I remember the day when Jack Ruby shot Oswald. My Aunt turned to my Father and exclaimed, "What in the world is going on?" We all were in a state of shock after the killing of President Kennedy and Lee Harvey Oswald. I was six years old and 61 years later I believe these killings were almost like the murder on the orient express. Several agencies and others were involved in these horrific events in 1963. No one will
be ever held responsible.
I agree that the CIA and the FBI were involved in it and covering it up! They are rouge and they answer to no one, not the Congress or the President. Its clear even now Biden is not running this Country. We aren’t in danger, they will do what’s necessary to protect this country but it’s no longer “We the People…”.
ОтветитьSo far no one learned anything from MEATHEAD as usual
ОтветитьHe’s been to Dealy Plaza so it can’t have been Oswald?? I read a book?? This guy is delusional.
ОтветитьI was Three living in Dallas/Fort Worth near The Turnpike hearing police sirens rushing to Dallas watching my mother watch Walter Cronkite in black n white. Incredible period
ОтветитьIf Oswald shot Kennedy from behind why was his frontal lob exploded. Why was Jacky chasing grey matter on the trunk. The to dismiss us further it was a Magic Bullett. The FBI and the CIA are Americas' own worse enemies.
Ответитьoswald was a patsy
ОтветитьWhat a load of unmitigated BULL!
ОтветитьI was 5 years old in Canada 🇨🇦. My parents said I needed to pay attention as this was important. I did. ... followed later by assassination Robert Kennedy and MLK. Thank you, Mr.Reiner.
ОтветитьNow we know why Rob hates Trump so much...Rob has officially been named in the top 5 who went to Diddy parties!
ОтветитьI agree with Mr. Reiner. I was in my mother's womb to be born in February of 1964. Read "Conversations with David S. Lifton: 'Best Evidence' to 'Final Charade.'" Mr. Lifton (bestselling author of "Best Evidence") discusses what was SUPPOSED to happen that day in Dallas along with other facts related to that terrible day.
ОтветитьWhy listen to meathead? George Herbert Walker Bush said he did not remember where he was when it happened. Richard Hooke and Rachel White has the best research. James Files is important.
ОтветитьIt is 61 years ago that American President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was murdered so very sad but I'm sure it was well planned over time most involved have passed away I've heard so many stories over the years who to believe I don't think the world will ever know only the ones that planned it Mr president god bless and rest in peace with wife Jackie and John John 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
ОтветитьMeathead should stick to silly entertainment.
ОтветитьLBJ was not so secretly jealous of JFK, and he was insistent on starting the Vietnam war, when JFK wanted no part of it.
ОтветитьHey Rob, JFK would be a Republican if he was alive today because of the idiocy of you and the other Marxist Democrats.
Ответитьthe warren report was definitive. i remember hearing and seeing the news reports but i don't remember where i was at the moment
ОтветитьA tragic death for America
ОтветитьNIXON & BUSH 1 both claimed they " didn't know " where they were when JFK was murdered -- BOTH were in Dallas ...
ОтветитьAbsolutely no proof that JFK was shot in the side of the head... Autopsy showed only one bullet hole in the Presidents brain, right hemisphere, entering the back of the head and exiting the front of the head... The President was shot twice, through the neck and through the head, right hemisphere... The facts don't lie... Conclusion was one shooter only... Documentation on the Autopsy clearly shows the facts...
ОтветитьRob funny thing is i never heard you say the name " is a hell".
Shill puppet.
Biggest conspiracy in the U.S republic...
Your country was founded by heroes / the founding Fathers.
America was founded by Catholic heroes & the demon worshipping puppet stonecutters ( majority ) stole a country.
What blatant rubbish,the HSCA based their result of a probable conspiracy on what is a now disproven dictabelt recording ,this is the exact reason why nobody can accept Oswald acted alone,Reiner is as bad as Stone for making utter nonsense up to tell a story,an untrue one,dear me…
ОтветитьAdd in the MK Ultra crew
ОтветитьAll Roads lead ro Texas, I don't care what anyone else says. The only people that benefited that day were LBJ, Hoover, Dules, and the Military Industrial Complex. And 58,000 dead young men and women killed in Vietnam that would have never happened if Kennedy lived.
ОтветитьIt's hard to take anything Meathead says seriously him being such a supporter of leftist nuts
ОтветитьRob Reiner is still a MEATHEAD 🍖🥴‼️
ОтветитьRob, just as we have a mystery regarding JFK's missing left temporal lobe brain tissue, we have another mystery as to whose left temporal lobe brain tissue was illegally transplanted upon a 14 year old boy, without informed consent, nor parental knowledge, Dec. 9,1969. With all of the secrecy and concealment by the Canadian and US governments, leaves me with no doubt of a connection. Terry Parker/aka Robertson
ОтветитьRob Reiner is an idiot.
Ответитьreiner a nut case there were 3 men looking out window below oswald.. testified they heard the shots, the bolt, the shells hitting floor above their heads.... employees of depository....
ОтветитьOh please Rob!
ОтветитьI don't know where these "EXPERTS" come up with their answers. Here is the facts. The first shot entered his neck and exited his throat. It came from the Dal-Tech building and I believe Charles Nicoletti was the shooter, though it could have been Johnny Roselli who was at his side. The fatal shot that hit the right side of his head did indeed come from the grassy knoll by a man named James Sutton who shortly after the shooting changed his last name to Files. No shot was fired by Oswald, and no shot came from the book depository building. I don't know how to convince people of this, but I 100% believe this to be the truth.
Ответить4.5 yrs old, remembered (in a predominantly Catholic neighbor a few families with 4 or more kids)
Around 5/ 530 pm
The men who were husbands & fathers gathered outside to talk about what was happening.
As a 4 1/2 year old , I saw the neigborhood men (after work )in public
Have tears .
Kennedys were
Youthful married family men like the
Neighborhood men
Raising their children.....just like
The Kennedys .
May be having multiple (known &
Unknown ) shooters available so to better odds as a hit & to
distract e.o.
ОтветитьThe CIA killed Kennedy. Everyone knows this.
ОтветитьBecause the government at the time wanted the Warren Commission to find that Oswald was the long assassin, I feel Kennedy's and Connolly's bodies should be exhumed and reexamined. I think that if objective autopsies were performed that would be the best way to determine what actually happened. So, lets stop the virtually meaningless speculation, and exhume the bodies and let the top forensic lab in the country (as long as it's deemed objective) perform the autopsies.
ОтветитьWhy does their lips not match what we're hearing!?
ОтветитьThere is no evidence of any conspiracy. Zero. This clown has no credibility.
ОтветитьSorry Reiner. An accusation is not evidence.
Ответить3 shooters...Charles Nicoletti, James Earl Files, Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald missed.
ОтветитьThe Meathead makes a few good points...!
ОтветитьSorry Rob, Oswald did it by himself there is no grand conspiracy. Case Closed. Read the book by the same name.
ОтветитьYou have to hand it to Zapruder. A shooter sends a muzzle blast right past Zapruder's head, and he doesn't even flinch (sarcasm). That would have had to happen for the shot Reiner describes. That or people heard an echo coming off the fence, as the TSBD was opposite of it. Those same witnesses ran to the fence and saw no one BTW.
ОтветитьIs this Meathead trying to get some credibility back? After lie after lie about President Trump and Republicans.
ОтветитьI've been to Dealey Plaza and do not understand why, and heck, there is not more of a shrine to JFK. It's a pretty plan.
Meathead is 100 percent correct about the shooter theory from the Texas School Book Depository building. With the weapons made back then the shot would have been impossible for a guy who is not an expert marksmanship.
James Files
ОтветитьOswald was a very good shot and he practiced with the gun he used. I, a 60 year old female, hit a target with a rifle at that distance 3 times. Also having shot a gun only once before. There is a documentary called Case Closed: JFK that answers all your question s