Free Matt Hoover! He didn’t do nuffin! #freematthoover

Free Matt Hoover! He didn’t do nuffin! #freematthoover

Jim Oryan

1 год назад

43 Просмотров

Plain and simple @CRSFirearms didn’t do nothing wrong and he is now facing massive jail time. This is a blatant bastardization of the judicial system to fit a career creating narrative. He promoted the sale of art work that at its best turned an AR into a machine gun about as effectively as a Van Gogh painting would. Just jam it in there and see, machine gun. 🤦‍♂️

There was no crime, and yet here we are. New definitions of a crime created without so much as a whisper. Just so you know that fuel filter on you car, the bottled you are drinking your water from, or even that pink pussy hat you wore during all them protests is now a banned component of a firearm because at the end of the day you didn’t pay 200 dollars to have it and under some fairy tale of a definition it can be considered a silencer. That coat hanger you have, the paper clip you used to hold your tax papers together, and even your government issued is card are also now considered machine guns.

Your freedoms have been washed away and there is nothing anyone is doing about it. Once again freedom hangs alone, while the masses complain about Tucker Carlson leaving Fox 🤦‍♂️
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