Revelation: Prophet Amoako Atta Revealed Deep Secret Why The Church Of Pentecost Is Under Attack

Revelation: Prophet Amoako Atta Revealed Deep Secret Why The Church Of Pentecost Is Under Attack

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@ManassehNartey-u1z - 19.09.2024 15:43

Please please please, has Amoako Atta mentioned the church of pentecost in his submission ?
Are you for real or you are doing your own thing ?
Your chairman said there was an attack on the church of pentecost, Amoako Atta said there was an attack on the church, what makes you think he was referring to the church of pentecost only ?
Your chairman said you should leave them for God to handle but you said NO !
You want to handle them by yourself, what type of christian are you ? Please give us break !
You need more room for improvement, go humble yourself and learn.

@kwameasiedu1578 - 19.09.2024 19:06

I dont no why bloggers disrespect church of Pentecost, do he mentioned church of Pentecost, look doing this isnt attacking the church but rather God

@bencapilon - 20.09.2024 05:28

Please do u use to work for Adkart studio?

@oforiowusu5820 - 20.09.2024 20:25

Is high time some Media house must face court stands

@Sammybless1987 - 21.09.2024 13:13

No beast will fashion against the church of pentecost can prosper. The church is matching on.
