From personal need to helping all caregivers | Scott Silknitter | TEDxGreensboro

From personal need to helping all caregivers | Scott Silknitter | TEDxGreensboro

TEDx Talks

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@katecaldwell1522 - 11.09.2017 22:38

Scott I just came across this ted X online. Absolutely amazing! There is such a need for caregiver support and training in this world. Thank you for taking a leadership role and making a difference!

@BhavanaIssar - 27.11.2017 19:12

Scott.... Your story is the same as mine... And it's incredible that we've started caregiver Saathi... Would love to talk to you regarding this...

@LauraGYoga - 02.10.2018 05:52

This is a great product for Occupational Therapists- you may want to attend some PT/OT conventions to get this product out to therapists & more people/families in need

@consciouscoma85 - 04.10.2019 18:11

scott,great job. i just lost my mom sep,23/2019. i took care of her for 4 years 9 mos....i had hospice/VITAS help me 5 mornings a week..i am very greatfull they were there and for there help..but they are FAR from perfect .they need to be trained in what you do. its hard to instill the things you teach in people who barely make enough to get by.if that....we have such a long way to go with instilling a culture of care giving to americans.

@aliciasell9703 - 28.01.2020 00:32

I appreciate you and your family. Your story speaks millions. I remember that first time I had to help my father as well,He was a doctor .

@Alexandrataveras1 - 29.10.2020 19:33

Amazing 👏 absolutely inspiring 🥰

@summawub - 28.12.2023 10:17

There is nothing on his website but contact info.
