How to get THE MOST GLOSS from paint *without* a Coating! The 1-2 punch, explained

How to get THE MOST GLOSS from paint *without* a Coating! The 1-2 punch, explained

DIY Detail

2 месяца назад

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Комментарии: - 09.01.2025 15:25

Do you need any DIY products in belgium or the Nederlands whe have them all in stock also C6 Hyro 🫡

@angore3rd - 09.01.2025 16:20

so much for tops down washing method

@lookingdown8290 - 09.01.2025 17:57

A couple of comments and questions: Your wheel brush looks longer than others, which would make it great for those of us with trucks or wider wheels. That's nice. Questions: What products do you recommend for removing water spots (We have hard water here)? And what product do you recommend for minimizing water spots when washing (or other recommendations)? Your channel is the best for detailing. Thanks.

@loren-sr - 09.01.2025 20:29

What cordless polisher is Yvan using? Is it the right mm for APP?

@steveghee4205 - 09.01.2025 22:31

Hey Yvan and Nick nice vid. If I use a 20mm long throw DA polisher on a low speed would that be too aggressive for the paint. Thanks

@MrGamble821 - 09.01.2025 22:38

Question can I put diy ceramic gloss over the top of ceramic coating?

@DetailsNMe - 09.01.2025 23:34

Sometimes…I prefer more than not-old school is great!! Another excellent demonstration of efficiency and effective detailing!! I’ve never tried the ceramic gloss application with the jeweling pad but now I’m intrigued!

@en3rgy187 - 09.01.2025 23:46

So do you just leave the ceramic gloss on the red pad until the next time you need it whenever that may be? If no, what's your recommended way of taking care of the pad in this instance?

@MAMK717 - 10.01.2025 00:29

Can I foam Cannon All Clean?

@MAMK717 - 10.01.2025 00:30

Can you guys do a concourse detail?

@gtileo - 10.01.2025 06:59

I'm planning on ceramic coating my girlfriend's car this month. I live in Toronto and we've had a pretty salty winter so far, after I wait 24 hr for the coating to cure, do I have to worry about the salt breaking down the coating before it fully cures and it can be washed?

@medievaloneeight - 10.01.2025 13:06

Yvan, I have the same milwaukee random orbital sander, what speed setting did you use when using the rotary jeweling pad when applying ceramic gloss to the black car in this video? Thanks again!

@gunarskozurovs9241 - 10.01.2025 16:31

It will work great with rotary aswell?

@johnwilson6211 - 11.01.2025 06:32

Is that a Milwaukee sander?? 😮😮💯🔥🔥

@michaelb.5492 - 11.01.2025 09:52

I have been DYI-ing my vehicles and friends since 1971. i'm amazed how fare paint protection and detailing equipment have advanced today.
I'll be purchasing a new car in 2025, likely a 2026 Honda Trailsport, and of course, I will be doing the necessary decon and paint correctings necessary before applying one of your DIY Ceramics, 8yr or Hydo Lite.

QUESTION: Should I finish paint correction with APP, or if I'm satisfied with the quality of finish, just use panel prep? I'm thinking APP...
I'm still learning to let go of many of those unnecessary steps of yesterday.
Thank you for educating...

@VIDEOHEREBOB - 11.01.2025 11:22

As a former marketing exec, I remain curious as to why a company as huge as Turtle Wax has yet to release a small bottle type ceramic coating product. Your thoughts Gents?

@KaranPatel-xw3ef - 11.01.2025 14:40

Opticoat 3 can be apply at home who has experience of regular ceramic coating or without professional?

@mikeharris7412 - 11.01.2025 16:27

Great video guys! I never thought about applying ceramic gloss that way. I'm definitely going to try it. I also like the detail "stool" Yvan is using. As I'm getting older, that would help a lot. Where can i find that?

@MattAdams-54 - 11.01.2025 18:24

To confirm, when using the palm sander, red pad, and ceramic gloss, this can be done with no concern of removing clear coat or your ceramic coating? This method looks safe and amazing. Thanks

@The_CR_Phil - 12.01.2025 03:28

Is there much danger of removing some of the DIY 3 year ceramic coating if the pad gets a little too dry?

@jeaneebarnes2835 - 12.01.2025 07:11

Great job guys!!! Can you do this using a DA polisher ? Thanks!

@Notsure00700 - 12.01.2025 11:47

Thanks guys. How does this differ from autoglym polar series which is almost identical 3 step process?

@michaelbronaugh3817 - 12.01.2025 18:48

I’ve always done my wheels first, using a separate bucket. Then it becomes my rinse bucket for my contact wash.

@michaelbronaugh3817 - 12.01.2025 19:08

What’s the 411’on the shop stool ur using?

@kendavis1198 - 12.01.2025 19:27

OK..... I been Looking all morning Long to find a DIY blurb on HOW TO "CLEAN & "PROTECT" the (Rubber Door Seals) around all the Doors with a DIY Product? I've Always Used a Rubber & Vinyl "Protection" Product from a High End Company???? What would be the "recommended" D I Y Product to "CLEAN AND PROTECT/PRESERVE" all these Important SEAL'S on the Doors??? (Thanks) for any and All responses.

@calvertschmued2920 - 12.01.2025 19:57

Is it okay to use “gloss enhancing” products like dream maker on ceramic coated cars? Will it “clog” the coating eventually or alter hydrophobics?

@enemigo5513 - 13.01.2025 22:10

Where can I get that bucket?

@emramirez3554 - 17.01.2025 13:58

I’ll be trying this out this weekend.

@carloscollazo6106 - 19.01.2025 23:25

Ivan can quick beads be use as a water repellent on a everyday use

@carloscollazo6106 - 19.01.2025 23:27

Can you use a sealer after useing quick beads

@freddrune8315 - 20.01.2025 20:52

Great video sir. Please keep up the great work.

@marcinaszek5548 - 28.01.2025 01:11

Hello, ceramic gloss darken the paint?

@pete-of3ne - 30.01.2025 05:10

how often can you apply Ceramic Gloss?

@gyraldmarfori6094 - 31.01.2025 08:12

Will it not abrade the ceramic coating? And how long will the protection last using this method?

@johncolton740 - 02.02.2025 18:07

Which Milwaukee tool is that? I already have ceramic gloss and quick beads—I just need the red Jewling pad. I really like this method!

@joevanseeters2873 - 03.02.2025 07:51

That's a cool little battery powered sander/polisher. Do you sell that at DIY Detail store? That would be a cool machine for using to do a light polish and apply glazes, wax, or a sealant. I like that it's battery powered. Is that a Flex tool or Milwaukee Mr. Ivan? I have a PXE-80 and the batteries would be compatible if it's a Flex tool. I wasn't sure, it looks like the same colors that Flex uses but so does Milwaukee.

@stevetownsend2369 - 04.02.2025 08:59

@diydetailofficial I recently launched my mobile detailing businesses and use exclusively DIY Detail products. I am thinking of doing this exact method for one of my packages (stacking Quick Beads with Ceramic Gloss). The 2 questions a have are 1.) For specifically the purpose of applying Ceramic Gloss, would I get better results using a Phendo sander like Nick used here, or a rotary polisher on the lowest speed (both using the Red Jeweling pad obviously)? And 2.) I know on their own, Quick Beads and Ceramic Gloss can last from 2-6+ months. When you stack them like this, is there any added longevity in the protection between the 2? Thank you so much, I appreciate all you do, Yvan and Nick! 🙏

@mikesilveira8114 - 06.02.2025 23:26

With the phendo speed being 4000-10000rpm vs a polisher being much slower with a bigger orbit what speed would be correct with the phendo or any palm sander?

@Tony-yx1yc - 09.02.2025 16:13

Hi Ivan , just found your channel. Good to see you again . Where can I get the bucket you’re using ?

@Tony-yx1yc - 09.02.2025 16:22

Sorry to ask again, the bucket holder on wheels?

@malawilake40 - 15.02.2025 05:18

Glad I stumble on this channel..

@DougBobak - 15.02.2025 05:19

Can you do this on a ceramic coated vehicle or well, or would the polisher remove the coating? If you would use the DIY rotary with a red waffle pad would that be ok?

@ericsivilla4091 - 18.02.2025 13:53

What is the cordless red machine used in the video ?

@eugeneconaway378 - 18.02.2025 19:13

What type of polisher are you using on that?

@prosafetytrainings2013 - 20.02.2025 01:10

How do I get to see your "how to" videos about washing, polishing, ceramic coating, tires and glass? I'm brand new at this since I just purchased my first car and I want to do it right the first time.

@NateMiller0113 - 24.02.2025 03:19

I'm curious what the difference is between C6 Mist and Ceramic Gloss? I'm very interested what very they each bring differently from each other as a drying aid. I'm coming from Armour Amplify Detailing Spray, so I'm looking for an equivalent or better. My car black with a clear matte PPF that has already been ceramic coated. Thanks!

@homie9989 - 24.02.2025 11:26

Yvan, what if you don’t have ceramic coating on the car, can you still apply this ceramic coating onto the pain itself? Thank you.

@dylancelis8028 - 28.02.2025 10:07

Quick question: I use a 21mm da and own your red pad. Could I use ceramic gloss with this? I normally use a palm sander but it broke on me yesterday…

@Dead__Byte - 12.03.2025 04:18

Could you cut with the DIY Detail 25mm DA and then would applying the APP with a palm sander and the red pad be enough to essentially act as finish of a rotary?
