WARFACE [FR] Boxe opening FY-47 [1]

WARFACE [FR] Boxe opening FY-47 [1]


55 лет назад

148 Просмотров

hey read desicription is good for your life :D

today box opening of Fy-47 i know all people got this weapon but i never had this FY (i just do about 100 boxes before i got it xD)
So just chill and gameplay will arrive in the next week i think ;)
see you ya, Supermasiv ! :p

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My twitter : https://twitter.com/supermasiv11?lang=fr
Our website : http://franconfun.eu/
Our twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/franconfun
Our Youtube channel community : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRk1r8eiwe2pu3addjnZ32g
Game for not many dollard :https://www.instant-gaming.com/igr/supermasiv11/


#Warface #unboxing #case #supermasiv11 #boxes
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