contract be sure to email me!💼
Comment “done” in the comment section of this video after you’ve emailed me so I know who to look out for and I don’t miss your email.📧
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[email protected] 👈🏽👈🏽👈🏽