Here Is What A $3M Retirement Portfolio Looks Like

Here Is What A $3M Retirement Portfolio Looks Like

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@markroberts8975 - 12.10.2024 16:33

This was a good little ditty about Jack and Diane.

@pentoo988 - 12.10.2024 16:35

Great example.

@baseball6749 - 16.11.2024 00:41

Good vid but anticipate their allocations are the exception and not the rule. Having almost 7-9k monthly income between pensions and SS is higher than 90% of most savers and very easy to have strong strategy with the significant buckets (pre tax / tax advantaged / Roth) where most have large pre tax and very little in brokerage. Good vid though but not relatable for the masses. 😂

@missouri6014 - 16.11.2024 15:35

nice but few have a million in funds outside of a 401k/IRA............I mean really who has an emergency fund of a million and only 1.6 in their few.

@yuckyool - 09.12.2024 12:17

This is very helpful. (I referred your $6M Retirement video to my brother who is an airline captain).

As an accountant, I calculate Net Worth using Assets and Liabilities.
My question is, "Would it be appropriate to show a contra-asset of "Taxes Due" against a Tax Deferred account (401K or IRA)?"
That way, doing a Roth conversion would be much closer to being "wealth neutral" even though a $100K conversion might lead to incremental tax liability of $20~$25K.

@hanwagu9967 - 11.12.2024 09:12

Doesn't seem like $98,400 puts them under the safe withdrawal rate, because that's not including the $30k/yr AUM fee and taxes is it? So really, they need around $136k from their portfolio on top of the pension (is it inflation adjusted?) to cover their expected expenses, which puts them around 4.5% withdrawal rate. Or am I missing something? I suppose I'm assuming some missing things from what is being presented that omits certain things.

@jaymeez - 02.01.2025 10:37

A Little Ditty About Jack & Diane

@Nemesisnxt - 03.01.2025 22:48

Dumb Question: Why are their taxes low when drawing from a taxable account?

@Unitedflyier - 14.01.2025 21:58

Having your mortgage paid off and no debt increases your happiness and spending power in retirement. My company and many others allow employees to put money in their retirement Roth so you will hopefully have a lot more income when you retire 👍

@globalfamily8172 - 02.02.2025 05:17

I don't see any reason to prepay taxes at 24+6%. With a Roth, don't you have to pay medicare on it too when it's deducted?

@tintinet - 07.02.2025 15:56

How about IRMAA?
