Dumbest dictator in history: Pol Pot

Dumbest dictator in history: Pol Pot


4 месяца назад

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@notthetsar438 - 08.03.2025 10:09

you every heard of Francisco Macías Nguema of Equatorial Guinea?

@anhta1778 - 08.03.2025 15:53

Fun fact, after the vietnamese left, they had to be recalled back secretly

@Booyaka9000 - 08.03.2025 16:11

Nah, the world's dumbest dictator's are the russian guy, and the orange Yank who scraped over the line in November '24.

@beniciobartice4530 - 08.03.2025 23:59

That’s one of the things of why I don’t trust Communism

@RobertRedland - 10.03.2025 04:00

Interesting, but I totally thought this was going to be about Trump.

@RB2401x - 10.03.2025 04:26

What else do you expect from a Socialist? A free and prosperity country?

@fanda54r - 11.03.2025 01:07

I hear the battlefield 1943 theme

@Skanking-Corpse - 11.03.2025 14:32

There's a guy I know, who was wheelchair bound, who once said that Pol Pot had some good ideas too. Oh, the irony.

@autinjones7194 - 12.03.2025 06:36

well this video aged badly..........

@Gravitatis - 12.03.2025 06:49

lowkey racist video but ok

@bob-pm2bq - 12.03.2025 16:24

as a cambodian i laugh when he said i dont look mean

@kaiakeenn6430 - 12.03.2025 17:57

Dumb dictator, all of that just to be back to square one, even when people were warning him he couldn't help himself.. 🤦‍♂️

@sssienghai6912 - 13.03.2025 06:45

Born: May 19, 1925, Prek Sbov
Died: April 15, 1998 (age 72 years)
i wonder how the fker live so long

@kalyaneng2803 - 13.03.2025 07:44

Why y’all dissing my country😭😭😭

@tg9 - 13.03.2025 20:29

what going to france does to a man

@rafadylewski7190 - 16.03.2025 17:47

You know that you fucked up big time when even Vietnam decides to invade your sorry ass while they're busy being occupied by the US expeditionary force themselves.

@MauroEnfermoDeLepra - 17.03.2025 23:17

The Marxist tenant that PolPot took too far for the Vietnamese was Vietnamese genocide. Historians are still trying to figure where Marx spoke about killing every single vietnamese

@hfgrg6759 - 18.03.2025 08:36

NOT 25% It's about 30%

@anticitizenokapi6348 - 19.03.2025 04:45

Khmer Rogue: brutally tortures and murders 1/4th of the Cambodian population, lowing the life expectancy by double digits and sending the country back to the Stone Age
UN: I sleep
Vietnam: invades Cambodia to overthrow the Khmer Rogue and liberate the Cambodian population

@ucnguyeninh7957 - 19.03.2025 08:17

Pol Pot is THE dumbest? How about the fact that the ENTIRE world either turned a blind eye to his actions or supported his regime? And that they ALL sanctioned Vietnam, the ONLY country who did something to end Khmer Rouge and save the Cambodian people? Is that so smart?

@hongsupreme2565 - 19.03.2025 11:42

Man i feel bad for my grandmother and grandfather for having to survive through pol pot rule knowing that any day they could be killed any time any where in Cambodia and i dont think we can even leave also i heard that pol pot will send soldiers to get children to either torture them to death like electricution or make them a soldier because he was feeling like it, because they were smart or because they didnt listen to their teachers which is honestly stupid

@Sain_19 - 19.03.2025 18:57

It funny how the old gov is way more confident then today gov

@SetsunaTheAngel - 20.03.2025 07:08

As dumb as Pol Pot was... If memory serves he never got put on trial and when put on house arrest well after his crimes he proceeded to drop dead in his sleep from a heart attack. So he was also surrounded by idiots as well.

Then again,He's the reason for said idiocy.

@shwiftymemelord261 - 21.03.2025 06:10

mussolini was really dumb too

@russiancapitalist - 21.03.2025 08:58

Absolute banger of a vid

@The13thRonin - 21.03.2025 10:25

"Guys colonialism is so terrible."
Ok: Gives country back to the natives.
Pol Pot happens immediately.
Liberal boneheads... Making life worse for everyone circa the beginning of human history.

@SBSlade - 21.03.2025 11:43

Surely trump has taken the title of dumbest dictator now?

@deutchecheems7678 - 21.03.2025 17:30

And he thinks that he only became a leader because the communists thought it would be easy to control him since he was stupid.

@sheiladikshit5110 - 21.03.2025 23:28

false, the wise owl studied mao in a distant land. upon socialist teachings he drew his ideas. he safeguarded his free people against the imperialists.

@idrathernot_2 - 22.03.2025 02:31

How the hell did this go on until the late 90s? The west operates under the assumption this ended with Vietnam wrecking their sh*t.

@jasper5902 - 22.03.2025 10:21

vietnam invades cambodia? ❎
Vietnam liberates Cambodia? ✅

@ស្រោមអនាម័យ1កញ្ចប់2ពាន់រៀល - 22.03.2025 16:59


@jinhunterslay1638 - 22.03.2025 22:54

I still think the dictator of Equitorial New Guinea was dumber and more insane

@IAmStrong7 - 22.03.2025 23:48

I am Cambodia bruh. Let me tell ya. So our king made contract with socialist Vietnam, that if we help them we get some land. (The contract still exist). But then USA start dropping bomb on us since we help communist. Then our king reputation has gone turmoil, which led to him fled the country. Then u have Lon Nol regime which try to incorporate democracy. At that point, Cambodian hate American, so our king go to china and ask pol pot and his peer, (French scholar) to govern it. The party is call (Khmer red) it is in Khmer but it the official translation. The problem is that our king is stupid, rather than just talk to china he also talk to Russia and even ask Vietnam for help again even though he got betrayal by them one. And the contract mention above is not enforcing. So I got china, Russia and Vietnam communist try to work, the leader are china while the executor or torturer are more of Vietnamese. Fun fact, some people in Cambodia living does not even know the Khmer Rouge exist since they only punish upper class.

@YoBoyTurdtle - 23.03.2025 11:06

Would have been one of the richest/high tech country if this POLLY POTTY guy wasnt born.

@ros16dd - 23.03.2025 16:45

kampuchea btw is the english ver. of cambodia's actual name. english got cambodia from the french cambodge I believe which when pronounced in french sounds like the actual name

@moredortor - 23.03.2025 17:51

Campodia nowaday still teach their children that Viet Nam invade them (read all the comment in this video and you will find them). Many of them claim that they don't need Viet Nam help to beat Pol Pot..bla..bla.. They also claim that about half of Viet Nam nowaday belong to them. That is the most dangerous idea that they put to children head to make they hate Viet Nam and prepare for the next war.

@sigmagooner420 - 23.03.2025 20:29

The first one is mine

@rovsea-3761 - 23.03.2025 22:18

Hitler improving the German economy is a widely held misconception. The German economy likely would have improved even without his interference, and the transitioning of many sectors of the German economy towards war industry being paid for in large part by funds looted from Germany's own citizens was not sustainable. What's more, the mass conscription Germany would undergo during the war obviously had a devastating impact, and Germany was in fact the one who declared war on basically all of their major opposition in the second world war. I'm not too knowledgeable on Stalin to talk about it, but it would be wrong to conclude that Hitler's economic policy was somehow incredible.

@Dimetro-Dog - 23.03.2025 22:44

Imagine Mussolini, but without the part about him keeping the trains running on time.

@johannesvonmalos7505 - 24.03.2025 10:30

What was that movie clip from?

@LacyJacy - 24.03.2025 11:36

he even had the USA as his supporters, and he failed, smh

@bluessymptoms6134 - 24.03.2025 11:50

Vietnam did not "invade" Cambodia!! At best, it was retaliation against the Pol pot regime brutal act of attacking and killing the innocents lived at the border.

@ZeroPayonPC - 25.03.2025 07:03

And no one recognized Vietnam saving Cambodia because they were communists and hated by USA, even condemning Vietnam for invading the territory...😔Hero in the dark 🦇. Vietnam once said that to the world at that time: "Why don't we take the United Nations as seriously as you guys do? In the past 40 years, 4 out of 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council have invaded us."

@PlayerSam-cr8sj - 25.03.2025 09:22

The French Revolution and its consequences to thr worl has been disastrous.

@Gravy222 - 25.03.2025 10:17

See? The line between good and evil is just a switch waiting to be flipped

@historylegends - 11.11.2024 23:32

Very interesting! I learned a lot 🫡
