Absolutely love my PSA AR15. Absolutely no issues.
ОтветитьThese kinds of buisness practices are taken from the video games industry. More and more companies are taking the route of "release crap, fix it later if we feel like it." Nip it in the bud before it's too late.
ОтветитьI carry a PSA dagger and fired thousands of rounds through it never had any issues with it. I also have a .300 blkout also fired thousands of rounds through it never had a issue at all.
ОтветитьIts not too late to take this video down....
ОтветитьI love PSA. Don't like 'em? Your loss.
ОтветитьWell im fortunate enough to have many brands of rifles/uppers ect...i shoot upwards of 20k rounds a year usually. Ex military. I have shot many rounds through everything from psa, Aero, BA, bcm, geissele, adm, radian, LMT ect...I have to say ive not had issue's with psa. Ive not really had many issue's out of any brand. The AR platform is a very simple setup. If you understand them and check key components you are usually good to go. Will some barrels last longer? of course. Are some more accurate? of course. I think a lot of gun guys get caught up in marketing instead of testing themselves. I personally think for the money its really hard to beat their premium uppers with FN chf barrels. Thats A lot of upper for the money!! Put a good chrome lined bcg and train.
I have one of their uppers with FN barrel and Geissele handguard and pinned block. Man that is a hell of an upper!!! Ive lost count the number of rounds i have on it.
Feels a bit clickbait. No one is perfect but overall PSA has been good to me. More innovation coming out of PSA than most gun companies combined.
ОтветитьLove Em...... no issues at all
ОтветитьI love both of mine. Never had an issue with them. They always function perfectly.
ОтветитьOnly issue was with an AR-15. The gas tube wasn't pinned to the gas block. They fixed it promptly.
ОтветитьI have purchased two or three things from them. Only one minor problem with a build kit and they have took care of it in just a few days, I have had no bad experiences with them.
ОтветитьI own PSA guns and i’ve not had one problem with any of them and I’ve been treated very well with any calls or questions I’ve had to the company. I really don’t understand where the hate comes from. They make a good product for a good price and stand behind it.
ОтветитьShipping time can suck but the 0 issues with any of the 7 guns of theirs that I have , 2 micro daggers, 1 compact dagger, 1ak, 1 gen 2 308, 3 maybe 4 ar15s lol. I can't say the same about many other companies, I have a serious collection that dawrfs most individuals
ОтветитьNo problems with PSA, all great guns and service.
ОтветитьLove ‘em. No problems.
ОтветитьI only actually get my ammo from psa, for the most part I have no complaints but I only buy guns or parts of if I can go hold it and see it in person first
ОтветитьI love all my dealings with PSA.
ОтветитьSo how are they with regular customers ?
ОтветитьI used to purchase stuff from them, but the last time I tried they would not let me purchase anything. I have never had any issue with them until this. I tried to call them, but you cannot get through the AI phone BS. I to this day have no ideal why I have been locked out from any purchase I have tried, and because of this really poor customer service I would not recommend them. Like I said I have bought stuff with zero issues, but can no longer make any purchases, and I think that is BS.
ОтветитьI bought my ar10 308 about 5 years ago now, I love it. My only complaint is it only likes to shoot hornady ammo accurately. That doesn't bother me at all cause it's a tack driver, and a great gun
ОтветитьThe only PSA product I’ve had a problem with was the original dagger ran into light primer strikes ever other round thought it was the ammo but I’m currently running the same ammo out of my hellcat pro comp no issues my pa-15 apr is still going strong no problems
ОтветитьMy one PSA rifle came with a clocked barrel, and trying to fix it was a nightmare due to the barrel nut being so tight.
ОтветитьSeeing all the content creators with $3-6000 rifles all trash PSA at the same time seems coordinated. I've seen like 3 of this guys video's and never finished one yet. Boring sitting on a chair talking.
ОтветитьI have weapons from them over quite a few years no issues and solid customer service.
ОтветитьA friend of mine had a PSA dagger go off while it was sitting on the dashboard of his car shattering his window and perforating his eardrum luckily it didn't hit anybody but it could have killed one of his kids. Took it to a gunsmith found that the firing pin on a brand new pistol was extremely Rusty and there was a hole in the barrel
Litigation is pending
PSA has treated me well, don’t shoot as much as I’d like to but I am able to have a great budget AR that works out well. It is good to be aware, but I do feel good seeing positive comments from others who have had a good experience with them.
Do a blind follow up with them, not as a creator but, buy one without contacting them and see how it goes, I’d like to see how it works out.
Wrong. People just want to justify their over priced AR. You can get Geissele/PSA parts and build an AR better than your DD, cry about it.
ОтветитьOnly 2 upcoming guns from PSA has caught my eyes. The Jakl 2.0 and the X5.7
ОтветитьPSA has done more for the 2nd Amendment than all of the guntubers combined, and it's not even close.
They've largely responsible for making the AR-15 "In common use. "
Talk . Talk. Talk. Get to the point .
ОтветитьI bought 4 AR-15 pistols from them. Never any problems.
ОтветитьLove PSA! Everything has been quality bangers right out of the box.
ОтветитьWhy didn't they just send you a new one
Replacement that's good business
Palmetto has done more to destroy the gun industry than any liberal gun banning politicians. They are like Amazon in how they are destroying every gun dealer, every gun show, and every other manufacturer, by ruthless business practices. Of course, buyers don't care as long as they can save a fast buck and quality or customer service isn't even a consideration. The average gun buyer is the cheapest, stingiest consumer in the US. They will overpay on food, rent, insurance, gas, and every other good by thousands of dollars, but if they find a gun for $8 less than they bought it even tears later, they'll be crying about that $8 for decades. I don't own any palmetto weapons because they are the cheapest possible and I don't think guns, which your life might count on, are a place where you should try to save a buck no matter what.
ОтветитьBought dozens of stuff. Never had a problem.
ОтветитьBruh you stated this happened years ago, so why post a video now about it? Why not see if they have changed? Why not do some more research? Sounds like you wanted some free guns from PSA for “review” but they said no! What a waste of time
ОтветитьI just bought nine firearms from them along with 2 stripped lower receivers. Not an issue. They shipped quickly and have great prices. Not everything I bought was a PSA product, but six of them are. Not a single issue. Although I haven't fired the sabre forged Creedmoor yet. I am waiting for spring to take that out. But still no issues. I bought a 10.5" .300 blackout pistol, it was fantastic. Now I am going to buy the 7" version for my vehicle.
ОтветитьI’ve ordered quite a few firearms from them. I’ve never had a single issue. Not my go to guns lol but they haven’t given me a problem.
ОтветитьPSA make great training firearms and are very affordable. I’d rather buy a psa and a ton of ammo for the price of a high end rifle
ОтветитьNever even heard of buds or Hyatt they definitely have nothing on psa in terms of numbers
ОтветитьI just copped a 10.5” 300 blk out upper kit the other week on a Friday morning, was delivered by the next Tuesday. No scuffs or damage or missing pieces and looks great now that it’s assembled 🔥
ОтветитьThere are two types of guntubers.
1. Those paid by psa.
2. Those that are mad they’re not paid by psa.
Been buying psa since 2019.
They sent me the wrong holster one time.
None of my psa products have given me grief and I have a ton of them.
My psa rifles aren’t as good as my 1800 dollar rifle but my 1800 hundred dollar rifle isn’t 8-1400 dollars better.
Regular maintenance and psa is fine.
Also I’ll tell you like I told trench grenade.
If I sold an 80k truck I made 1800 bucks.
Y’all make 1800 on affiliate links selling 80k in products is fair.
8/10 people at my range at any given time bring a psa product with them.
The other two are gun store clerks or fudds/echo fudds.
Regular people love psa.
Because bottom line psa is better than Chinese, Brazilian, and Turkish options.
Psa filled the market the Chinese bans left.
Be happy we have affordable American made products over Chinese norinko junk.
On my 2nd PSA 5.56 Krink, first one the rails were so out of wack that the gun was killing it's self. This second one is better but the shark fin ejector is being damaged from just the firing process....but hey I kind of expected it with a American made AK
ОтветитьNever had an issue with psa
ОтветитьSounds like you have a business relationship issue with them. They provide excellent quality for price options to the average consumer aka your main audience. You should have made this video 3 years ago, making it now doesnt even make sense. You say it could be better now... why not research now before making a video about your experiences years ago.
Ответитьtypical hegshot L take.
ОтветитьTheir QC and customer service is atrocious!!! I like their mission statement and their AAC ammo line especially with their AK rounds; other than that I don’t buy PSA guns. They’re a hit or Miss for me. So tip is, buy once cry once on a proven good platform like HK
ОтветитьCustomers should not be unwilling members of the R&D department...the company should have the issues sorted out well before the gun goes to market...malfunctions can literally mean someone losing their life...whether it be a misfire or maybe a FTF etc. during a self defense situation...firearms need to have been proven safe when they're supposed to be, and ready to go when the time comes.
ОтветитьKeep in mind that this was years ago and it could be completely different now with them but I want to give them another chance and see what their guns are like now. They stand up for the 2nd and even though I've had some bad experiences with them, I respect their stance! Lmk your experiences with PSA